《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》pressure.


The pounding in my head woke me up. I stared at the ceiling for a while, trying ignore the pain but I just needed some sort of medicine. What even happened last night? I didn't remember anything after Noah and I's encounter. My cheeks blushed at the thought.

I sat up, immediately wincing and rubbing my fingers over my temples. This was exactly why I didn't want to drink, why I absolutely hated the morning after.

I heard chatter from the living room, so I walked over to them, still in my dress from last night. My feet ached, being in heels all night wasn't ideal.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Audrina walked over to me and handed me a cup of coffee, leading me to the kitchen table do I could sit down. Tiffany was there, looking absolutely miserable. She partied all night, without any rest at all.

"Morning." She tried to smile but it looked almost passive.

"What time did you sleep?" I yawned, thanking Audrina for the piece of toast she set in front of me.

"Like at 3. Natalie offered to stay but they left anyways." She lazily took another sip of coffee.

"I told them to rest after they helped with clean up. Noah tucked you in." Audrina sat next to us, her voice as perky as ever.

She didn't drink last night, thank God. She was the only stable person in the whole house right now.

"Oh, I need to call him later." I rubbed my eyes with my palm and sat back. Audrina gave me a red and blue pill.

"You'll feel better." She giggled and took a sip of her coffee. I needed a shower.

"I'll be back." I trudged down the hall into the bathroom and took a nice, long, hot shower. I absolutely felt better when I came out, I could almost smile.


I walked into the living room, seeing Tiffany on facetime with probably Natalie, and Audrina on the phone.

"Alright, I'll let her know. Love you!" Audrina hung up the phone and walked towards me.

"Mom and dad wanna have dinner with you and your boyfriend." Audrina playfully poked my shoulders and laughed. My eyes widened, there were two things wrong with what she just said:

"Why didn't you tell me they were in town? We have an extra room they could've stayed in!" I scoffed and frowned. They knew my house was their house anytime they were in town.

"With that party last night? You're lucky they decided to stay in a hotel." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

"And they want to see my boyfriend? I don't have one." I brought up another point, narrowing my eyes down at her.

"Oh please, you and Noah want to eat each others faces everytime you look at each other. Don't even try to fake it." She waved her finger in my face with a smug smirk. Maybe she wasn't wrong, but I had never thought of him as a boyfriend.

Maybe as a possible romantic interest, but our relationship hasn't evolved that far. At least I think so.

"Whatever, we can't today. Maybe tomorrow." I rolled my eyes. I wanted to see my parents, but not with Noah. They would ask how we met and then what would they think? I would have to talk to him before even thinking of meeting them.

"What?" His voice was groggy, I could tell he wasn't feeling so hot either.

"I know this is weird, but my parents want to meet you." I clenched my jaw and.

"Okay. Is that it?" He blankly responded.


"What? Yeah, I thought you would I don't know.... freak out?" I was caught totally off guard by his nonchalant response.

"Why would I freak out? They're your parents." He said, the tone in his voice both questioning and amused.

"Well, you don't think it's too soon? I don't want to put any pressure on you." I said lowly, biting my nails.

"You seem more nervous than I do. It's not a big deal babe." He laughed, making me suspiciously frustrated. Maybe I did need to calm down.

"I'm not pressured at all."

"I'm just scared they won't like you or you won't like them." I said nervously.

"Oh please, mothers love me." He joked, making me laugh a bit.

"Noah, I said we'd meet them tomorrow. Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Will you be okay? You seem tense."

"This is about you. I just-"

"You just nothing. Relax. Worst case scenario is they decide they don't want us together. I doubt it though." He reassured me that I really didn't have anything to worry about. I smiled, he was so thoughtful. I hung up the call feeling better, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

I mean, they would have to meet eventually. It's better they do it sooner than later.

I was more concerned about my dad. He was the definition of strict. It's a miracle Audrina hasn't ever been caught sneaking out before.

Noah was...well, he didn't look like a bad person but he definitely was not the 'dream good boy' my father had in mind for me.

"So? What'd he say?" Audrina held her head in her hands, leaning her elbows against the table.

"He wasn't worried about it. He said it wasn't a big deal and that it would go great." I sighed and smiled.

"He's got a point. You looked like you were about to cry earlier." She laughed out loud. I raised my brow at her, rolling my eyes.

She could be so annoying sometimes.

"Well, I called and they said they were good for tomorrow." She stood up and went to the pantry for a snack.

"Great." I shrank in my seat, trying to envision the best case scenario that could happen tomorrow.


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