《Ninjago: One More Ninja》Chapter 6: The Snake King


Aboard the Destiny's Bounty, Lloyd Garmadon is discussing with the Ninja how he would attack a Serpentine.

"First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears. Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him" Lloyd said

Cole shook his head "Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now you're under his control"

"Or he's already put you in a squeeze" Zane added

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff" Kai said

Aria laughed while Lloyd groans "Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?"

Wu was entering the room with a box "Hmm... sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you four carelessly lost"

"Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it" Jay corrected

W sighed "Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger"

"leave it to the boys to mess up" Aria said

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my Full Potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute" Cole said

Kai scoffed "You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Hahaha, don't make me laugh"

Zane intervened "I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja"

"Oh! The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird" Jay said and the Ninja start arguing.

"All of you shut up! You're so irritating!" Aria shouted and the ninjas quieted down

Lloyd rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's in the box?"

"Your new uniforms" Wu replied he Ninja gasps in awe

The ninja boys changed into them

"Whoa! They've got, like, armor." Jay said excitedly

Kai smiled "I love the gold highlights"

"Battle claws!" Cole shouted amazed

"The material is really light and breathable" Zane said

"Sensei what about me?" Aria questioned

"do I get anything?" Lloyd asked

"Change into these" Wu said handing them clothes

The two went to change and came back.

"Why are you dressing us up in matching clothing like our mothers did when we were younger!" Lloyd shouted annoyed

"I think you two look cute" Jay said before turning to Kai and whispering "I ship it"

Aria turned her head to them "What did you just say?"


Jay put his hands up "nothing nothing"

The alarm went off.

Cole looking at the monitor in the bridge "Sorry to break up the moment, but a small faction of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble at Mega Monster Amusement Park"

Lloyd turned happy "Amusement park? Can I go? Can I go with you, please? Let me make things up. I can help."

"I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here with Aria, where it's safe" Wu said

"Oh, Ninja get all the fun" Lloyd whined

"Why do I have to stay!" Aria shouted angry

"So you can learn about your new weapon" Wu said gesturing to her fans "I'm certain you'll find something special about them"

"Can they turn into a vehical like the golden weapons?" Aria asked

Wu chuckled "no but you will see what they can do"

The ninja jump off the Bounty and use their vehicles to land, posing to show off their new uniforms.

"Show offs" Aria said grabbing her fans and going off to the deck to train

Lloyd followed her "Can I watch"

"Sure but I'm not very good" Aria replied "so don't laugh at me"

"I won't" Lloyd said


The ninjas have been dealing with snake attacks but have been beaten by the samurai every time.

"alright Aria I'm leaving again" Kai called as he ran past

"Hold it" Aria grabbed his hood "You heard what sensei said, it's your turn to watch Lloyd, I need to focus on training"

"right sorry" Kai apologized then turned to Lloyd "You heard her, come on squirt"


All the ninja gather in the living room

"Trying to find out the Samurai's identity is more of a nuisance than the snakes. Any luck with you?" Cole asked

"The guy's elusive. He's like a ghost. One moment he's there, the next he's gone" Jay replied

"I am starting to believe we might never catch him" Zane said

Kai sighed "I think it's safe to say, none of us are closer to proving we're the Green Ninja"

Wu entered the room "Looks like iron is sharpening iron. I feel you are getting closer to your True Potential" He lightly squeezes Cole's arm.

Cole jumped a bit "Ow!"

Aria came into the room behind Wu "Hey have any of you seen Lloyd?"

"I thought Cole was gonna pick him up" Kai said

Cole shook his head "I went to the arcade, but he wasn't there. Jay was—"


"Don't bring me into this. I babysat yesterday" Jay said annoyed

"We have not seen him" Zane said

"Sensei" Aria turned to Wu looking worried

Wu sighed "We must find the boy"


They arrive near the arcade.

"Lloyd? Lloyd?" Kai called out then turned to the others "He was right here. Someone must have seen him"

Aria looked up "Their's a security camera, come on"

They went to watch the footage.

"Wait, wait, there's the pipsqueak. Play that back" Jay said and they see him buying the disguise and walking away "What is he up to?" They go back to where Lloyd was.

They found footprints and followed them Zane stopped at the end "I sense these are Lloyd's footprints, but they come to an end here. Why?"

"Something tells me we're going for a ride. Come on" Kai said

Aria rode with Kai and they ride to the City of Ouroboros.

"What is that place?" Cole questioned

"the lost City of Ouroboros" Aria replied

"It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes" Zane pointed out

"I know we ruined their last get-together, but that's no reason to not get an invitation. My feelings are hurt" Cole joked

They looked in and Kai pointed "There's Lloyd" Lloyd is trapped in a cage.

"Whoa. And look at who they worship" Jay said looking at the giant snake statue.

"The Great Devourer, the scariest snake to ever live, the one who caused Garmadon to turn evil" Aria explained

"Someone's spent more time reading then training" Jay commented

Aria shrugged "A couple years ago I was more interested in reading then training"

Kai shook his head "Alright let's go get him"

They run into a trap, and the boys drop their Golden Weapons.

Lloyd gasps "The Ninja"

"Looks like we've caught the main event" Pythor laughs and the Ninja are brought into the arena.

Aria growled at the ninja "You idiots couldn't hold onto your weapons!"

"Sorry" The ninja sulked

"Aria's scarier then anything they throw at us" Cole said

Zane nodded "Agreed"

"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one. I give you Ninja versus Samurai!" Pythor shouts

The Samurai is brought out in chains.

"What? We have to fight the Samurai? But we don't even have our Golden Weapons and he has that hulking thing of armor. It's not fair" Jay whined

"I want to see once and for all who is the greatest hero. Is it Samurai, or Ninja? Only the victor will be allowed to leave" Pythor announced

"Stay together" Kai commanded

The Samurai attacks.

"Haha, missed me!" Jay gets hit.

"Aria any ideas?" Kai asked nervous

Aria took out her fans "I'll distract him, try the tornado of creation"

"What can your fans do?" Kai questioned

"Sensei said it could cut things, I can try to cut it's armor" Aria replied

"Alright good luck" Kai said before joining the other ninja

Aria focus and waved her fans in a downward motion, it looked like nothing happened but a scratch appeared on the samurai's mech.

"Better then nothing" Aria said dodging the samurai's attack

With the tornado of creation the Ninja make a slingshot and fire only for the Samurai to block it.. Pythor activates spikes. Pythor then tilts the arena. Aria quickly held onto her fans and Kai held her by the waist while he held onto the platform with one hand.

"Can this get any worse?" Cole questioned

"We must continue to make it appear that we are fighting for real" Samurai X said

"Huh, we're not fighting for real?" Jay asked

"Considering none of us actually getting hurt by him I'm not surprised" Aria said

"Keep up the charade and hold on to my exo-suit" Samurai X instructed and they try to fly away.

"There's too much weight!" Kai said before Samurai X jumps out and the mech blasts off.

"I can't believe he just saved us" Cole said

"He stole our thunder again!" Kai shouted annoyed

"Argh! I hate that Samurai!" Jay shouted

The Samurai steals the Golden Weapons and leaves. The mech swan dives and crashes in the desert. Kai has landed in another location.

"Kai!" The ninja called out looking for him

Aria looked around and spotted Kai heading towards them "Kai!"

They return to the Bounty and are brushing their teeth.

"He was all mysterious. Never said a word. Then handed me the Golden Weapons and poof, he was gone" Kai said

"Poof? He just poofed?" Cole questioned and Aria laughed

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, Kai. If the Samurai had his hands on the most powerful weapons in the whole wide world, why would he just give them back to you?" Jay asked

Kai shrugged "Um, I don't know. Maybe she—I mean, he's not so bad after all. All I do know is that we owe him our lives."

Aria looked sad "More importantly, Lloyd has found his way into the den of all snakes. There may be no way of rescuing him now.

Kai hugged her "Cheer up kiddo there's always a way"

"And don't worry. We'll find it" Cole added

Aria smiled "thanks guys"

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