《Ninjago: One More Ninja》Chapter 27: The Void


Aria opened her eyes to see herself in a bed, in an unknown room. She looked down to see she was in her pajamas.

"...who changed me?" Aria questioned herself

Aria got up but fell back onto her bed. She felt a pain in her chest and she hissed in pain. She heard voices from outside.

"We must go" She heard Wu's voice

Garmadon voice was heard next "But we have to warn them. We can't just leave them without telling them what else is out there"

"Grab everything you can" Wu instructed "I'll get Aria"

Her door was opened and there stood Wu looking panicked.

"Aria you've awakened" Wu said running over to her

""What's going on?" Aria asked worried

"Too much" Wu replied "Can you stand?"

"No, I tried when I woke up but I felt faint and fell back down" Aria answered

Garmadon came in "What's going on?"

"Aria's too weak to stand" Wu informed him

"Well we're not leaving her here" Garmadon said going over "Lloyd would kill us if he learned we left her here"

"So you wouldn't save me if it wasn't for Lloyd, thanks sensei's" Aria said annoyed

"You know what I meant" Garmadon turned around and kneeled down "come on get on my back, I'll carry you. I'm a lot stronger than Wu is"

Aria nodded and did as she was told. Garmadon held onto her and stood up. They went into the main room.

"Guys hurry, this way" Nya nods toward a hole in the window.

Pythor reaches the top floor, it's empty.

Garmadon and the others are hiding on a window cleaning platform "He's vulnerable. We must fight him now"

"No. Not until we get the Ninja home safe. We must get back in contact. We need to find somewhere we can't be found" Wu said


"wait what happened to the ninja, are they ok?" Aria asked worried

"We'll explain later, for now I know just the place" Garmadon said

The Overborg started to cut the platform's rope

"The found us. Don't lose those computer components. We need them all" Nya commanded

Aria sighed "Great. Now we'll never get out of here"

"Leave that to me" P.I.X.A.L said opening a compartment in her arm

"Get them, you imbeciles!" Pythor shouted

P.I.X.A.L. summons a copter.

"Good thinking! You're still linked into the security forces" Nya said happily

"Now let's get out of here" Aria said

The climb aboard the copter and fly away from the city. They set up their equipment and hear the ninja.

Jay: Oh, there's so much we could learn from it. So much we could teach it. I'm gonna call him Glowy. Oh look, Glowy can fly. How cute.

Wu took the mic "You must not disturb the alien life. They are very dangerous. Can you hear me?"

Kai: I couldn't make that out, Sensei. What did you say?

"The alien life. They're very dangerous" Wu repeated

Nya took the mic "A few years ago scientists studied a meteorite that had fallen to Ninjago. It mostly came from the same comet you're on. Inside the meteorite, there were the fossilized remains of some kind of parasite that feeds on metal alloys"

Zane: they tickle.

They hear Zane and Jay laugh.

Jay: Silly Glowy.

Zane: Ow.

"Do you hear me? Whatever you do, don't come in contact with the parasites. They eat through metal!" Nya shouted

"I don't think they can hear you" Aria pointed out "either that or they're more stupid then I thought"

The ninja's audio started being static and cutting out.


"Oh this stupid thing" Nya said

Aria stood up from her chair and walked over slowly, then she hit the machine.

"Work you stupid thing!" Aria shouted as she hit it

"Aria I don't think that's working" Nya said concerned

All of a sudden the static was gone and Aria stopped hitting it.

Kai: Sensei, Nya, anyone!

"...or it did work" Nya said surprised

Kai: They got away. We failed. I repeat, they got the Golden Weapons.

Nya: Are you on the rocket? Can you stop them?

Kai: No. The ship is destroyed. We're not coming home.

Aria grabbed the mic "bullshit you're not coming home, get your asses here now!"

"The Overlord will attack soon" Wu said worried

Aria growled and grabbed her fans "I'll fight my father"

"You can't you're not stable enough" Nya said going in front of Aria

Aria looked at Nya "I suggest you move or I'll move you myself"

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