《The Lieutenant》Fourteen


I stepped inside, the whole of his living quarters had a low glow and I noticed a few candles dotted around.

My eyes found his, he was sitting on his sofa watching the television, wearing nothing but sweatpants, his chest tattoo out on full display. I bit back a smile.

"Harper what—" he began to say but my hands found the edges of my jacket and very slowly I pulled it open and dropped it to the floor.

There was a twinkle to his eye as he scanned my whole body really slowly. I heard him gulp from across the room and his grip tightened on the remote. His eyes glazed over with desire and I walked over to him after having successfully captured his full attention and placed myself on his lap, my legs spread on either side of his.

He placed his hands on my waist and those brooding brown eyes floated between mine and my lips. So I lowered my mouth down on his, he hesitated for a second but then committed fully.

He tasted of everything forbidden and that only made it a whole lot sweeter. His hand travelled up my back gripping at my skin in the candlelight. I imagined his kiss to be demanding but he allowed me to take the lead, almost as if he was unsure about his decision to follow through but unable to stop himself regardless.

He pulled back and stared at me with alarmed eyes.

"You've been drinking." He said flatly.

"Shh." I placed my index finger against his lips, they felt warmer and fuller than Caitlin's did earlier. He arched his brow at me, showing me his best intimidating stare but it had no affect. Right here, right now he was his most vulnerable self and no parade of faux emotions was going to make me un-see that.

"God Harper!" He lifted my body and placed me down on the sofa before standing up and searching through his drawers. "Why do you put me in these positions, you drive me crazy." He threw me one of his T-shirt's and I just looked down at it with disapproval.

"You're sending me away tomorrow, can't we just have tonight?" I glanced over at the bed and he followed my direction.


"No, you're drunk. Put the T-shirt on, that's an order." I tightened my lips and sighed.

"So you would fuck me if I weren't drunk?" I questioned, ignoring his order.

"No." He said without adding anything further.

I stood up, throwing the T-shirt aside and stepped closer to him, running my hand down his chest and over his tattoo. It was an eagle in flight with the wings spread wide and it looked pretty damn cool. I felt his heart rate increase under my hand and his chest moved quicker.

"Why?" I whispered, feeling the heat between us grow. He swallowed and looked straight ahead, taking his eyes off of me and keeping them uniformed as if he were talking to someone of a higher rank than him.

"Harper, please don't do this. I can't." He whispered, the lust in his voice screaming louder than most of his commands.

"Because of the vow?" I laughed, dismissing the ridiculous notion.

"Because you're a recruit and I'm the lieutenant, it's morally wrong. I can't violate my position of power."

"Because you vowed not to?"

"I don't know who told you that but unless you hear it from my mouth it isn't true."

He backed away, and opened up his fridge the harsh light breaking the illusion of calm running through the room. He pulled out a bottle of water and took a sip.

"I'm not allowed to get involved with the recruits. I never have and I never will. I'm flattered, you're gorgeous I just can't go there." He took another sip.

I grabbed the T-shirt and pulled it over my body, slumming myself down on his sofa. I looked at the television which was now switched off and I wondered when he had done that.

"You watch television?" He laughed at my random question.

"Of course I do." He walked over to me and sat down on the arm of the sofa, keeping a safe distance from me I bet.

"What else do you do that normal people do?" I asked genuinely interested. "Do you eat?" He laughed again.

"I eat. I shower. I shit. I shave." His whole face had softened. His shoulders relaxed, I had never noticed how he much holds them so tense before.


"Do you feel things that normal people feel?" As I asked the question he frowned. "Do you get sad?"


"Do you get jealous?"


"Do you get horny?"



"You hesitated." I pointed out with a smile.

"It's not often, I've learned to suppress it and when it happens I don't do anything about it."


"God, why am I telling you this? You need to leave." I laughed so hard my belly started to cramp. He just stared at me blankly. I stood up and made my way to his bed, he watched my every move cautiously.

His bedsheets were pristine, there wasn't a single crinkle and each edge was tucked in tightly.

"It's okay if I take a small nap, right?" I asked kicking off my boots and pulling back the duvet. He paced the room.

"No, it's not." He replied boldly but I had already slipped in under the blankets.

His bed was so much more comfortable than mine. He actually had a mattress whereas I had springs, he had cotton sheets and I had scratchy fibre. His whole bed smelt like him, clean. I wiggled down, getting my body comfortable and closed my eyes.

"Harper, I said no." He protested, trying to pull the blankets from me.

"Harper, you can't be caught here. You need to go back." He called out again, I kept my eyes tightly closed.

"Are you listening to me?" His voice was becoming more and more distant the longer I kept my eyes closed. "Williams?" It was only a far away whisper now "Will—"

My mouth felt ridiculously dry like cardboard or sandpaper, I squirmed down in the mattress. This is the best sleep I have had in weeks. Slowly I opened my eyes, letting them become accustomed to the darkness that surrounded me.

Then I was met with his face. His furious face. Two eyes the colour of wet soil sat blinking at me. His jaw clenched, his nostrils flared. It was actually creepy, he had pulled a chair over and placed it at the edge of the bed and he sat staring while I slept.

"Hi?" I whispered, my throat sounding very raspy.

I could hear the sounds of his breathing but no words past through his lips. For a second I thought I was dreaming.

"What are you doing?" I whispered again.

"Contemplating your murder in many different ways, many different times." He uttered calmly.

"Come to bed." I reached my arm out of his bed covers and clasped my fingers together a couple of times. He looked at my hands and then his brows furrowed.

"Harper you shouldn't even be here. You need to go back to your room and I'm certainly not getting in bed with you." He sat back in his chair and ran his finger across his stubble.

"Axel it's the middle of the night, please just drop this standoffish persona and get in bed. The wake up siren will be playing soon, you need some sleep. How else are you going to have the energy to whip our asses on the field?" I pulled back the covers and he looked at the empty space next to me. I waited for him to make his mind up.

"In bed... with you?" He questioned clearly feeling unsure. I nodded.

"You won't even know I'm here." I promised. After a few more seconds thought he stood up from the chair and made his way to the bed but just as he was about to climb in I threw the blanket back down in his way. He froze. "Could you get me some water first?" I asked innocently, smiling at him sweetly.

"Grr, Harper!" He groaned. I bit back a smile but the good Lieutenant followed my orders and grabbed his water bottle from earlier. I took a small sip and then settled back down next to him under the covers.

"I shouldn't be doing this."

I cuddled into his warm body, clutching my hand over his muscular chest. The sound of him sighing loudly was all I could hear before I fell right back to sleep.

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