《Ninjago: One More Ninja》Chapter 5: Can of Worms


In the gaming area, Kai was about to play his game when Lloyd comes up behind him.

"Hey, Kai! Ha. Saw Cole beat your high score. You should have seen it. It was pretty spectacular" Lloyd said

"Uh, you must be talking about "Sitar Legend." This is "Fist to Face 2." No one beats me on my game" Kai boasted

"Huh. Could be wrong. See ya!" Lloyd whistles as he walks away.

Kai checks the high score on his game and finds the Black Ninja's profile on the scores: 9370, 7277, 5759, 4209, and 3224.

"Huh? Cole!" Kai shouted angry

In the kitchen, Cole is preparing dinner.

"Mm-mm! Violet Berry Soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly..." Cole tries a bit, but screams from the taste.

Lloyd looks in "By the way, I saw Jay spice things up. I told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole!" He leaves.

Cole spits out the taste "Jay!"

On the upper deck, Jay has kendo gear on as he prepares for his routine with a Sparring Robot.

Jay gets out his nunchucks "Let's ease our way into this. How about level 2, shall we?"

He turns the sparring bot on, but it soon comes up to level 9.

Lloyd whistles "Hey, Jay. I saw Zane try to repair the sparring bot earlier. Isn't that your expertise? Later, bro" He once again whistles as he leaves.

"Wait! What?" Jay tries to turn the sparring bot off, but it laughs as it starts hitting him. "No! No! Zane!"

Zane, in his pajamas is about to hang his laundry as Lloyd came up to him, whistling.

"Hello, Lloyd. What brings you up here this fine morning?" Zane asked happily

"Kai wanted me to pick up his Ninja suit. He said he threw it in with your whites" Lloyd searches the laundry and finds it "Here it is. Thanks" He leaves

Confused, Zane gets out one of his Ninja suits and discovers it is now pink and gets angry. Lloyd goes up into the ninjas room to see Aria sleeping, he jumps up on her bed.

"Aria" Lloyd calls, Aria whined and turned over

Lloyd smirked and started tickling her, she started laughing and opened her eyes "ok ok I'm up I'm up"

Lloyd stopped and Aria hit him with a pillow "dork"

Lloyd laughed "you're the dork here, come on Sensei wants you downstairs"

Lloyd left the room while Aria got dressed. She went downstairs to see the ninja's arguing.

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!" Kai shouted

"Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!" Cole shouted


"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!" Jay shouted

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this?" Zane take out his ruined Ninja suit "It's pink!"

Master Wu enters as the Ninja argue with each other before opening the bathroom door, where Lloyd was hiding and he laughs evilly. The Ninja looked and saw the spices that he used to ruin Cole's soup, some tools he used to damage Jay's robot and the detergent he used to ruin Zane's Ninja suits.

Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane gasped "You did this?"

"Boys, I get first dibs" Cole goes up to Lloyd to punish him.

Wu stopped Cole "No dibs. I put him up to this for today's lesson. I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble. Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?"

"Uh, no offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion: today's lesson is lame" Cole said

"Yeah, why can't you just teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger, or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?" Jay questioned

Wu sighed "Because not all lessons are about fighting. And I misplaced my lesson book"

Aria laughed and went over to Lloyd, she took Wu's lesson book out of Lloyd's back pocket "You mean this lesson book?"

Lloyd looked annoyed "It was the perfect plan until—" Cole closes the door on him.

Aria laughed and handed the lesson book back to Wu "ah thank you Aria"

Nya voice was heard over the speaker "If you're done fooling around, I could use you guys on the bridge. We do still have a snake problem to attend to. Over and out!"

Kai groaned "It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you. But having my sister here? I mean, come on! I thought this was a Ninja headquarters"

Nya came back on the speaker "You do know I can hear you... over and out!"

Kai slaps his head before the Ninja go to the bridge.

"Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd and is now on his way to open the last two Serpentine tombs" Nya informed them

"Ugh, don't remind me" Lloyd groaned

"Pythor's out most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed, there's no telling what he'll do" Wu said

Jay sighed "But those tombs could be anywhere. Without the map, we might as well just throw darts at a map"

"Good idea. Why don't we?" Nya throws two darts at a map "These are the two locations of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs, and this is Pythor's tomb" she places another dart on the map


Aria stepped up "After many hours of ruminating on why the tombs were placed in these three precise locations, I discovered a secret pattern. If you notice, all three are in line with the Ninjago symbol for serpent"

"So based on Aria's prediction the last two tombs should be here and here" Nya said pointing at them

"There's little time. Kai and Jay, you head to the Venomari Tomb. Cole and Zane, you take the Constrictai Tomb. And take this. You might need it if you run into Pythor. Good luck, Ninja" Wu said

"What about me?" Aria questioned

"And what am I gonna do?" Nya asked

"Yeah, what are we gonna do?" Lloyd questened earning looks from Nya and Aria

"Nya, I need you here to make sure Lloyd doesn't get into any more trouble" Wu said

"Yes, Sensei" Nya said annoyed

"Aria I have another mission for you" Wu said

"Good luck kiddo" Jay said giving her a pat on the back "you got this"

"Alright let's go, boys. We got some snakes to club" Cole said


"This is ridiculous!" Aria shouted looking into a cave "This stupid map sensei gave me led me to a cave, their's no way in hell I'm going in there!"

Aria looked at the map then back into the cave "But sensei's going to be mad if I came back without it... fine"

Aria took a torch and traveled into the cave. She heard crawling noises all around her, she chose to ignore it and carry on. She reached the end of the cave, as soon as she walked into the circular room, torches lit up with purple fire all around. In the center of the room was a pedestal with two fans glowing on top of it.

"...so..these are my weapons" Aria questioned walking over to it

The fans seemed to pulse as she reached out to them. She picked them up and nothing bad happened "...this seems too easy"

Aria turned around "When the others got their golden weapons they had their dragons as guardians, my fans gotta have a guardian and considering I don't have a dragon what's the guardian"

The torches went out and she heard crawling noises again. The torches lit up again and in front of her was a giant spider. Aria screamed and quickly ran under the spider to run to the exit.

"Oh hell no! Sensei did not mention a giant spider trying to fucken eat me!" Aria shouted running to the exit

She saw the light at the end of the tunnel as the spider gained on her. She ran out of the cave and as soon as the spider exited into the light it shrieked and scurried back in.

"Ha take that you stupid spider" Aria said sticking her tongue out at it before laughing and running away

Aria sat on a rock in the forest to examine the fans, they seemed to be made out of some kind of mysterious rock? Maybe? Aria sighed and looked up as the sun set. It was dangerous at night and she didn't know where the bounty was.

A light was shone over her and she looked up to see the bounty. She stood up as a rope was thrown down for her to climb. When she got to the top Wu was there.

"I will take that it was a success" Wu said noticing the two fans sticking out of her pocket

"You didn't mention that there was going to be a giant spider trying to eat my ass!" Aria shouted

"Now now Aria I knew you would be fine" Wu chuckled "now come, let's go see the ninja"

Wu and Aria entered to see the ninja all sitting at the table.

"You know, whether it was in a lesson book or not, we used the destructive power of rumors to our advantage" Cole said

Kai nodded "And now the Serpentine are further away than ever from getting their act together"

"So I'm going to guess you all had an eventful day" Aria said as she sat between Kai and Cole

"We sure did, we stopped the Serpentine from uniting and you know, I don't think we would've gotten out of there if it hadn't been for Zane" Jay replied

"Don't thank me. Thank Lloyd. If it hadn't been for his laundry skills, we all would've been found" Zane said and everyone laughs

"What about you Aria what'd you do?" Cole asked

Aria shrugged "just found a giant spider"

The ninja stared at her, Kai shook his head "what"

"I fought a giant spider to get these" Aria said pulling out her fans

"Cool...what are those?" Jay questioned

"Those are Yin and Yang the twin fans, Aria's weapons, by channeling her elemental powers into them they can slice through anything" Wu explained sipping tea

"Woah" Kai said

"That is amazing Aria, you must be very skilled" Zane complemented

"One day she will be" Wu said "with time she will be able to do many things"

Lloyd comes in with Zane's white gi "Well, it took me twenty loads, but your suit's no longer pink. And Cole to show that I'm sorry, I got you a can of nuts" Lloyd held out a can of nuts to Cole

"Uh, haha, yeah. Don't think I don't see what this is. When i open this, a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out, right? Yeah, no thank you" Cole opens the fridge, only to have snakes pop out.

Everyone laughs.

Lloyd and Aria high-five "nice one greenie"

Lloyd smiled "I learned from the best"

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