《crush imagines》jealous 2


Lunch time was your favorite part of school.

Except today.

Today was not a good day.

You sat in the cafeteria, where you usually sat. Except your boyfriend, Cody said he didn't want to sit with you today.

You didn't know why.

Suddenly you hear the bell ring so you begin to walk to your locker.

As you're walking you see Cody kissing a girl up against one of the lockers.

Tears were now rushing out of your eyes like a waterfall. You ran away from them, until you hear your name being called in the distance.

"Julia, wait!"

Not this time. He's hurt you too many times. You run to the only place you could think of.

The roof.

Yes, you knew it was pretty much illegal to go on the roof but there was a ladder so why not.

You skipped class, Cody was in that class; missed your bus, Cody took that bus and didn't go home.

You'd spent hours on the roof until you hear someone scrambling to climb it.

"Julia?" You heard his voice.

"Go away."

He came and sat next to you, trying to look into your eyes. You closed them shut and tried to ignore him. But his green eyes made it impossible to not look.

"Why'd you do it? Am I not good enough? Pretty enough?" You began to throw out all your insecurities at him until you were crying, uncontrollably.

"Shh Jules it's none of those. You're perfect." He lets out a deep breath.

"It's me." You look at him.

"I'm not good enough. I was jealous because Tyler was flirting with you and I wanted to make you jealous which was honestly the worst idea ever." You could hear him silently sobbing.

You wipe your tears away and wipe his too.

"You're so stupid." You say, quietly giggling.

He glances into your blue eyes.

"Tyler is my cousin."

You spent the rest of the night kissing, watching the sun set, cuddling and apologizing.


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