《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》love.


"Here queen." Audrina gave me a piece of a cake she had been baking. She smiled as I took my first bite, giggling to herself.

I slowly chewed, afraid she had put something in it. I smiled, it was actually really good.

"I didn't expect that." I said to her, going in for a second bite. She rolled her eyes and stored the cake in a nice container.

"Anyways," she got a fork and sat next to me, we shared the slice.

"How are things going with you and Noah?" She asked.

"We're doing great, it's been fun." I smiled, thinking of all our time together.

I blushed, and pressed my tongue against the roof of my mouth to keep me from laughing. He just made me feel so giddy.

"Oh that's awesome." She smiled at me, her face examining mine.

"Why do you ask?" I wondered why she suddenly brought it up.

"I don't know, I feel like you guys don't see each other as often. Maybe it's just me though."

"What? We see each other all the time!" I said. My face fell when I realized the last time I saw him was almost a week ago. He hadn't even texted me.

"Woah." I frowned, looking over at Audrey.

"It's not a bad, thing, but I thought you guys maybe had a fight or something."

"No, we aren't fighting at all." I said.

"I'm sorry if I made you worry or something I didn't mean to." Her voice was concerned, she leaned over to look at my face.

"No it's fine, but maybe I should call him or something." I thought hard.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." Audrina rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. I shook my head.


"He's probably busy, it's fine." I laughed it off. I was worried though. Everytime I thought about Noah I got a knot in my stomach. I felt multiple feelings, both good and bad.

"Hey Audrina," I turned to her, watching her mouth curve into a smile.


"Maybe I shouldn't ask you, because you're younger than me, but..." I bit my tongue. I really didn't have anyone else to ask. If I asked Tiffany, she would give me some dumb answer I could never relate to.

"What's it like to be in love?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't laugh in my face.

Her expression softened, making me feel a little more confident.

"I wouldn't really know. But I think it's when you want to be with someone no matter what. Like, when all you want is to be there for them and give them hugs all day and stuff." She rubbed the nape of her neck, looking at the ground.

"Oh. I think I love Noah." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up after I said it.

"I think you do too." She smiled at me.

"Fuck." I rubbed my face, leaning back in my chair.

"Do I tell him?" I asked, feeling heat in my chest. I don't know what to do.

"Not yet. I don't know do it on like, a special day. Like your anniversary or something." She said, finishing the last few bites of cake.

"Its too early for this." I groaned, walking to the bathroom and starting the shower.

The house was quiet for the rest of day, making me nervous for whatever reason.

Audrina was out doing who knows what, she was so discreet nowadays. It almost made me worry.

"Hey what are you doing today?" I asked Tiffany as she went through clothes in her closet.


"Oh, well, all of us decided to go out today. It's a Friday so we're taking advantage of that." Tiffany said, picking out her clothes for later.

"All of us are going? Even Noah and I?" I didn't hear any news about this until now.

"Yeah, call him and tell him. I asked Ryan to tell him but he said he couldn't get ahold of him. Neither could Nat."

"Oh, I'll go right now I guess." I walked out of her room and grabbed the car keys. Ryan couldn't get ahold of Noah? Why?

I texted Noah that I would show up, but he didn't even see it. I ran my hand through my hair, wondering if I should be concerned or not.


"Noah? It's me!" I knocked on his door. I knew he was inside, his car was in the driveway. I knocked again, this time getting worried.

"Noah?" I was about to give up and call him when I heard the lock turn.

When he opened the door I stepped back, surprised.

His hair was messy, tangled. His eyes were red and tired. He hadn't been sleeping. His shoulders were slumped, another sign of no sleep.

"Woah, are you okay?" I quickly rushed into his apartment, hearing him shut the door behind me.

I inhaled the crisp air, but it went straight to the back of my mind.

"Sit." I patted the couch next to me. I need to know what's going on.

"Are you okay?" I asked as soon as he sat down, his expressionless face was killing me.

"Noah? Is there something wrong?" I cupped his jaw in my hand, and looked into his glossy eyes. He looked exhausted. It broke my heart.

"I'm here for you. We'll get through it." I clenched his hands, they were freezing cold.

I've never seen him like this, he looked miserable. He was pale and cold. Was he sick? No, he would have told me.

"Baby what's wrong?" I frowned, urging him to tell me what's troubling him. I need to know. Please.

"I-I have something to tell you." His voice was low and hoarse. That's the first time I've heard him speak so far.

"Tell me. Whatever it is we can work through it." I bit my tongue. I pushed all the negative thoughts out of my head. No way could he be doing something that bad.

His eyes looked down, from this angle I saw how puffy they were.

My love... it really hurt me to see him so messed up. Maybe I should call Tiffany and tell her I'm staying with Noah.

"Noah, everything is okay." I pulled him in for a hug. He didn't hug me back.

"You promise you won't leave?" He said, looking at the ground.

Fuck, now he was scaring me.

"I promise. I'll stay." I felt like crying, every minute that passed, another piece of my heart broke. But I'm here for him. No matter what.

He finally met my worried gaze. And I felt myself begin to break.


He was interrupted by his buzzing phone next to us.

I nervously whimpered as I watched him push away the phone, his expression only getting worse.


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