《RC: Bullies, Bad Boys and Warriors》Chapter Eight


"This is seriously a terrible idea," RC groaned as she tried on yet another dress, this one peach coloured, that, in RC's opinion, looked like an explosion of lace. A bad explosion. Like terribly disastrous​.

"It doesn't look as bad as you think," her mother responded, tight lipped and frustrated, as Kaira and Maryanne snickered in the background.

"Sure, I must be blind." RC replied sarcastically, looking away from her mother to her hideous reflection that stared defiantly back at her, looking as out of place as one could possibly look in an ill fitting dress. "What's the next one? I can't take this."

RC stepped off the fitting stool in front of the floor length mirror and tried not to trip over the copious amounts of lace circling the hem as she precariously led herself to the changing stalls.

Her mother stalked by, holding the booth door open for her. "You know, if you had actually lost weight, you would have no problems picking out a perfect dress."

RC did not say anything. She thought it better not to.

"But oh no," her mother went on. "Double helpings of everything, yes, let's have more potatoes, shall we? And maybe a little more rice?" She glared at RC who could only helplessly stare back. "Or bread perhaps?"

"Mom, stop," came Niomi's voice from the back.

"You handle this one, the other two girls haven't even tried a single dress yet." Her mother walked away, leaving Niomi and RC to each other.

"What's going on?" Niomi asked a frowning RC.

RC shrugged. "Look at me."

"I am." Niomi gazed critically at RC.

"And?" RC threw her arms out at her sides. "I look hideous."

"Now that's a bit too extreme," Niomi observed, circling RC. "Perhaps the right word is 'unflattering'."


"I feel like I've tried every single dress this shop has to offer!" RC moaned.

Dress shopping was her absolute favourite thing to do. Not.

"Now I don't want that tone from my favourite bridesmaid, RC," Niomi helped RC take off​ the dress. "There has got to be a decent one around here somewhere."

RC got back into her jeans and shirt and shrugged. She followed Niomi to the back of the shop, where RC had not ventured quite yet.

Niomi helped RC pick two dresses; one a pretty cap sleeved knee length lilac dress with simple gold embroidery, that flared out at the waist, and the other a gorgeous white strapless dress, also knee length with a slight flare, which had beautiful black embroidery and beading along the hem, all around.

RC tried on the lilac one first, because she genuinely liked it. But when she looked at herself in the mirror, she thought she looked closely like something akin to a purple balloon. The flare seemed to overemphasize her already prominent curves which was also partly the reason why RC could only imagine vague balloons popping midair.

"No," Niomi said, shaking her head when RC emerged from the changing stalls and let Niomi have a look. "That is just horrific. No way. Take it off. It may be my big day as the bride, but I don't want my bridesmaids looking like they were styled by some bloody balloon manufacturer. "

RC laughed. "Gladly."

She felt happy that Niomi was back. Very happy. And she felt even happier that Niomi had left it up to her to pick what she and the other three bridesmaids would wear.

Eventually, RC settled from the white dress with black embroidery and detailing. Niomi loved it, and what was more was that it flattered RC in ways that RC thought impossible. It brought out her smooth complexion, and made her look sophisticated and slim.


RC was sorted. She thanked heavens that she was. She felt that if she were to try on even a single more dress, she would scream a war cry and run out of the boutique at an inhuman pace.

With nothing more to do other than mope around the dress shop and come in the way of her exasperated mother and younger sisters, RC headed out, down the street, on the outset just window shopping, but secretly looking for a book shop.

RC loved books.

She adored them. With absolutely every part of her. Books had seemed to be her only consistent friends. Stories and novels could take her away from her misery and helplessness to worlds of heroes and warriors and beautiful people.

RC walked past a spice shop where people were haggling loudly over the price of cinnamon, and further past the barber shop. She found a tiny book shop hidden away at the end of the street.

It was old. A bell tinkled softly when RC opened the door to let herself in. A plump bespectacled middle aged woman smiled at RC from the checkout counter.

RC felt herself holding her breath in excitement as she surveyed the shop. The shelves were cramped into the small shop, leaving very little space between them for people to walk.

RC fell in love with it.

It was perfect. Just perfect. It had every manner of book in existence, and the shop smelled of old paper, coffee, and scented candles.

RC instantly found herself looking for books by her favourite authors. She soon found a new title by Meg Cabot and sank into the carpeted floor to read a few chapters.

The bell tinkled again, but RC was already oblivious to the real world by then.

A few minutes later, she sensed something like a shadow fall over her, and she looked up.

"Hey! Fancy seeing you here," she started, looking up at Jordan who had his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets and was watching her with mild amusement.

"What are you doing down there?" He asked her. There was a hint of a chuckle in his voice. It almost killed RC.

"Reading, of course," RC replied indignantly, watching Jordan's grin grow bigger and bigger.

He held out his hand to help her up. She stood and dusted herself while he ran his long finger over the book spines, checking out the various titles.

"So what's up?" She asked, tucking her loose hair behind her ear.

Jordan shrugged. "Nothing much." He turned to face her again. "Except that I have a proposition for you, if you're interested​."


yo what's the plan

to sleep

sleep, hahaha okay, right, but no


yeah we ain't doing that tonight, we didn't do it last night either so stop complaining. I'm gonna keep you up all night till you go crazy

What did I ever do to you...

great, so that's sorted, then

Adiós from the land of disgruntled insomniacs.


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