《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》twist.


"What are we making?" I asked Noah as I pulled up various recipes on my phone. We needed something light, something fun to set the mood.

"See if you can find anything with fruit." Noah said, taking different types of fruit out of the shopping bags.

"What's jungle juice?" I asked outloud, showing the online receipe to Noah.

"Its good, you'll like it." He assured me.

"Ready?" I asked before saying everything.

"Orange juice, cranberry juice, club soda, lemonade, fruit punch, sliced strawberries, oranges, vodka and rum." I said, watching Noah frantically move around the kitchen to get everything.

It definitely sounded good, but I knew vodka was heavy.

"Slice strawberries." Noah handed me a sharp knife.

"Are we gonna have enough?" I questioned, carefully slicing the knife through the soft fruit.

"I'm sure we will. This is at least three gallons." Noah tossed the orange slices inside the big jug, waiting for me to finish.

We heard roaring laughter erupt from another room in the house. The noise startled me, making me gasp out loud. It was probably Tiffany and Natalie, laughing at each other like they always did.

"Alright, what's next?" Noah mixed the fruity concoction, releasing a sweet aroma into the air. I read the next recipe.


"My fingers are raw." I let go of the knife after slicing countless batches of different fruits.

"Same." Noah went to rinse his hands with cold water.

I looked over at Ryan and Audrina, they were working intently on their playlist, talking to each other quietly. I narrowed my eyes at them, watching how she shuffled closer to him, and touched his arm when he made a joke and she laughed.

"Let them be." Noah snuck up behind me and startled me. He looked over my shoulder at them.

"I can't, I'm just looking out for her." I rubbed my hand up and down my arm, looking back up at Noah.

"As much of an asshole as he is, he's a great guy. I can assure you."

"I'm sure he is. I haven't seen it yet." I huffed and cleaned up our work station. We made at least 4 jugs of alcoholic fruit drinks. Definitely more than enough.

Tiffany burst in, taking me by my hand into her room.

I shrugged my shoulders at Noah, unsure where Tiffany was taking me or what she needed me for.

"Can you help me get ready? I don't know what to wear!" She pulled out three dresses, laying them out on her bed.


"I think this one would look nice." I picked up a navy blue strapless dress and hung it next to her.

"Yeah, I like it. What's Natalie wearing?" I looked at the rest of the dresses.

"I let her borrow that red one that was off the shoulder we bought last year. She's putting it on." She smiled at me, taking off her shirt and slipping the dress over her head. She didn't even have the decency to turn around but I was used to it.

I looked away, waiting until she was done to leave.

"I'm changing, I'll be right out." I shouted across the hall to her, locking myself in my room.

I looked in my closet until I found a short, satin slip dress. I bought it a long time ago, but I had never worn it. Now seemed like the appropriate time.

I quickly put it on and admired how I looked in it. I loved how the fabric lightly hung off my hips, but was still tight enough to give me shape. I liked how the straps were thin and dainty, and the chest area wasn't too tight.

I quickly checked the time, it was 4:04, we all finished just in time.

I put on some mascara and lined my eyes with eyeliner. I blended some concealer under my eyes and on my chin. I packed some highlighter on my cheekbones and put a dot on my nose.

I put tinted lipgloss on and I was done, it never took too long to do my makeup for events.

I chose black strappy heels to match the dress, and decided to keep my hair down and curl it. Hopefully I didn't outshine Tiffany with how good I looked.


I snuck out of my room to go into Tiffany's room, she looked incredible. Natalie did too, they really cleaned up well.

"I just got texts, people are here already!" She squealed, running out the door past me. I was about to go follow her but the music was already loud and people came flooding in.

"Ryan, can you make sure Audrina doesn't drink?" I went up to Ryan, having to talk loudly.

He nodded in response, "I got her." He smiled and looked over at Audrey, who was applying mascara.

I hoped she didn't get herself into trouble, but I trusted Ryan.

"You look gorgeous." Noah pulled me aside, scanning his golden eyes up and down my body. I blushed, thanking him and looking away.


"It really didn't register in my brain how many people would be here." I laughed, pressing my body against Noah's to avoid bumping into anyone else.

"You'll be okay." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Have you tried this?" He gave me a cup of the jungle juice we had made earlier.

I hesitantly took a sip, not wanting the alcohol to burn my throat as it went down. Surprisingly, it didnt even taste that bad. It was sweet, and had a hint of fizz in it. I finished the cup quickly, already feeling a bit woozy.

I reached for another cup, licking my lips before taking a sip.

"Alright slow down tiger." Noah took the cup I had picked up out of my hands, setting it down on the counter away from me.

"I don't want you to sick this early."

I furrowed my brows up at him, making him laugh in response.

"Let's get out of here." He took my hand and led me outside, where a few people already were.

"Finally some fresh air." I closed my eyes and breathed in. It was so stuffy inside.

I opened my eyes to see Noah staring at me with a smile. He ran his hand through his hair and cleared his throat.

"What?" I giggled setting my hand on his chest. I felt the need to just laugh, I couldn't really control it.

"You're so pretty." He ran his fingers through my hair, resting them on my lower back.

"You're pretty too." I jumped up and landed a small kiss on his cheek, laughing when I landed in my feet.

"Alright you're gonna run out of energy if you keep doing that." He smirked down at me. I took this as a challenge, suddenly feeling the urge to jump.

"What? This?" I laughed and jumped up and down, feeling the playful frustration build on his face.

I continued jumping until I suddenly felt my ankle give out below me, making me fall back. Noah burst out laughing as my face turned red with humiliation. Now I know what he felt back then.

"Ow." I looked at my ankle, I jumped on a rock and broke the heel.

"Can you stand?" He laughed as he helped me up, lifting my arms and helping to balance me.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" He bent down and grabbed my ankle, looking up at me as he slowly moved it. He moved my foot all around until I felt a sharp pain when he moved it upwards.

"Ow! Let go." I snapped and grabbed onto his shoulder as he continued examining my twisted ankle.

"We should ice it." He stood up, trying to hide an obvious laugh as he bit his tongue.

"Alright, it hurts to walk." I winced as I pressed down on my foot. I took the broken heel off, I was holding it in my arms.

"I'm carrying you." He lifted me up, making sure my dress didn't ride up my thighs as he took me into my room, having to dodge his way around the dancing crowd.

"Be right back." He set me down on my bed and went to get ice for my foot. How embarrassing, he always had to save me, what would I do without him?

The music was muffled in my quiet room, I pressed my head against one of my pillows, laying on my back.

He came back inside with a cup of ice and pressed it against my ankle. I flinched and laughed out loud, it tickled.

"Stay still." He laughed as he tried to contain my squirming body.

Now he was doing it on purpose, tickling me and making me laugh uncontrollably.

"Stop it!" I screamed, arching my back as his fingers wiggled over my stomach and sides.

"Do you feel better?" He chuckled as I launched myself forwards into his arms to make him stop.

"You're so annoying!" I laughed, my face was red and my eyes were watering.

I laid back down on the bed, pulling my dress down when I noticed my whole bare thigh was showing. I cursed myself for not wearing any form of spandex under the thin material.

Noah pressed the ice down with a cloth, making me bite my lip a little.

The ice began melting over my ankle, creating a slight cooling effect running up my leg.

I couldn't see myself out there, dancing and drinking with everyone else. I felt right being here, just Noah and I without any distractions.

"Do you wanna go back out there?" He laid down next to me, his head on the same pillow as mine.

"No, let's stay here for a while."


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