《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》drinks.


"Happy birthday!" I burst into Tiffany's room with a stack of pancakes. I even stuck candles in them and added whipped cream, her favorite.

"Oh my God, you scared me!" Tiffany jumped up, throwing her phone across the room.

"Tiff? What happened?" A female voice sounded through the phone, making my eyes dart immediately to it.

"You can't just burst into my room like that," she slid out of bed and picked up the phone, examining it for any damage.

"Even with pancakes." She smiled and took the plate from my hands, giving me a hug before sitting on the bed.

"Tiffany? Hello?" The voice said again, this time I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at Tiff, making her smile in defeat.

"Its Natalie, she said yesterday she'd call me first thing in the morning." She smiled, blowing the candles on the pancakes.

"Oh, she beat me to it." I smirked and looked at the phone. They had been on call for almost an hour.

"Alright I'll leave you to it. I'm baking a cake, what flavor?"

"Chocolate!" Natalie said through the phone, interrupting us.

"Chocolate it is." I said after Tiffany smiled and waved goodbye at me, putting the phone up to her ear.

The cake was the easy part, now I needed everything else.


"Are you done? It's almost 1." Tiffany said as soon as I walked through the door, holding boxes of beer and bottles of wine.

Her eyes lit up when she saw, and she immediately ran to me, taking the bags.

"I hope I didn't get too much, might be a bit overwhelming." I laughed at all the alcohol. I absolutely hated it, but anything for Tiffany. It was her day, not mine.

"It might not be enough." Tiffany laughed, ripping the boxes and sticking the bottles in an ice cooler she had set up.


"What? Who else did you invite?" My eyes widened at her, I didn't know there would be many people coming.

"Natalie and I went through a list I had made. Turns out, we got mutual friends." She smiled and showed me a long list on her phone. I groaned, thinking of the morning after mess.

"So much for having left over cake." I sighed and went to my room, making sure to put anything valuable in hidden drawers. I knew what people were capable of, I hoped nothing bad would happen.

"What time did you tell people to show up?" I stuck my head out, looking at Tiffany already cracking open a cold one.

"5." She took a sip and grimaced, putting the bottle in the fridge for later.

The doorbell rang, Tiffany opened it, her face immediately brightening.

"Hey!" Natalie walked in, holding bags of food. Tiffany pulled her in for a hug, smiling as she buried her head in the crook of her neck.

"We brought snacks for later because it's not good to drink on an empty stomach." Natalie smiled at me and set down bags.


"Its fucking hot outside." Ryan walked in, followed by Noah. They were both out of breath, bringing in a huge cooler filled with ice.

My jaw hung in awe. I really wasn't expecting so much alcohol. My stomach churned looking at it. I was already mentally preparing myself for future clean-up.

"Hey babe." Noah breathed out, walking towards me and pulling me in for a hug. I hesitantly put my arms around him, still looking at the different types of alcohol.

"You guys really made sure we wouldn't run out, huh?" I smiled softly and looked up at him. He looked back down at me, concern on his face.


"Remember how many people are coming. Now remember how much each person drinks. Everything will be okay." He held me by my shoulders in a comforting way.

"Well, it makes me nervous." I frowned and walked away, where the group was sitting at the kitchen bar.

My phone buzzed, a text from my sister. I hadn't seen her in almost 5 months. I missed her dearly.

Audrina: heard it was someone's bday today...

Me: lol have you talked to her?

Audrina: right outside ur door sis

Me: ?

I looked up at the door, and sure enough I heard a knock.

I quickly jumped up to open it and was greeted by my little sisters wide eyes.

"Audrey!" I pulled her in for a hug, earning an excited squeal.

"Can you believe I drove 3 hours to get here? Never thought I would step foot in a car." She laughed, her face suddenly turning pale when she looked behind me.

"What the hell? What are they so tall for?" she whisper-shouted, covering her mouth in surprise.

"Yeah, let me introduce you." I laughed, glancing back. Tiffany turned to me, laughing as she saw my sister.

"Audrina! I wasn't expecting you." She pulled her in for a hug.

"Well, I'm here! Happy birthday." Audrina hugged her tightly. I always loved that my best friend and sister were so close, it meant a lot to me.

"Alright guys this is Audrina." I started, Audrina smiled as she shyly waved at everyone.

"Ryan, Natalie and Noah." I pointed at each person, grinning as I did so.

"Nice to meet you, are you guys having a party?" Her eyes widened at the massive ice coolers on the ground.

"Yes, but you will not partake." I gave her a Caprisun juice from the fridge.

"I'm not a baby, I can handle a little beer." She shook her head, making me frown and put the pouch back in the fridge.

"Come on, let her live." Ryan smiled at her, showing obvious interest. Audrey smiled back, her face turning red.

"She's 18. Not legal." I stood next to Noah, who was watching this all unfold with a smug look on his face.

"Oh." Ryan's expression went numb and he sat back in his seat.

"Well anyways," Natalie interjected, laughing at the silence.

"We'll watch over you. I promise you will not wake up with a headache tomorrow." She smiled at Audrina, assuring both her and me that she wouldn't be drinking.

I rolled my eyes at Audrina's need to act older than she was, I could tell she just wanted to be included. Either way, she didn't have any business drinking alcohol and flirting with older men. I knew she would do that back home, sneak into bars and talk to men there. She'd never actually do anything, but I guess she like the thrill of it.

"Whatever, I'll stay clean." She exhaled, resting her head against her hand.

"So... should we start setting up? Cleaning and stuff?" I said, smiling at the group.

"Alright. Let's go." Noah jumped out on his seat and took my hand.

"Melanie and Noah do drinks, Natalie and I do cleaning, Ryan and Audrina set up a playlist for me please." Tiffany frantically put people into teams, ordering everyone to be done by 4.

It was already 2:23, plenty of time.


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