《The Lieutenant》Twenty Four


Axel returned us back to bootcamp after many mindless fucking sessions. He worked my body like he did in that damn field. I ached, I hurt, I could barely walk but I was in ecstasy remembering how his strong hands clamped my small body, teasing my clit as he pounded me senseless, many, many times.

My orgasm not only shook the car but the whole world, or so it was powerful enough to believe that it did. "I wish you could stay with me." He said as we reached the darkness of my living quarters.

"That's sweet, did you want to cuddle?" I teased, humour escaping out in the tones of my voice. He looked a little awkward for a moment.

"Yeah?" He replied with an unsure tone.

I burst out laughing.

"I didn't peg you for a cuddlier. Night Axel." But at that my smile grew. He wanted to cuddle. How fucking sweet is that?

"Wait Harper." He lifted his dog tags from around his neck and slipped them on over mine, lifting my hair out of the way. "I want you to wear them, I want you to carry a piece of me around with you all the time." I slipped them inside my T-shirt and felt the warm metal press against my skin. It was still warm from his body.

I retired back to my own shed, luckily lights were out and soft snoring filled the room from every angle. I climbed into my shitty bed and closed my eyes with a smile upon my face, clutching his dog tags.


I threw the itchy blanket over my head, trying to shield myself from the blaring siren playing outside for the early morning wake up call.

"Fuck off!" I shouted at the noise, my body was too sore for this shit. I clamped the shitty, thin pillow over my head in efforts to block out the sound.

"Harper c'mon, he'll only make you do extra if you're late." Nicole warned. She pulled the duvet off me and tried to tug the pillow away. "Harper we're leaving without you, don't say I didn't warn you."

The shed fell into silence, apart from the stupid siren. I lay until the sirens had stopped playing and then I forced myself out of bed and quickly hunted around for my clothes.


"What the fuck?" I threw everything out of my trunk searching for the stupid army slacks that they make you wear and then I remembered, I took them off in his car and left them there because my T-shirt was long enough to be a dress anyway.

I searched for my spares but they were all with the laundry department.

"Shit." I ended up throwing on the long T-shirt from yesterday and my boots then making a quick dash to the field, turning up fifteen minutes late.

Axel was barking his orders at all of the recruits and paused mid order once he spotted me. I stood to attention holding a salute.

"What is this Williams?" He yelled. "Why are you not wearing the correct uniform?" I fought my urges to look him in the eye and kept my stance pointing forward.

"Apologies Lieutenant Sir, my uniform is ... uh... uncomplacent" I tightened my lips, fighting the urge to laugh nervously.

Axel was enraged and it didn't look to be part of this pretense that he has to keep up.

"What?" He roared, his voice loud enough to be heard in an empty forest. He clenched his jaw tightly.

"You don't show up in the correct attire you get a disciplinary." I broke the vacant stare and looked at him. His eyes burnt into me, full of warning.

"I'll give you five minutes to go back and dress yourself in the correct uniform or it's a disciplinary for you, your third one I believe."

"I can't." I tried to tell him with my eyes but clearly he couldn't take a hint. "It's unattainable right now."

"Take over while I sort Williams." He ordered one of the generals with evident dislike in the tone of his voice.

"March on solider." I followed him into the office and he slammed the door closed behind us. God, he was pissy today.

"I left my army slacks in your—" He pushed me up against the shed wall and pinned my hands up above my head. I sucked air into my lungs, filling out my chest.

"I can see your panties, everyone can see your panties." His voice was raspy and low, it was dangerously seductive.


"Right here." He slid his finger up my inner thigh and along the midsection of my panties. I gasped, instantly getting turned on. He leaned forward and took my lower lip between his teeth, tugging on it gently. I moaned into his mouth.

"I don't think you quite understand Harper."

He kept me locked in place with one hand pinning me back against the wall but with the other hand he gripped hold of my inner thigh, gliding it upwards and slipping his hand into my panties. He gave my whole area a tight squeeze and I moaned quietly.

"This is mine." He told me, slipping one of his fingers in with ease. "You think I want anyone to see what is mine?" I started moving on his fingers, forcing them in me deeper and deeper.

"No." He said abruptly and pulled his whole hand away. I stilled instantaneously, missing the feeling of his touch. My wetness left with emptiness and frustration.

"Axel," I begged, my needy voice unrecognizable to my own ears. He glanced past me out of the window, eyeing up all the recruits performing the drill. They were only yards away, they were his problem.

Lieutenant goody-two-shoes didn't want to fuck me while he was supposed to be on duty. He didn't want anyone to hear us or see the shed shaking. He wasn't built to break the rules. He —

"Fuck it." He pulled me away from the wall and pushed me down on the desk, bent over. He got behind me and tugged down my ivory lace panties, I stepped out of them and he balled them up in his palm before shoving them into my mouth.

"If you make a sound, they'll hear you." He whispered right to my ear.

I felt his hand cup me from beneath, he trailed a firm finger the full length of my crease and then spanked my behind. My teeth gripped down on the panties and a muffled groan fell forcefully from my lips.

"It's gonna have to be quick, anyone can come in at any time." I looked back at him from over my shoulder and he made fast work of unzipping his slacks.

He slid in, slowly. Like he was really appreciating the feel of every inch disappear into my body, filling me up and stretching me out. He grunted and groaned but nothing loud enough to be heard.

"So fucking perfect." He hummed, right before slamming into me hard and deep. I chewed down on the lace, feeling the delicate material tearing beneath my teeth and held onto the edges of the desk.

His strong hands parted my butt cheeks, and he watched his length slip in and out of me, coated and gleaming in my wetness. His thumb circled my butthole and my eyes widened.

It felt weird. Defamatory and possessive but it turned me on to extremes.

He kept true to his promise. It was fast. And rough. And deep. And fucking amazing. He grabbed my chin roughly afterwards and forced me into a kiss. A long, passionate kiss.

I slipped my panties back up and just as we had finished up some general burst into the office and looked at us like a deer caught in headlights.

"Apologies Lieutenant Sir, I was unaware this office was occupied." Axel kept his demeanour calm, even though his fly was down and his cheeks were flushed.

"Will let you off with a warning this time Williams, better not let this happen again. Excuse yourself and go get some sweatpants out of the spares."

"Sir, yes Sir." I saluted him and left.

Nurse Connelly handed me a bundle of 'spare clothes' and I took them back to my bedroom to change. I slipped down my panties and assessed how much I damaged the lace with my teeth but my eyes didn't zone in on the tears, my attention was on the small spots of blood laying in the bottom.

He wasn't that rough with me, was he?

I grabbed a tissue and wiped, more small spots of blood. "What the fuck?" I spoke my confusion into the quiet of our empty bedroom.

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