《crush imagines》college


Grade 12.

Last year of high school. Also known as the craziest year of your school life.

Your boyfriend, C/n was in his third year of University. He lived and hour away from you so you visited him every weekend.

You sat on your bed, being a responsible young adult doing your homework, until all of a sudden you hear your phone vibrating on your nightstand.

"Ugh..." You grunt and reach over for your phone.

On the glowing screen it read 'C/n❤️'. You immediately press the green button and greet him, trying not to sound like a dead zombie (if that makes any sense).


"Hi babe. You're coming to visit me this weekend, right?" He asks you.

"Yeah, I always do." You reply, slightly confused.

"Why?" You ask him.

"Oh just cause I have something special to ask you. Exams are in a month, right?" He asks you.

"Mhm..." You tell him.

"Okay thanks I luh you bye!" And with that, he hung up.

You sigh and get back to your homework.

-le Magic time skip-

You pack your car with your backpack and get ready to leave.

"Bye mom I'll see you tomorrow." You kiss your mom on her cheek and hug your dad.

You sit in your car and put the keys in.

You had just gotten your N.

You begin to drive and drive. You stop and McDonalds for a burger and drink since you were incredibly hungry... like always.

It was around 9 on a Friday night when you left so it was already dark outside.

The street lights were on, car headlights and you didn't realize you'd ran out of gas until you had stopped in the middle of a stoplight.

You look both ways suddenly see a semi truck coming straight for the front of your car.


Where you were sitting.

All you hear is the truck honking its horn before the impact of the side of your car slams up against your ribs. Glass shatters and you feel it pierce your forehead.

Blood drips down your face.

"I love you, C/n." You mumble before your vision goes dark.

You wake up in an ambulance.

"We've got her!" One of the people yell.

Your eyes are being forced shut again.

No, no, no. You need to stay awake. You promised C/n you would be there.

"No, we're losing her!" One of the doctors yell.


It was all you saw.

And... C/n?

She was supposed to be here an hour ago.

What is taking her so long?

I sigh and grab my phone and call her number.

No answer.

I call it twice.

A... man answers.

"Hello?" He asks me.

"Um hi isn't this my girlfriend's phone?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Y/n was in a car accident." I gasp, struggling to breath. Already sobbing like crazy.

"She's in a coma." He says.

-2nd magical skip of time-

I run as fast as I can into the hospital.

I run to the front desk, with my tear stained t-shirt.

"Name?" The lady asks.

"I'm look-" I sob again, unable to speak.

"Sir I need you to speak up." She tells me.

I know.

I know I need to try to speak.

"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n. I need to find her immediately." I manage to say.

"Room 302." She tells me. I nod my head and run up the stairs.

I don't have time to wait for an elevator. It's only three floors.

I make it to her room and see her lifeless body, laying in a hospital bed.

I fall onto my knees, sobbing uncontrollably.


"Y/n..." My breath is choppy. "I need you to wake up..."

"I love you, please." I could hear his voice. I was in a coma, but I could hear him.

I wanted to scream.

Tell him I could hear him.

Instead I lay, lifeless Y/n.

"You had such a bright future. You could've made it anywhere." He told me.

"Y/n... Please, baby. Wake up for me."

It sucked.

Hearing him hurting. Hearing him struggle for breath. Hearing him struggle to speak.

Hearing him struggle.

I read online that people in comas can hear you speaking. That Y/n can hear me.

"Baby, if you can hear me, I will stay with you until you wake up. Forever and always."

I sniffle.

"And I wanted to ask if you would move in with me after high school."


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