《crush imagines》ping pong


that's the hot guy my friend and I saw at Shawn's concert and we had to take a picture of him, goals am i right?

the imagine is (kinda) based on true events haha

also, once i reach 100 chapters i'm ending this story, i know, sad.

I sit, sprawled out on my couch. The sky was a grey colour due to the forest fires that were happening around. The air was humid and musky and hard to breathe in, especially when you have asthma.

The past few days have been filled with playing sims, watching countless movies and taking two times the naps I'd usually take.

There's nothing fun to do and summer is feeling completely wasted.

My phone begins to ring on the ottoman. I lean forward and let out a deep sigh. It reads 'c/n', my best guy friend, and I immediately pick it up.

"Please help me!" He exclaims on the other end of the phone. "What do you need?" I ask him. He sighs. "I've never been so bored in my entire life. Help!" He says, again.

"What do you expect me to do? We've already seen every new movie in the theatres and re-watched every Alex Aiono cover ever." I hear him chuckle. "There isn't much more we can do." I finish, laying back down on my couch.

"Well you have that ping pong table in your basement that you never use, don't you?" C/n says.

"Oh right, we haven't used that since my brother moved out." I say, picking up a chip and eating it.

"Why don't we use it now?" He suggests. "I'll drive over there with my parents' car and we can play ping pong." C/n says. I can practically hear him smile- if that's possible.


"Won't they get mad?" I ask, biting my lip. "Nope, they just went out for lunch." He says. "I'll be over in ten." He hangs up before I can even reply.

"Uh- okay." I say to myself, putting my phone into my pocket as I retreat to my bedroom.

A few minutes pass and I hear knocks coming from down stairs. "Come in!" I shout as I rush down the stairs. C/n walks in, a wide grin (rhymes) on his face.

"Hi." I say as he removes his shoes (Canadian habits). "Hey." He replies, walking next to me.

"Let's go get our pong on then," he says as we walk down my stairs. "Oh boy, please don't ever say that again." I say, giggling.

He smirks.

I unfold the table and pass him a cheap paddle as I take my brother's old paddle. "Okayyy so I haven't played in two years so please don't judge my skills." I say, taking the white ball in my left hand.

He rolls his eyes, chuckling. "When have I ever judged you?" He asks, preparing for my serve.

I throw the ball up and hit it hard at the other end of the table, taking him by surprise. He misses it and groans in frustration.

"What the heck? When did you get so good?" He asks, picking the ball up off the carpet. I shrug. "I guess it comes naturally." I joke.

"We'll see about that." He mumbles, passing it back to me. I re-serve over and over again before the score ends up 17-15 for me.

"How are you winning?" C/n asks, throwing his head back in frustration and I can't help but think about how hot he looks (haha I'm just thinking of Shawn again, oops).


"Fine, next point wins." I say as he rolls up his short sleeves (revealing his sexy freaking biceps... okay I'll stop now). He raises his arm and serves the ball to me and I hit it back. The rally continues for a minute before he spikes it to the corner of the table, taking me off guard.

I miss and shout. "Come on! I should've had that!" I yell and put my paddle away. "I'll always beat you, baby." He says, making my face turn bright red. "Um... what?" I say, raising my brow at him. "Uh I mean-" before he finishes, I press my lips to his, taking him by complete surprise.

"Woah." He says, a boyish grin on his face. "That was good." He adds, smiling like a goof. I smile back and feel butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"So uh, y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" C/n asks. I nod my head and giggle. "We're gonna be the most competitive couple ever, I swear." I say before he embraces me in a hug.

"Yes we are."

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