《Tear It Apart⇸Finnick Odair [2]》20
There's no shortage of people that rush to help her with the small details of the wedding that Plutarch had tried to turn into a very regal, celebratory Capitol affair. It was perhaps the sole thing she had agreed with Coin about, that theyre wasn't a need to spend needlessly when the weddings she was familiar with of 10 relied on the people opposed to anything else. District 4 wasn't all that different that they needed fancy things, Finnick certainly didn't as he aaz just content to go around telling people he was getting married. He didn't need decorations that the citizens of 13 volunteered to make by hand, or the choir of children willing to sing 4's wedding song.
Terra knew it was going to be more than she could have imagined, better than she could have imagined, as she was constantly approached by people asking her opinion - mostly by those brave enough to seek her out when she wasn't found in the dining hall where everything was being set up. Still, she had to thank them when a few came to her and asked how to cure meats the way they did in 10 and Terra ended up spending the afternoon in the kitchen helping them cook.
"How aren't you going crazy?" Katniss asks her softly, eyeing the people that ran around them. "I've been gone a few days and come back to an entirely different place."
"Apparently they don't have many festivities around here," Terra tells her.
"You can tell," Katniss mumbles and she snorts, ducking her head to hide her laughter from the group that passed them by.
"Oh, um, I know you've grown to be a good friend to Finnick, and I know that you're probably going to have a place in the fun," Terra begins, wringing her hands nervously, "But I wanted to warn you that I've asked if Peeta can come."
The Mockingjay stiffens, a glaze passing over her eyea and she's quick to say more in reassurance.
"He's been doing very well lately. They've been giving him therapy, and though it hasn't worked just yet to help him, I can recognize him more. He's in there, Katniss, I can see it even if he's having trouble," she says sincerely, gently touching the pther girls hand. "I had grown close to him as well, when we were gone. He cared for me when I was hurt, he helped me see reason, and I can't just, I want him to be there because I don't know if I'd be here without him, Katniss."
"Terra . . . " Katniss shifts nervously, looking to her face with a tight expression. "He can be . . . dangerous."
"I know. I know. Don't worry, okay? All I did was ask so there's no guarantee he'll be there, but if he is, I promise he won't hurt anyone. I'll keep an eye on him personally if I have to."
"It's okay, T. I- Peeta deserves to be there. I'll just make sure to keep out of sight."
"Thank you, Katniss, for understanding. I was worried you'd boycott the wedding," she teased, nudging the younger girl.
"I think I'd boycott the camera's more than anything else."
"The cameras don't bother me all that much anymore, you know? I'm so used to them now that it's just the people behind them that upset me."
"I used to hate seeing you," Katniss tells her. "In those stupid dresses doing whatever the Capitol wanted. I hated you. I didn't know what it was really like until the Quell at least."
Terra smiles softly. "I felt the same way. I hated how you rushed everything, even if you didn't know what you were doing. And I couldn't stand how bad your acting was. You might have loved Peeta then, but you didn't do a very good job at showing it."
"I'm sorry. If I had done a better job then nothing would have happened to you, the other Victors wouldn't have died. I'm sorry," she apologizes, her voice growing hoarse the longer she speaks.
Terra pulls her forward, hugging her as tightly as she could. "It's okay. No one blames you, Katniss. No one blames you for something that Snow did."
She nods against her shoulder, returning the gesture shyly until someone behind them cleared their throat breaking them apart.
The air leaves her in a rush as she turn to see the tight, tired face of her mother standing with her hands loosely at her side. Her hair was tugged up in a bun, perfectly placed, and she can't shake the urge to finger her own hair loose around her shoulders.
"Terra, dear, I was hoping we may have a moment," her mother says, standing tall with an undeserved pride and dignity. Lori Combe had always carried herself with an air of superiority, a snobbish, if loving, demeanor that had earned her the attention of many, even after she was married.
She knew that her mother fancied herself too good for anyone other than the man she married, but she also knew that her mother wasn't exactly the saint she made herself out to be.
"Mother. What are you doing here?" She asks shortly.
"I've been meaning to come see you since I heard news of your return. I figured I had the opportunity after your squabble with Lenna and news of your impending nuptials," Lori talks like she's informing her of the weather and Terra has a hard time swallowing her words.
Lori was different from when they had last spoken, back to when she had returned from her own Games. She had been in tears then, crying over ghe perceived loss of a child, but then she had at least been caring, if not a little distant. Now it was like speaking to a stranger.
"Squabble?" She breathes in disbelief. "Lenna attacked me, mother! Unprovoked might I add!"
"She was upset over Colin and Breena, you can't fault Lenna her emotions," Lori says dismissively and had she been a weaker person still vying for the approval of her family then she surely would have shriveled under her sharp gaze and folded easily.
"I cam fault her many things. I had nothing to do with Father or Breena or anything that you assume to have happened in District 10," Terra argues, stomping her foot and she feels surge pass over her, a burn in her bones that urges her to just lash out.
A haze of red clouds her vision and she nearly hits Katniss when she puts a calming hand on her arm, anger leeching from her.
"Think what you wish, Mother, but I will not let you speak to me like that any longer. You're welcome to my wedding, all of you, but I won't stand for you making some sort of spectacle."
"I actually wished to speak to you of your wedding."
"What of it?"
"Are you sure you wish to marry Finnick? It would be a great responsibility. Are you ready for that?"
Terra gaped at her, blinking stupidly as she tried to process what what was being implied because it didn't make sense for people to doubt that her love, nor did it make any sense that they would presume her undeserving. Terra knew Finnick was too gpod for her, but that was because she knows him better than anyone else. Lori's doubts, whatever they may be, were based on every prejudice that they had spoken of her in District 10. Only her district, her family, would belittle a Victor, one that had given everything that she had to keep her family and home safe, given everything to the rebels and lost herself.
She was just as much a Victor and hero as the others despite what they may think.
Shaking her head to clear the jumbling thoughts that weren't making any sense, Terra stepped away with a frown, turning her attention to those working on decorations around them.
"Marrying him isn't a responsibility. Marrying Finnick is being happy with the man I love, eternal commitment and dedication to him," Terra corrected gently. "I've been ready for this since the first moment I knew that I loved him and I'm not going to back out of it because you might not think I deserve him."
She turns fully, breathing deeply through her nose to steady herself as she begins to walk away.
"Goodbye, mother."
A bubble of laughter burst from glimmering lips parted wide that cut into rose kissed cheeks. Terra pressed a hand to cover the action, head ducking to hide the twinkling mirth in her eyes, and she shoved him forward pushing him out of her space as he leaned down, whispering words that made her heart flutter with each careful syllable.
She had been caught watching his mouth as he spoke, tracking each word that kissed his tongue, and Finnick wasn't shy to tease her relentlessly for it, dropping his mouth down near hers tauntingly.
"It's not too late to let me steal you away. My floor is miraculously empty," he offers, insinuating in the very same way he did each time they say each other in the Capitol - which was really more than any of the other Victors from different Districts, but it was always a special case for the pretty ones that were needed more often than the others.
"It's not appropriate," she chastises, looking around him over his shoulder to the other Mentors that sat carching up, waiting for training to be done for the day.
"They hardly care about anything we do, Terra. Don't worry about what they think."
She looks to Marium speaking with Haymitch, laughing as he continued to offer her drinks while he raved some nonsense about this being an opportunity to be away from her kids for a bit. Terra thought it was in poor taste, but Haymitch had always been prone to speaking his mind whenever he wished.
No one would really miss them if they did run off, amd as long as they stayed within the training center then they couldn't really get in trouble.
Grinning, Terra snatched his hand and tugged him along, yanking him from the room without a word and lead him through the halls until they came to the elevators.
"Where to?" She wondered.
"Mine or yours?" He asked cheekily and Terra crinkles her nose, hitting the button for her floor in time for him to back her up against the doors, mouth coming down to cover hers, and Terra grabs at any part of him that she could reach, letting herself be pushed upeard until her legs were tightly wound around his waste and his hands were exploring beneath her dress.
Her mind was always so clear when she was with him, all her troubles fading away until Terra felt completely like herself.
"I hate being away from you, Terra, I can't stand it," he presses the words into her mouth.
A hand comes up slowly, sliding into his neat hair and pulls him away to pant, fotehead falling to rest against his. Finncik's breath brushed over her just as harsh as her own, and Terra nearly closes the gap, gasping to drink him in some more.
It's harder than she wishes to admit to speak, words sitting uselessly on her tongue as she tries to force them out.
"I love you," Terra croaks, voice strangled followed by a squeak at the end.
Finnick nearly drops her. "What?"
"I love you?" She says it more hesitantly this time, uncertain.
"You love me?" Finnick breathes. "Really?"
He crashes forward, kissing her passionately, and she can see the furrow in his brow. He nips at her lip, sucking it between his teeth in a sloppy embrace.
They pull apart when the door opens and they go stumbling through, his hand shooting out to the wall to catch them. He carries her to one of the low couches, dropping her down and hovering above her, the light shining down around him.
"I love you too, Terra."
Shaking fingers brushed over the length of the white dress, a feathery touch scared to ruin the embroidery work done onto the dress. It was a District 10 style gown, an older fashion that had a straight skirt that stopped mid-calf with a tight bodice that traveled up to the column of her throat, sleeveless as it was typically encouraged to wear animal skin over.
It was a gift from someone in 10 who had taken refuge in 13, obviously, who had thought to pack it for sentimental purposes, and Terra had nearly cried when Marium had presented it to her with a watery smile.
Annie stood at her side, brushing tears away as Johanna muttered something about leaving to see Finnick. Katniss' styling team flutters around her, carefully pulling her hair up into twin buns that displayed the braids that Annie had worked into her hair.
"You don't look like you belong in a District 4 wedding," Annie chuckles, squeezing her friend's hand.
"You don't look like you're meant for District 10 either," Marium comments, straining out her hair.
"I think that's a good thing,' Terra admits.
She traces the scars at her wrist, visible through the thin material and frowns at the ones on her ankles displayed with the simply flats that someone had dug up for her - at least the one at her neck was partially covered.
"You look beautiful."
Terra meets her brother's eyes in the mirror hesitantly after the last encounters with her family.
"I brought you something," Henrik tells her, and she watches as he pulls out a patchwork leather strip, offering it to her soundlessly. "Dad had been working on it for you after the Quell ended. They wanted to take us all away, but he insisted on staying a little longer. He died in the stampede with Breena and her husband. Tilly lost her husband too. She's sorry she hasn't come to apologize yet."
Terra takes it soundlessly and eyes the size carefully before wrapping it around her waist, tying it in place tightly.
"Thank you."
"Of course. I know you've found yourself a new family after what we've put you through, but if you'll allow, I'd like the honour of giving you away," Henrik offers his hand to her and she takes in graciously, moving forward to butt her head against his gently.
"Come on," Marium says, motioning for Annie and the stylist to follow. "We better get situated so they can start."
"Wait! I have something for you, T!" The redhead turns, pulling out a knotted shawl. "It belonged to Mags. Marlon brought it with him when they ran. And this, they got it from Finnick's place."
She's given a pretty necklace with a pearl hanging in the middle with two shells on each side, simple and pretty how she likes all her things, and Terra sniffles softly as she puts it on, placing it so it hangs below the hollow of her throat.
"There. Now you look more like yourself," Annie tells her, kissing her cheek before rushing off.
The shawl is placed loosely around her shoulders and she nods at her reflection.
"We should go too. Don't want to be late to your own wedding," Henrik jokes and she snorts, accepting his arm and together they leave the room.
The halls are empty and quiet, only the sound of their feet echoing against the stone flooring, bringing them closer too the dining hall, and she could hear the excited chatter growing louder. Terra could feel her heart pounding against her ribs, a suffocating happiness blooming in her chest, pressing against her lungs.
"You ready?" Henrik asks softly, stopping them just at the mouth of the hall.
She pulls him forward and he lets her lead them, a hurried skip in her step as they move down the aisle of standing people on each side, rushing to reach him - and Finnick looks a godly image standing at the end in a soft off-white outfit, his dimpled smile turned to her beaming at her like it was the sun, his eyes washing over her with a loving gleam.
Henrik slows her, keeps her pace as the District 4 wedding song is sung beautifully. As they reach the end he stops her early, turning her so she faces the people standing at the front. Marium is the first one forward, moving to place brush her cheek against her own, butting their heads together, and Terra cries silently, moving along to Cornell next, and their children. There are people from District 10 there, moving to brush her arms as she paces, touching the bride and whispering well-wishes for the couple - a chain that Lenna had taunted her with, had claimed she would never be allowed. Haymitch brushes a hand across her shoulder, smiling softly, Beetee shakes her hand, Wilber stares hard before leaning to her and brushing his forehead against her own. There is Gale and Katniss, awkward but willing, and Johanna that grabs her elbow and shakes it. Her sister Tilly is standing uncomfortably, placing a hand against Terra's stomach and wishing for health, her nieces and nephews rush around her wishing for love and happiness - Mella tugs her hand, wishing to be lifted, and Terra can't help herself, she holds the girl to her chest and let's her tears fall freely in her hair. Peeta places a hand to her back, giving her a small hug; Annie forgoes it all and throws herself at her with a sharp laugh before falling back, eyes going distant and Terra hides her smile when Johanna moves to support her.
Lori wipes away her tears, crying softly. "Your father would be proud."
And then she's standing in front of Finnick, hands shaking in his, and everything blurs as the District 4 wedding words are being spoken, vows shared, and Terra is unable to look away from him, getting lost in his eyes all over again.
'I love you,' he mouths the words, grinning stupidly at her.
'I love you, too.'
"You may now seal your union."
Finnick kissed her, his heartbeat thrumming under her hand, and Terra never wanted this moment to end.
This is a longer than usual so sorry for that
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