《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》ship.


Tiffany smiled as she looked down at her phone, her white screen illuminating her face.

"What're you doin'?" I plopped down next to her, looking over at her phone.

"Um, excuse you. Privacy." She leaned away from me, clutching her phone in her chest. Something was definitely up.

"Is it a guy?" I raised my brow. I didn't completely believe she was talking to a guy. Ever since she had met Natalie, she's been happier, and on the phone with her more.

I hoped she didn't feel like I would judge her for anything. I hoped she knew I would always love her, no matter what.

"No... it's Natalie." She said, her cheeks turning red.

"Of course, you guys are so cute." I smirked at her, crossing my legs.

"Don't say that, I'm not into her or anything. I like boys, remember." She bonked my head with her fist, her face now a deep shade of crimson. I frowned, maybe I was wrong.

It sounded like she was saying that to herself more than she was to me.

"Right, I know." I sighed, walking away so she could continue talking to Natalie about who knows what.

"I ship them so hard." Audrina leaned over the counter, stuffing her face with a bowl of popcorn.

"Nat and Tiff?" I laughed, taking a handful if popcorn for myself.

"Duh, don't you?" She looked up at me, crumbs falling through her lips.

"Kinda. Tiff doesn't even see it though." I shrugged. Of course, it seemed wrong to ship two seemingly straight people together, but it seemed so obvious that they were interested in each other. It didn't take an idiot to understand that.

"You excited? For mom and dad to meet Noah?" She laughed and sat on the counter, shoving her butt across the counter until her back hit the wall.


"I'm nervous. But I feel like he's dealt with this before." I said, chewing the inside of my cheek.

"I'm sure he has, a man like that has definitely broken hearts before." Audrina spoke of him as if he was a celebrity.

"Damn." She smiled and looked up at the ceiling, sighing heavily. "Could you imagine?"

"Do you have a crush on my man?" I gasped, laughing out loud as I slapped her face jokingly.

"Doesn't everyone?" She winked at me, jumping off the counter.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, trying thinking of a comeback.

"Thought you liked Ryan, you whore." I said out loud.

"He's hot as fuck, duh." She laughed, throwing her head back.

"With his dreads and his big arms." She giggled like a schoolgirl crushing on a celebrity.

"Oh my God, keep your fantasies to yourself!" I shook the image out of my head. Ryan was definitely attractive, but he didn't make me feel the same way Noah did. Ryan had A definite sexual desirability. Noah had both that sort of sexual and romantic appeal that I loved.

"Whatever. You know its true." She took a water out of the fridge and walked to the guest room, kicking her shoes off in the hallway.


I scrolled through my empty instagram feed. I didn't follow many people, just my few friends and family. Some celebrities I supported. I looked at the news tab on twitter, being bored out of my mind.

The number one trending topic was "spec ops guy"

My eyes widened in shock when I pressed the tab.

It was endless edits and images of Noah, or otherwise known as Tank at the protests.

I gasped out loud, looking at all the thirst tweets from underage girls. I wasn't really jealous, maybe just a bit shocked.


"I would let this dude rail me until my legs fell off." I said out loud, my blood running cold. The girl that tweeted this wasn't even old enough to drink.

What would they say if they knew I was with him? If they saw what he actually looked like, or felt his touch. Imagine if it were them, not me.

"He can hit it for free." I said another tweet out loud, scrunching up my face.

Almost 200k likes. Wow. I should tell Noah he's famous, it was both him and Ryan. People just loved masculine men in masks. I couldn't blame them, the first time I saw Noah, I was attracted to the mystery of it all.

I took a screenshot and sent it to Noah

My hear fluttered at that text. I got butterflies, making me clench my stomach.

I didn't text back, feeling my cheeks heat up. I criss-crossed my legs.

I almost screamed and threw my phone. He was unbelievable.

I squealed in frustration into my pillow, kicking my feet up in the air.

"What the hell!" I said to myself, turning off my phone and giggling.

I was definitely lucky, those girls on twitter had absolutely no idea.

"What are you blabbing about?" Tiffany walked in and threw herself on my bed dramatically, snatching my phone from my hand.

She knew my password, fuck. I didn't want her to read the intimate conversation Noah and I had.

"No no, give it back!" I nearly screamed, wrestling her to get it back. She jumped all over my bed, smiling at my phone and silently reading.

"MELANIE!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, making me groan and bury my head in a pillow.

"You are such a baddie." She laughed, still reading.

"Girl, is this what was going on yesterday?" She asked me, still laughing. My face the redder than it has ever been with embarrassment.

"Mind your business you bitch." I laughed and snatched my phone away.

"I see, I've learned my lesson. I'm such a hypocrite. " Tiffany sighed and laughed, nudging my shoulder.

"Oh my god, don't ever talk about this again." I slapped my hand on my forehead and fell back on my bed.

"Talk about what? You being and absolute queen and getting that neck from Noah?" She giggled and scrolled through her phone.

"You know what? You shouldn't be talking when you won't let me even see your phone." I narrowed my eyes at her, staring at the white screen.

"Well, I guess you'll have to just catch it when you can." She smirked and tapped away on her phone.

"That's not fair!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Well," Tiffany started, searching for the words in her head.

"I don't have an excuse maybe I'll let you one day babe." She mocked my given pet name and laughed out loud.

I groaned and continued looking at the endless thirst tweets, occasionally liking some I thought were funny.

"Was he good?" She said, breaking the long silence between us.

"Yeah...." I sighed and looked up at her, making us both laugh.


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