《The LEGO Ninjago Movie [Lloyd x Female Ninja! Reader]》Garmadon is Attacking...Again...「✔」
"Okay, General Number Six." Garmadon orders.
"Yes, sir?" The General responded.
"You, and your team of crab men overthrow the police station."
"I can do that." The General Number Six replied. As soon as he said that, screams from the police can be heard as the crab men and their vehicles crash into the police cars.
"General Number One, take the TV station." Garmadon exclaims.
"10-4!" The General Number One shouted out.
The news person exclaims in confusion before the TV goes out to a sign that shows Garmadon's face.
"General Number Five, crash the stock market."
"Okey-doke." The General Number Five says happily.
"General Number Three, knock over that table." The General Number Three knocks over the table with rage.
"General Number Two, pop that kid's balloon." For some reason, a kid is smiling happily while destruction is happening, but oh, well.
The General pops the kid's balloon with it's narwhal point, and the kid starts crying. "General Number Four, make the school bus dangle precariously over an overpass or something. I've never seen that before!"
The henchmen go in front of the bus as the school kids start panicking over the front wheel. "We're gonna die!" One of the school kids says as the bus dangles on the edge.
"Now, all I have to do is climb to the top of Ninjago Tower, and then I will rule over Ninjago." Garmadon says to himself.
"Wait, what?" The mayor says on the phone in shock.
"I said I will rule over Ninjago forever!" Then he starts laughing, like the maniac he is.
"Where are the ninjas?" One of the school kids on the bus says worriedly.
Everyone is in Social Studies class bored out of their minds. Cole is busy playing rock music, not giving a care in the world, Zane is listening to the teacher's gibberish, Jay and Lloyd are as well, Nya and Kai are laying back dozing off and [Name] is doodling in one of her notebooks she had gotten for her birthday, before.
All of a sudden, the alarms go off. Yes, they have alarms for every time Garmadon attacks that tells you something. "Uh-oh it's Garmadon!" The teacher says as she drops her ruler in shock.
"Thanks, Lloyd!" The whole class say except Lloyd and his friends.
"Can you all shut up? It's not, like Lloyd even asked his Dad to invade us today, leave the guy be." [Name] shouted with every evident hint of annoyance. Lloyd smiled softly in gratitude at, [Name] for just defending him, he was always grateful for her and he was glad that she even bothered to stay around with him.
"You know what to do. Duck and cover!" All the students listened to what the teacher said except the gang.
"Can I have a bathroom pass?" They all said, except [Name]. She knew they were hiding something from her but she decided not to overthink it.
"I think you mean 'May I'. May I have a bathroom pass? You know what do whatever you want." The teacher said while hiding behind her desk.
After the gang left the class, [Name] asked if she could go to the bathroom as well. Once she got into the bathroom, Nya wasn't there so obviously they lied but it didn't matter at this point. [Name] spun around, as if she were a princess and when she stop spinning she was in her in Mysterio ninja outfit ready for awesomeness.
"Come on, come on!" The rest of the gang went into the hallway and looked around to see if anyone was there. They all put their hands together saying, "Ninja go!" They each got into their lockers and zoomed down.
An automated voice said,
"Come on!" Nya said as they appeared in an abandoned warehouse ready as usual.
"Ninja team shout out your call signs." Lloyd says. "Kai light it up!"
"Whoo! Fire mech so ninja!" Kai exclaims as he enters the fire mech.
"Alright take it away, sis!"
"Water mech ready and standing by." Nya said while entering her mech. "Zane!"
"Come on!"
"Your turn, buddy."
"Ice mech. Loading. Loading. Loading..." Zane said, but because the author is too impatient at times like this, to even continue spamming the word 'Loading', so we are just gonna go to the next ninja.
"Ready, Jay?" Lloyd asked, as Jay clumsily gets into his mech.
"Yeah, yeah I got this. Lightning mech ready. Wait no, not ready. Ready."
"Cole, do you wanna kick Garmadon's butt?" Nya questioned Cole.
"Earth mech." Cole said as his mech lifted him inside it.
The automated voice spoke. "Ready and standing by."
"Green Ninja. Ready, and standing by." Lloyd says determination filled in his voice. "All ninjas hit it!" His green dragon roared as it spat out magnificent, enchanting green flames. "Alright ninjas follow me! Mysterio will pop by soon, and obviously we need to ask her at some point to join our team." Lloyd ordered.
"As long as we have our mechs, we're unstoppable." Jay says happily, which he is obviously foreshadowing without even knowing it.
"If we were the Beatles, you would be John, you would be Paul, you would be George and I would be their computer." Zane states. "Mysterio will be in approximately 5 minutes."
"Run!" Citizens were screaming, and running for their lives as the henchmen attacked them. Out of nowhere, Mysterio appears in front of one of the crab machine, the whole thing breaks apart, as soon as she punches it.
"Everybody run!"
"Get away from the docks!" People were still afraid even though the ninjas will save them, but can you really blame them? You can't be too cocky about this to be honest. "We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die!" Then Mysterio or should I say, [Name]?;-- appeared in front of some of the citizens trying to calm them down, but since they wouldn't listen she, eventually gave up and went to go fight evil again...
"Time to kick some LEGO!" [Name] said to herself, as she started annoying the henchmen and possibly scarring them for life with her unusual powers.
"Ninjas!" Everyone knew what was to come as soon as the rest of the ninjas came. "There they are they ninjas!"
"Heya, guys!" Mysterio said. "Oh hey. Mysterio nice of you to drop in." Lloyd replied. Mysterio sat on Lloyd's dragon behind Lloyd as they did the usual.
"Go Ninjas, go!"
"Thank you for coming to help us, Ninjas!"
"We love you, Green Ninja and Mysterio!" Lloyd and [Name] waved to citizens while roaming the city. "Ok Greenie. I am gonna go fly around for Garmadon. You just give your ninjas orders and I will see you soon." [Name] said as she summoned a [Colour] mech dragon and flew off.
Once she was out of sight, Lloyd started giving orders. "Jay, you take the air"
"10-4, good buddy." Jay replied.
"Nya water."
"It's a dangerous and fascinating environment." Nya said in excitement.
"I know right?" Lloyd replied. "Kai, Zane and Cole you guys take downtown."
"Already here dude." Kai said as he fought some of them. "Taking some heavy fire." He added.
"Hold on Kai. I got you covered." Cole said as he took out some crab men as he is making his way to help him out. "Have you heard my latest track?" Cole asked. "It's smash." He added as he smashed his enemies .
"Thanks, Cole." Kai responded.
"Jay, you've got bogeys on your six." Lloyd implied.
The automated voice added. "I've got good tone. Firing." Jay claimed as he started firing the generals but couldn't. "Too close for missiles." The blue ninja anxiously stated.
"Switching to crabs!" One of the generals said while firing actual crabs at Jay. "Crab! Crab! Crab! Crab! Crab! Crab!"
"Crabs! Crabs!" Jay said while panicking. "Get your affairs in order, Lightning Ninja."
"Ah! I gotta charge up my supersonic dynamo." Jay said panicking. "Come on, charge! Charge! Hurry up! Charge, charge, charge!" Jay ushered the supersonic dynamo to charge quickly while be chased. While [Name] is searching for Garmadon, some generals found her and soon [Name] and her dragon went invisible and fire missiles at the generals blowing them off without them knowing.
Back to Jay being well Jay. "Charge! Hurry up! Charge, charge!" "Clear!" Jay shouted but his voice full of relief. As fast as lightning, obviously pun intended, he sped through an alley full of sparks as Nya pressed a button that lifted her up in the air while she screams, "Whoo-hoo!"
Cole slicing the generals airplanes, like a pro, as Kai burns up his enemies, and also shouts, "Whoo!" Zane slides about, while shooting the enemies with ease. "Zane, you are the man!" Kai exclaims. "Yes. I'm a normal human teenager." Zane says cheerfully.
"Nice work, you guys." Lloyd says while fighting some generals he was, obviously hoping [Name] was safe, because he obviously cared a lot for her. He was, also wondering what Mysterio's answer will be when they ask her to join the team. Mysterio was busy yeeting some of the generals in a different universe and also fighting some using her katanas on her dragon mech.
"Me and Mysterio are going after Garmadon!" Lloyd said as he and Mysterio sit on their dragon mechs and take off after Garmadon. One of Garmadon's henchmen starts using it's mech to push the school bus off the edge. The children were scared for their lives and didn't know what to do. "Somebody, help us!"
"Classmates, hold on." Lloyd said, while going to rescue them with Mysterio following not far behind. Lloyd aims at the henchman and fires missiles at them while his dragon mech roars. After he does that, the henchman does go down but so does the school bus. "Oh, no." Lloyd and Mysterio swoop down just in the nick of time and save the school children.
Mysterio sent Lloyd a quick qink, waving at the kids in the bus and the Green Ninja was slightly taken aback from the wink and cleared his throat, ridding his shock, 'n flustered response.
"N-I-N-J-A! N-I-N-J-A! Ninjas!" The school children chant as the dragons set the school bus down safely. "Thank you, Green Ninja and Mysterio!"
"You're our heroes."
"I wanna be them when I grow up."
"Hey Lloyd, your dad--...I mean...Garmadon's almost at the mayor's office." Kai says through the radio.
"Me and Mysterio are on it. Come on Mysterio." Lloyd- I mean Green Ninja spoke before flying with [Name]- I mean Mysterio flying beside him. Garmadon laughs once again like the maniac he is.
"We've got you surrounded, Garmadon." Lloyd declared.
"You're too slow, Green Ninja and Cappuccino Ninja. You can't catch me." Garmadon said slyly while trying to hide. Word: TRYING.
"It's Mysterio Ninja for the last time!" Mysterio said in an annoyed tone.
"Where am I? Am I over here? Or am I over there?" Garmadon questions. Mysterio facepalms, while Lloyd says, "You are right behind that building."
"I can see your shark tail sticking out." Mysterio adds.
"Oh, let me grab that." Garmadon says still trying to hide but failing miserably. "Where's Garmadon now?" He says thinking he is that smart. "Am I over here, here, here? Or am I over there, there, there, there?" He says trying make it seem like an echo. "It's like a house of mirrors in here."
"Do you think you're hiding right now? Do you actually think we can't see you?" Lloyd questions in an irritated voice. "Yeah, Garmadon, you aren't even trying to hide and it's getting up the point where it's sad." Mysterio clearly states.
"Well if you can see, why don't you shoot me?" Garmadon states while sticking his shark mech head out.
Greenie and Mysterio both shoot at him while he screams, "Ow! That was, like in my kidney!" "Why do you want to conquer Ninjago so badly?" Lloyd questions.
"Oh yeah you never really gave a reason why because you basically just come conquer this place with no reason told whatsoever. So you might as well tell us. mate." Mysterio perked up, in an annoyed tone.
"Because there's something very, very special here." Garmadon starts, and this is what got Greenie interested.
"Don't get your hopes up Greenie." Mysterio states, the Green Ninja waved his hand dismissively at her and tried to take his flustered thoughts away from the sweet nickname, focusing on what his villain of a father had to say.
"What?" He asks.
"I'm gonna let the walls down for just a second, Green Ninja and Cappu- I mean Mysterio Ninja!" Garmadon quickly interjected in, realising that Mysterio is giving glares at him.
"Go...--Go on." Greenie ushers. "Don't get your hopes up, if you think he's actually gonna say something good." Mysterio states once again.
"About 16 years ago, I lost something I should have never given up." Garmadon adds. "What is it? Just say it. It's okay, you can say it." Greenie ushers Garmadon once again.
"I had this guitar in college and I traded it stupidly for like a jacket or something." Garmadon finishes. "That's what you were referring to?" Lloyd questions angrily.
"Told you, Green Bean." Mysterio stated bluntly.
"Yeah what else would I be referring to?" Garmadon questions obliviously.
"COUGH-COUGH...Lloyd...COUGH-COUGH...Your son." Mysterio huffed out, while pretending to cough, but of course, because Garmadon is an idiot, he just thinks that Mysterio has a disease or something.
"I don't know maybe something else." The Green Ninja says with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "What? No!" Garmadon implies.
"Think about it." Mysterio sternly implied.
"Are you sure there's not any other sort of connection you have to the city?" Green Ninja questions.
"There is someone in this city I love very much." Garmadon starts once again.
"He is gonna say something stupid, Greenie. Trust me."
"Yeah. I remember when I first laid eyes on him."
"Go on." Green Ninja ushers.
"Get it over with Garmadon, so I can go home and have food." Mysterio states in an irritated tone.
"The last time I saw him was...I guess about 16 years ago too."
"Stop with the suspense already!"
"I was just an irresponsible kid and..."
"Uh-uh?" The Green Ninja says excitedly.
"There was this...guy who made probably the best sushi I ever had in my life. You never knew what was coming next and you didn't even order." Garmadon finishes with pride. "It was one of those places where you don't even get a menu."
"Omakase." Greenie states.
"Is that the name of the place?" Garmadon asks.
"That just means he brings it to you...-" Greenie states before he is interrupted by Garmadon.
"That's it! That's the name of the place."
"-and you don't choose. He chooses." Greenie adds.
"That's the place." He says cutting Greenie off once again.
"Seriously, Garmadon?" Mysterio asks. "Anyway just to clarify...Nothing, nothing else if you really racked your brain. There's no other connection?" Greenie said trying to keep his cool.
"Yes, there was a boy that I had in my life." Garmadon starts again.
"What...What happened to your child?" Greenie implied.
"I wanna have high hopes, but my gut is telling me not to so I won't." Mysterio bluntly says.
"He was bald, had no teeth, couldn't chew, always crying, couldn't walk. Couldn't even walk. I was like 'What are we gonna do with this kid?' So I'm like 'I don't want a hairless, crying son for the rest of my life.'" Garmadon continues oblivious to the fact that Greenie is twitching his body full of anger that his own father is that oblivious.
"Dang, that's sad, dude." Mysterio grimaced, shaking her head.
"Shush! Shush! Zip! No!" Lloyd spat back angrily at Garmadon.
"--And that was when I made the decision to go away and live my life." Garmadon finishes.
"Stop talking! You're done!" Lloyd pleaded.
"And you made him mad. Well done, Garmadon." Mysterio announced with sarcasm.
Lloyd presses a button that says the word 'Fire' on it and the automated voice began to speak.
They all came firing at Garmadon and in conclusion it caused a big, big explosion. Jeez, sometimes the ninjas destroy more stuff in the city just to protect these selfish, whiny people. One shark person's mech landed on the floor but they were okay. "Oh, phew. Just one day till retirement--" Oops, nevermind he is definitely not gonna be okay...
All the ninjas came to see if Garmadon is even alive and of course he is! In a bubble... What has my life come to..? "Jeez, where did that come from? I did not see that coming." Garmadon bluntly says while dusting off the dirt from his clothes. "Well, I kinda saw that coming to be honest. You were being annoying." Mysterio says.
"Your missiles are very accurate, Green Ninja and you are witty indeed Cappu- I mean Mysterio. Too bad for you, I upgraded all of my shields. That's all I seem to have at the moment, just some upgraded shields." He says the last part quietly, but Mysterio obviously heard him because she started snickering.
"Face it, Garamdon. You will take over Ninjago." Lloyd declared. "So why don't you just give up and go away for good?"
"Oh well anything's open for discussion. Oh yeah, except that." Garmadon claims while chuckling. "Shields down! Here, catch! Shields up!" He says while throwing a bomb at Lloyd.
Lloyd, obviously trying his best to catch it fails and feels his cheeks go very warm under his mask in embarrassment, because he failed to catch the bomb . This was certainly not a good way to make an impression on someone he wants to add to the team.
"No!" Garmadon obviously starts laughing.
"Hey be quiet, not everyone can catch." Mysterio says defending Lloyd. That made Garmadon stop laughing, but he still was cackling on the inside, and so were the henchmen.
"Did you see that?" Garmadon questions.
"Yeah we saw that."
"I mean who taught you how to catch, man?"
"Nice catch loser!"
"Oh yeah? Well take this!" Lloyd spoke up, angrily trying to act tough in front of Mysterio to show that even if Garmadon comes backs she can possibly consider joining the team. But, when he tried to throw the bomb at his enemies, the bomb ended up being yeeted behind causing more howls of laughter.
When they saw Mysterio giving them a menacing glare, they immediately shut up. "That's amazing! Who taught you how to throw?" Garmadon manages to cackle out.
"It's funny you ask. No one, because I never had a dad to play catch with me. " Lloyd mutters.
"Well that shows. 'Cause that was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life." Garmadon says while laughing.
"--Or you know teach me how to ride a bike, or shave, or how to confess to the girl I've had a crush on for a long time...or how to defuse a bomb!" Lloyd continues shouting the last part, after the bomb goes off.
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