《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》1


Terri P.o.V.

Once I woke up from my parents yelling at each other...again. They're my alarm clock for school. I got changed into my clothes.

I walks downstairs and saw stuff broken and thrown everywhere. I sighed knowing I had to pick it all up. I move here from England to Chicago. I got my bag and keys and went to my car. As I unlocked the car I pulled out my smokes and took one out and put it in my mouth and lit it up and started to drive.

When I arrived at the school,I threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it then I walked into the school and saw no one in the hallways which means I'm late....oh well. I went to the office for my schedule for my classes.

Once they gave me it I started to walk to the class,which is English. I speak English so what's the point of this? Once I found the class and walked in the class.

"Who are you?" The teacher asked me rudely. I glared at her.

"A new student." I snapped with my accent not showing.

"Oh..I'm sorry,what's your name?" He asked me.

"Why does that matter to you?" I asked as the accent showed. He came up to me and grabbed the paper from my hand.

"Terri Smiths." He reads. "Where you from?" He asked.

"None of your business you douche. You can't take something out of someone's hand." I snapped.

"I can see you're going to be another trouble kid in the class." He says and then walks to the front of the class as I went to the back. I'm going to make his career a living hell as long as I am in the class. "Tell the class about yourself." He tells me.

"Fine. I'm Terri. There done." I said to everyone as some people started to laugh.

"Really? I didn't know." HE said sarcastically. "How about something that we don't know about." I groaned and looked at the class.


"I came from Manchester,England. I have a little brother and parents who argue....OH! I got kicked out of my old school....for making the teachers all quit." I told him as I smirk at him and sat down next to a ginger boy.

"I'm Ian Gallagher." The ginger says to me.

"As you know I'm Terri Smith." I told as he chuckles.

"I like your accent." He tells me.

"And I like yours." I told him it might sound flirty though.

"Thanks. I'm going to say this you don't like him do you?" He asked as I shook my head. " As your luck I can help you in this class." I smiled as he says this.

"Good. I'm horrible in this subject." I told. "And if tried to say something about us talking I got it." He gave me a confused look.

"Gallagher,Smith. What are you two talking about?" The teacher asked.

"Jizz. We were talking about jizz." I told him making people laugh in the class.

"You and my brother will get along well." Ian tells me.


After seventh period it was lunch. Ian wanted me to meet his brother considering we have the same lunch. Ian picked me up at my class after the bell rang.

"Okay. So you are telling me that you almost started a fire in the school." Ian says making me nod.

"Well I was ditching class and saw no one in the teachers break room and I was hungry and boom a fire broke out and before anyone knew I ran to my class." I explained to him. We arrived at the lunch room and wasn't much people here.

"What's your best subject?" Ian asked me as we got our food.

"Maths. It's easy for me unlike English. Math is just like a language not many people understand. That make sense?" I told then asked him.

"Yeah. Like how I can't speak Spanish." He tells me as we sat down at a table.

"¿Hola Ian como es su día?" I say in Spanish.


"What?" He asked me.

"I said hi Ian how's your day?" I translated.

"Oh...good. You?" He says.

"In Spanish." I told him.

"Mi esta...." He starts which is a good part. "good." I hit my hand in my face.

"It's Estoy bien." I told him. A guy comes and sits with us.

"Ian who is this?" The guy asked Ian.

"Lip this is Terri. Terri this is my brother Lip." Ian says introducing us.

"Lip?" I asked.

"Its short for Philip." Ian says. I nodded and looked at Lip.

"Are you good in Spanish?" I asked him.

"No and is she the one you said that you both were talking about jizz?" Lip says.

"Yup. I've talked about Jizz before. And sex. And drugs. And also killing people." I told them. They both looked at me. "Don't worry,just get on my good side."

"Wanna come over after school?" Ian asked.

"Sure. I have no other friends so yeah." I said.

"Do you drink?" Lip asked me.

"Yeah. And smoke." I answered. "Why?" I then asked.

"Because that's what we're all going to do." Lip tells me.

"Do you gets do weed?" I asked.

"Why?" They both asked. I grabbed my bag and showed then my bag. "Wow."

"I love you now." Lip says making Ian and I laugh.

"Honey I got more at home." I told him. "Parents use to be drug dealers." I explained a bit.


After school Lip,Ian and I went to my house to get the drugs and some drinks then back to the Gallagher household. Before we walked in the two look at me.

"Our family is a bit....fucked up." They both tell me.

"Okay....and? So is my family I think this'll be fine." I told them. The two looked at each other then at me and walked in. I saw an old man passed out on the couch,third kids in the kitchen and a girl in the kitchen making something.

"Look who finally decided to come home after a few hours." The woman says then turned around. "Oh! Hi. I'm Fiona Lip's and Ian's older sister." She introduces herself.

"Who's the hot girl?" The boy says then got up and walked over to me. "Hey,I'm Carl,baby wanna go up to my room?" He asked earning a smack on the back off his head making me laugh.

"Well,baby,you're to young for me and not my type." I said crouching to his side. "Also you don't look like someone I'd date to be honest." I smirked and got back up and looked at the two brothers to see them both trying not to laugh. "I'm Terri. Just moved here." I introduced.

"Did you came from England?" The young girl asked.

"Yeah. My mum and dad both wanted to get a better job." I said.

"What does your mom and dad work for?" Fiona asked me.

"Drug dealers or alcoholics." I told her. I then pointed at the guy in the couch. "Whos that?" I asked.

"Our dad frank." Carl says. He had beer in his hand and just passed out drunk.

"Remains me of me." I said.

"What do you mean?" Lip asked me.

"I always come home drunk and then passed out on the couch. Okay maybe not always but sometimes." I explained.

"Why?" The little girl asked.

"Never got your name." I told her.

"Debbie." She tells me.

"Because parents,school...life." I said loud.

"Well we'll be up in our room." Ian says changing the topic.

"Okay." Fiona says. Us three went up in their room and Ian closed the door.

"So Ian you said you'll help me with English." I told him.

"Oh yeah but you wanted us to get high first right?" Ian asked as he grabs some weed.

"Nooooo I want help with it before I forget." I said taking away the weed.

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