《RC: Bullies, Bad Boys and Warriors》Chapter Nine


RC thought about Jordan's offer all through the weekend and straight into Monday.

On Tuesday night, finding herself, yet again, unable to even as much as conjure up the mere idea of sleep, RC sat up and propped herself up against her pillow.

In the general sense of speaking, RC should have been asleep, resting, because the next day, her class was going on a geography field trip, tracking through Grunnon ridge, a popular tourist stop at the outskirts of the city.

But no.

RC never felt compelled to abide by the general way of doing things. She was… ungeneral.

Yes, that seemed correct.

Because no matter how hard RC tried, she just could not. She loved the outdoors​, and knew that she would regret her blatant exhaustion the next day.

But no.

Even then, the only thing dominantly preoccupying her already clogged mind was Jordan. Jordan and his more than impressive offer.

When they had met at the book shop in town, Jordan had insisted on walking her back to the boutique she had been at.

And so, blatantly disregarding every single Hansen house rule in existence, RC agreed to Jordan's offer.


Three days ago, Saturday.

"Planning on telling me about your proposition anytime soon?" RC pressed curiously, as she and Jordan sauntered back down the street towards the boutique.

Jordan smiled to himself before clearing his throat. "Will you be able to handle it, I wonder?"

"Handle what?" They slowed down to a lazy stroll.

"The truth."

"Ah yes, that explains everything," RC replied sarcastically, causing Jordan to laugh.

"Do you want to know or not?" Jordan taunted.

"Okay, okay I do, so tell me," RC responded quickly. "But no more cryptic codes." She added.

"Right, so," Jordan stopped walking completely, and instead leaned against a shoe shop's wall.


"So?" RC prompted.

"I hear that you're quite good in English," he started.

"I'm alright," RC shrugged modestly.

"Actually, from what I hear, you're more than alright, and that is saying something since I got that from a teacher." He gave her an unreadable look.

RC blushed​ a little. "Okay, so I'm doing alright, but what has that got to do with anything?"

"That's exactly the thing." Jordan looked RC straight in the eye. "Look, I know about the bullying, okay? And the fact that you think hurting yourself will help. Personally, I know it doesn't work."

RC, who had been ready to retort was a little taken aback by Jordan's last statement. She looked down at her shoes.

"RC I can teach you how to defend yourself, boxing, kicking, the works."

"Okay, but what's in it for you?" RC questioned, feeling like she was standing under a glaring spotlight.

"Well, that's where your more than apt English skills come in." RC looked at him. "I've been flunking my essay writing and literature analysis, and Mrs Powell, despite the fact that she's leaving, recommended you as a study tutor."

RC only stared. "You can not be serious right now."

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Jordan retorted.

"This is unreal," RC ran a hand through her hair. "You want to teach me self defense in return for English tutorials?"

"Simply speaking, yes." Jordan shrugged.

"So was this the 'truth' that I would not have been able to handle?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Jordan chuckled. "Think of it this way, we've all got layers, secrets, silence."

"Huh," RC responded thoughtfully.

"So, will you think about it? I know how much you want to punch Brent back in the face, I've seen that look in your eyes."


RC cleared her throat. "You know what? I'll give it a thought, then I'll get back to you."

Jordan shrugged. "If you even as much as breathe this to anyone, I will hunt you down and…"

"And?" RC looked at Jordan who looked away suddenly.

"Nothing." He cleared his throat. "We should get going."

"Yeah," RC replied, falling into step beside him.

They walked the rest of the way in silence and when the got to the boutique, Jordan turned away without even as much as a goodbye.


RC got out of her bed and paced the length of her room. She was thinking. And thinking, in her opinion, was something best done at night.

Jordan's proposition seemed easy enough. English tuitions for self defense. And yes, RC could totally picture herself packing a punch back at Brent, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

But yet, it seemed too extreme. Punching Brent back was surely not the answer to her troubles. If anything, it would make her situation even worse.

RC bit her lip in deep thought. She found it strange that until recently, she hadn't even known that Jordan existed, let alone known his name. And that, she blamed on the fact that she was always too preoccupied to notice people outside her little bubble.

Even now, all she knew about him was his name and the fact that, according to what she had heard in school lately, Jordan was the boy people either avoided in respect or revered. And that, RC discovered, was because no one wanted to be on his wrong side, though no one even knew what would happen if they were to get on his wrong side, which, again, RC found strange.

He was the hot mystery that no one could solve and that only added to his hotter than fire image that saw so many girls tripping over themselves for his attention.

But he never seemed to have any to give.

Until RC.

He had approached her, and not the other way around. RC couldn't, for the life of her, peg him as a bad boy even though that was the reputation that preceded him into every room, and that usually hung over him like a wet blanket.

In fact, RC thought he was pretty okay. Mysterious, yes, but okay. At least he wasn't mean.

But did she need his help to deal with her bullies? RC thought not. Surely, it couldn't be that bad. Maybe she was the one blowing the entire 'Shay Brent' issue out of proportion. Maybe she was the wierd one. Maybe it was her fault.

RC kept pacing, unconsciously finding herself going back and forth, hugging herself as she thought.

Yes, this seemed right. She would not mind helping Jordan with his work, no, but she did not need any self defense.

She was fine. At least she thought she was.

RC forced herself back into bed and under her covers. She tossed and turned, her heart still not satisfied with her verdict.

Again, she tossed and turned. And before she knew it, her mother's alarm was ringing.


It's that point in the semester again when I am recalibrating my life and rethinking every single desicion I have ever made.

So God help me.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anything you have to say? Leave me a comment to let me know what you think.


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