《crush imagines》new kid


seven more chapters before i end this book and start my shawn one aHHH!

"What do you think of the new kid?" I ask Y/f/n. She shrugs. "He's really cute, but he seems pretty cocky, Kalyn is already all over him." She replies as we sit in the commons watching the new boy as he sits with all the football, popular guys.

"Yeah. She can get so annoying sometimes." As we watch him, his eyes avert up, meeting mine. My face flushes red and I look back down at the pizza in front of me.

"Agh, he caught me staring at him." I whisper to Y/f/n. She chuckles. "Yeah and now he won't look away from you." She says, laughing again. "Dude, your face is so red." She says, slapping my arm lightly.

"Make him look away!" I say, a little loud. "Shut up, I think he heard you!" She says, taking another bite of her food.

"I bet he thinks you're hot." Y/f/n says, smirking. I scoff. "Haha, the last guy that liked me was in grade seven and he told me he liked me AND Shaelyn, I don't think he likes me." I tell her, leaning on my hand.

"He won't look away, though." She says. "I wonder what his name is." I mumble, sipping my juice box.

"I heard it was C/n." Y/f/n says. Just then, Parker, Y/f/n's boyfriend sits next to her.

"Hey guys," he places his arm around her. "Who are you staring at?" He asks Y/f/n, curiously. "I think the new kid likes Y/n." She says, making me scoff again.

"Oh, C/n? I talked to him. He's a really chill dude." Parker tells us, smiling. "Yeah, he's staring at you, Y/n." Parker adds, chuckling.


"Stop, my face will just keep turning red!" I say.

The bell rings soon after and the entire cafeteria makes their way to their next classes.

Unfortunately, my next class, English, only has Parker in it but he sits with his friends, so I have to sit with one of my other friends.

I sit next to my friend, Amanda (haha I'm your friend now). "Hey, how was your summer?" She asks me, flashing me a big smile. I tell her about my summer and she tells me about hers. The second bell goes, saying that class officially starts.

Just then, the door bursts open and C/n runs in, apologizing to the teacher before taking a seat next to Parker.

"Do you have any crushes yet?" Amanda asks me, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Nope. How's your relationship with Grayson going?" (Haha I didn't want to use Shawn cuz a lot of your guys' crush is Shawn). She smiles.

"It's great, even though he dropped public school, we hang out every day after school and- woah, the new kid is staring at you." Amanda says, making my eyes shift upward.

"Oh my gosh." I mumble. "He's kinda cute, you guys would be a sweet couple, y'know." Amanda says, giggling.

"Alright class, we are going to be assigning partners for the beginning of the year project. I will be picking names out of a hat so that you guys will get to know each other better." Mr. Dorval says, pulling the hat up and pulling names out.

"Amanda and Maria... Parker and Liam... Y/n and C/n..." He continues and I look up to C/n and see him smiling up at me. I smile back and wave awkwardly.

"Ooh, I already ship it." Amanda says, making my face turn pink.

This will be fun.

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