《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》Ashley.


I felt his whole body tense up. He was nervous, scared. I have never seen him like this.

"Noah?" I took my eyes off the hidden phone. I ignored all the red flags in my mind telling me I knew exactly what was going on.

There was a logical explanation for this.

I ignored all the signals saying I should take his phone and question who ever texted him.

"Something happened. A-and I didn't tell you." He said, his voice trembling.

He couldn't look at my eyes, even though I was looking at him with concern he ignored me.

"Tell me now. Please tell me." I breathed out, my breath shaking. I grabbed his hand, attempting to warm it up. It was ice cold, a sign he hasn't been taking care of himself.

I took in his look. His messy hair, more tangled than usual. His sleepy eyes looked bruised and puffy. His jaw was scruffy and unshaven. His nose was also a light shade of red. Did he make himself sick?

I heard you could make your self sick if your emotional state is deteriorating.

Noah... what was weighing on him? What could possibly be making him literally physically ill.

I had a horrible feeling in my stomach, I had horrid moths flying around and wreaking havoc on my insides.

"Babe-" I scooted closer, trying my best to offer comfort.

He turned his head once I said that, eyes still avoiding mine.

"Ashley saw us. At the protests." He said. He still didn't look up at me.

I sharply inhaled hearing her name. I really don't like her.

Before he could further elaborate, his phone buzzed again. In that moment, he flinched, feeling tense.

"I'm sorry." He shakily inhaled, watching my attention avert to the phone.

"Noah, don't make me go through your phone to figure out what's wrong." I said, feeling thunder clouds form deep within me.

"I can't say it." He said, handing me his unlocked phone.

I felt tears rim my eyes as I started to piece everything together.


I hesitantly took the phone, taking my eyes off his to scroll through it.

It vibrated again, in my hand.

I clicked the notification, feeling my eyes burn.

"Noah I don't understand. What does it mean?" I sniffled, trying to keep my frustration in. I felt a lump grow in my throat.

"She's blackmailing me." He started, staring at his phone in my hands.

"She told me she would turn us in unless I..." he stopped.

"Keep going." My voice quivered. I mentally punched myself for not staying strong.

"Fuck, I don't know how to say this, Melanie." He finally looked up at me. His eyes were sad, angry, and held so much emotion.

I don't know if I should feel bad or be angry.

"Just say it. It doesn't matter." I told him. I didn't look at his phone, it felt wrong to do so.

"She's blackmailing me. I promise it didn't mean anything and it was jus-"

"What?" I stopped him, my heart beating out of my chest. I knew exactly what he meant, but I don't want to believe it.

"Elaborate." I huffed, pulling my hand from his and crossing it over my chest.

"Melanie, please I didn't have a choice. I-I promise it didn't-"

"So," I interrupted his sentence, not wanting to hear his dumb voice anymore.

What the fuck.

"Everytime I called you, everytime you told me you were out with friends, everytime we were apart... you were with her?" My voice quivered, I tried hard not to sound weak. He didn't deserve to watch me crumble at his words.

"Babe I didn't want to." His voice was also soft, it was a battle to see who would break first.

"You can't call me that anymore." I said, avoiding his gaze. I shifted away from him, trying my best to collect my thoughts.

"I want you to tell me exactly what you did to her." I said, pushing away the sadness and focusing on my anger.



"What did you do instead of finding another solution to the problem?" I bit my lip. My voice was getting weaker.

"Please don't make me say it." His voice was hurt, but I really don't care. He didn't get to be sad about cheating on me. That's not how it works.

"What did you do!?" I raised my voice, making myself flinch. Fuck.

"I had sex with her."

"What the fuck Noah?!" My heart dropped, there was a lump in my throat. I felt like absolute shit.

I stood up and turned around, letting a tear escape from my eye. Damn it. What am I going to do?

"Melanie I'm so sorry." His voice whispered behind me, unable to go any higher. Fuck.

"No, you don't get to be sorry," I turned around, who gives a fuck if I cry in front of him.

"You could have told me! You could have done literally anything else!" I threw my fists up in the air.

"I would get arrested, Mel, it's not that simple." His voice gained courage as he stood up with me, his phone still in his hand. It vibrated again, which made me nauseous.

"You would've gone again if I didn't show up." I stared in disbelief. I let my eyes cry, and I watched his face soften.

He had never really seen me cry, not like this anyways. He broke my spirit.

"No, I wouldn't have. I swear-"

"Fuck you." My voice finally broke, and I fell apart.

"When you see Ashley tonight, tell her she won. She can have you." I told him and turned to leave, my tears straining my face.

"Melanie let me tell you everything. Please don't leave."

"There's nothing left to say, is there? You fucked her and then you act like nothing happened. You would look at me in the face everyday and lie to me." I put my hand over my chest to feel my heart. It was going way too fast. I need to calm down damn it.

"I regret it all. I treat myself like shit because of it." He reached to grab my hand, but I backed away, hitting the wall behind me.

"No. You aren't the victim in this situation. Don't you dare." I cried. God, I hated this so much.

"I'm not trying to be, I'm just explaining the situation to you." He looked down at my feet, his hair moved freely and loosely.

I can't decide what I feel. I hate seeing him like this. I want to go back. I should've seen the signs and listened to them. Fuck.

"Melanie I need you. Please." He looked up at me, his eyes were glossy and red, much like mine. I can't believe I was considering forgiving him. It wasn't his fault...

Yes it was.

"How many times?" I crossed my arms over my chest, sniffling. My nose burned, I need a tissue.

"Three times." He looked away from my judgmental gaze.

"Oh my God." I weeped.

"Not once, but three times? What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed at him. I was done being nice. He stuck his dick in her three fucking times.

"Melanie I-"

I walked up to him and slapped him. At this point, my body was moving on it's own.

"Everything we had is done." I spat, making my most evil eyes.

"Melanie please." He pleaded, not being phased by the slap in the face.

"I loved you Noah. I came here to tell you that." I said, feeling defeated. I dropped the 'angry bitch' act and let myself be sad. Whatever. I looked at my feet, watching the tears hit the wooden floor.

"Hope you have fun tonight."

And that was that.

I left, slamming the door behind me.


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