《A Completely Different Story》{Twenty-Six}
Eventually you'll come across change of directions in life, but that doesn't mean you have to change your destination.
- It took me awhile to make up this quote. :p
I couldn't take it anymore; I had to have some time with Graham, and now was my chance. I woke up at eleven thirty, the house was extremely quiet. I slowly got off my bed, fixing the blankets and pillows before making my way to Graham. When I pushed the door upended a bit I was surprised to see him awake. He was sitting up in his crib, staring at his feet with fascination. His mouth was open as he ogled his toes; and when he would move them, his eyes would go wide as if he couldn't believe it.
My face broke out into a soft grin as I walked over to him. Graham looked up as I reached into his crib and picked him up. "Good morning handsome." I felt a part of me fill up as I got to hold him on my hip. I had gotten so used to it that not having him with me was foreign like. I snuck downstairs with Graham after brushing my teeth and went into the kitchen, getting out some banana baby food.
I hummed as I placed Graham on his high chair, sitting down in front of him as I opened the mini bottle. "It's banana time," I lifted the spoon up to Graham's mouth slowly, as if one wrong move would make everything go downhill. "Please, don't spit it in my eye this time." Just as I said this Graham laughed, as if he were remembering the time he spit the carrot baby food in my eye. My own son laughs at my failure; should that worry me? I rolled my eyes at my thoughts and pushed the spoon towards Graham's mouth, but of course he refused to let the food enter.
Maybe I should just try a different brand...
After about fifty more attempts, Graham still didn't eat, and I had baby food on my cheek. I wiped it off as I picked Graham up and settled on giving him a bottle. My stomach had started to growl so I placed Graham in his jumper and switched on the tv so he would be entertained as I cooked, letting me watch him at the same time.
I was seriously craving hash browns right now, so I began peeling potatoes to make some for Sarah and mom and dad. While I peeled them I zoned out and started to think of last night's events. I was having such a great time yesterday with the pottery session and the diner, but the art festival is a different story. I was amazed by all the talent that was surrounding Luke and I, but the man from yesterday just had to be there. He just had to remind me again.
"Maggie!" I jumped in surprise, causing the blade I was using to slip and cut my finger. I bit my lip as the sharp pain came through and widened my eyes when I saw the blood starting to ooze out. Blood and I are not friends; I barely survive shark week every month. I turned to face Sarah and frowned. "You made me get my finger cut. I could've chopped it off!" She sighed and pulled me along with her, setting the potato and blade on the linter as she fixed my cut. "I was calling you like five times and you weren't answering. You've been zoning out since last night; are you sure everything's going fine?" I looked up at her and nodded my head.
"Of course," I lied. "I'm just stressing on this essay that's supposed to be due from my homework stack. What did you need?" As Sarah wrapped a band aid around my finger I continued peeling the potatoes.
"I said, you shouldn't be carrying Graham until your stitches get removed. You could've woken me up and I would've taken care of him." I rolled my eyes as I peeled the last potato. "I wanted to spend some time with him alone without you guys worrying, and I'm still going to do it. The doctor is crazy if he thinks I'm going to just lay back without touching my baby."
Sarah sighed and shook her head, helping me finish breakfast. While I made the hash browns while drowning in my thoughts, she made the eggs and bacon. I was so busy thinking that I didn't even realize I had over fried one of the hash browns, causing it to burn. Sarah gasped when the smell hit her nose and she turned off the stove, shoving the smoking pan in the oven. "Maggie, obviously something is bothering you. Never in your life have you burnt food." I opened my mouth to spit out another lie but nothing came out. I sighed and shook my head, walking to Graham and taking him with me back upstairs. As I sat on the rug with him to play with his stuffed toys my phone buzzed.
Morning Maggie Mouse.
It took me awhile to decide whether or not I should reply. Luke didn't do anything wrong, but right now as wasn't really in the mood for much.
You can't be rude Maggie. Where are you manners? Of course my conscience would guilt trip me. I sighed and typed on a simple response.
I put my phone to the side, grabbing one of Graham's toys and attacking him with it as he burst out into one of those cute yet contagious laughs that only babies can seem to do. His laughing managed to distract me for awhile, but there was some part of me that kept nagging.
What if I run into him again?
What if he's stalking me right now?
He doesn't want anything else from me, does he?
No, he-
My phone chimed again and I picked it up; unlocking it to read the message.
Are you feeling better?
I sent him a curt reply that I was and resumed playing with Graham, but only to have my phone chime right after.
Did I do anything wrong?
I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden question.
And that's when my phone started ringing. I groaned in frustration as I pulled at my hair and answered the call. "Hey Luke." I shouldn't have answered. He was gonna know something was up after hearing my voice, but then again if I didn't answer he would grow suspicious.
"Maggie if I did something yesterday please tell me now." I opened my mouth to answer him but nothing came out. It's a beautiful night to take advantage of.
"Maggie." I blinked and looked at Graham as Luke's voice filled my ears. He was on his back, trying to get one of his feet in his mouth. He'll eat his feet but he won't eat baby food? "Sorry, what?"
"Maggie what's wrong?" I sighed and helped Graham back up. He started to fuss since I made his feet go farther away from his mouth, but then he leaned his head all the way down and managed to bite his foot, or at least try since he was barely teething.
"Luke, I'm fine. I'm just a little distracted. Um, I'm trying to get back on my normal routine with Graham."
"You hesitated."
I sighed and stood up, walking toward Graham's wardrobe. "Luke, I'm fine. If you would've done anything wrong last night I would've told you. Don't worry about it." The line went silent for a few seconds, making me anxious. Could he tell I was lying? I shook my head and convinced myself that I was being paranoid. Of course he couldn't tell.
"Liar." Okay I spoke too soon but maybe he's just testing me.
"I'm not lying. Listen, I have to go but we'll talk later." Before he could answer I hung up the phone and shoved it in my bra since my shirts didn't have pockets. Don't judge, you've done it before. I decided to go out with Graham in hopes to get myself distracted. After dressing him up I went into my room with him on my hip and placed him on my bed as I quickly changed into some shorts and an t shirt.
I put on some gladiator sandals and threw my hair up in a messy bun; grabbing my keys, wallet and sunglasses before leaving the room with Graham. I got his bag on the way downstairs and ran into dad on the way out. "Maggie, you aren't supposed to be-"
"I know, dad. But just this once I want to. Please." I grabbed one of the hash browns Sarah placed on the table and made my way out. Once I strapped Graham in I started the car and started to drive. Honest,y I had no idea where I was going, but apparently my hands did because they took full control of the steering wheel and did certain turns as if they were in auto pilot.
I kept questioning myself where air was driving to, but it apparently became very clear when I ended up in the parking lot to Rose Vineyard. The second I went into the parking lot I drove out, not knowing why I would appear at my workplace. And to think I was trying to get my mind distracted. I looked at Graham through the mirror and decided to get some things for him since I was already near the store.
Maybe some Chipotle would do me some good too...
My phone cut off my thoughts and I opened it when I reached a red light. Where'd you go?
I quickly texted back Sarah, just telling her I'd be back soon before throwing the phone on the passenger seat and continuing to drive. I zoned out eventually, and occasionally people would honk from behind me when I would start to swerve slightly. I groaned in frustration, trying to get a hold of myself. Why couldn't he had just completely disappeared from the face of the Earth? It would've been so much easier.
I glanced at Graham again and bit my lip nervously before turning my attention back to the road, but it was a little late. As I looked forward a car was driving across the road from the right. I didn't have time to slow down for the stop sign, and I ended up slamming on the breaks. I jerked forward, causing my seat belt to dig into my side. Next thing I know a sharp pain runs through me and I let out a scream. My stitches.
I looked back at Graham to see if he was alright even though I didn't hit the car. It honked at me and the driver yelled at me as he continued to drive but I ignored it all, focusing on Graham. He was frowning as he stared at his bottle that was once in his hands on the car of the floor. The pain I was feeling right now was unbearable, and when I saw blood seeping through my shirt I flinched. I lifted a bit to see that not only had my stitches opened, but the cut opened up a lot more. I put my hand to my mouth and dropped my shirt, knowing I screwed up. If I had just been paying attention.
I pulled over to the side of the road and turned off my car, laying my head in the steering wheel. I can't call Sarah, because then she'll tell mom and dad and then they'll never let me touch Graham until my cuts turn into scars. I bit my lip and let out a groan. There is someone else I could call.
No Maggie, don't you dare.
I picked up my phone hesitantly and opened up my contacts, going under Banfield.
My finger hovered over the name, but when I saw my shirt getting stained with even more blood I quickly tapped on the number.
"Maggie?" I took a deep breath and tried putting my next sentence as calmly as ai could.
"Hi, I'm sort of bleeding out in my car with Graham in the back. Is there any way you could take me to the hospital?"
"Thank you for picking me up. I didn't really want to freak out my family." I said. Hannah smiled at me and sighed. "No problem sweetie," she frowned and placed her hand in mine. "You do know they'll find out though, right?" I nodded my head slowly and looked down at my lap. After giving me a long lecture, Dr. Henceforth left to get the stuff he needed.
"What exactly happened?" I looked up at Hannah and bit my lip. I couldn't call Luke; he would get mad for not taking care of myself. To be honest he'll get mad once finds out where I am right now. We've been in the hospital for half an hour now, and it took me awhile to convince Dr. Henceforth to let me tell my parents instead of him calling him.
"I just had a lot on my mind and was too distracted see the car coming. I'm just glad I stopped before I hit it. Things could've been worse." Graham was sitting on Hannah's lap, watching kid shows on my phone. Hannah was ecstatic to meet him, and I found it amusing to see her squish his cheeks once in awhile.
"Do you want to talk about what's bugging you?" She asked softly. I was so tempted to rant out to her, but she's done enough already and the last thing I wanted to do was be a burden. I gave Hannah a small smile as I shook my head. "I'm okay, but thank you." She nodded and then my phone started ringing. Hannah grabbed it to see who it was and looked up at me.
"It's Luke." I cringed. On the way to the hospital I ignored his messages. Apparently Sarah had texted him and now he wants to know my whereabouts. I scratched my neck and hesitated before nodding my head. "You can answer it." She nodded and answered the call, putting the phone on speaker mode.
"Hey sweetheart." Hannah greeted. The line was silent for a straight minute, making me think that Luke hung up. Until he addressed the elephant in the room. "Mum, where did you go? I swear you were in the living room a minute ago." Hannah quirked her eyebrow and looked at me. I left a long time ago, she mouthed. I smiled as she answered Luke. What surprised me was that he hasn't noticed the fact that he's speaking with his mother, through my phone. I thought he was going to question that instead.
"Uh, I'm actually in the hospital." Hannah scratched her forehead as she slowly answered Luke, waiting for him to connect the dots.
"Oh, did you have some appointment? I could've went with you so you wouldn't be-" suddenly he stopped speaking and Hannah looked up at me, raising her hand and counting down silently from five to zero. As she reached zero Luke finally asked the question we were expecting.
"Wait, I called Maggie's phone. Are you with her right now?" Hannah made a 'no duh' face and sighed. "Yes."
"Why are you guys in the hospital?" Hannah looked up at me to see if I was okay if she told him. I sighed and nodded my head, reaching my hand up to bite my nails.
"Maggie asked me to drive her here. She had a small accident on the road and asked me to pick her up and drive her to the hospital. I'm here with her and Graham."
"Graham was in the car? Is he okay? What about Maggie? Why didn't you tell me this, I would've come with you!" Hannah rolled her eyes.
"That is exactly why, because you would be freaking out on her. Yes, Graham is fine. As for Maggie, she has to get her stitches done again. They opened up even bigger."
"She shouldn't have been driving. She's been distracted since last night. Anything worse could've happened. Mum, tell her I'm on my way." Hannah sighed and rested her fingers on her temple.
"Luke, I don't think that's a good idea. Just wait till she gets home and you could visit her then." Luke sighed and I could imagine him pacing back and forth in his room. "Fine. Could you just tell her to talk to me when she can?"
Dr. Henceforth walked in the room and motioned for me to lift my shirt. I did as told and he looked up at me.
"This is gonna hurt a lot. This the highest pain level ever." He said. Hannah looked at him bewildered and crossed her arms as she hung up the phone call and gave it back to Graham.
"I understand you saying that because you're a man, but seriously, as a doctor you must be stupid to think that's the highest pain level. Labor, sir, is the highest pain there is." I rolled my lips in to keep from laughing as Dr. Henceforth frowned and started stitching my cut. I flinched once in awhile and sometimes had the urge to smack him, but the quicker it got done the quicker I could leave.
After Dr. Henceforth finished, he covered the stitches with gauze which he had to wrap around my stomach. I pulled down my bloody shirt as he stepped back and removed his gloves. "You can use the same pain killers I prescribed for you; sign here you're free to go." He handed me the clipboard and I signed where my signature was asked for, handing it back to him after.
"And for the love of God Maggie, stop being so stubborn." I nodded my head and carefully stood up. Hannah followed me out of the room and lead us both to her car. As we got in I turned to face her when I made sure Graham was strapped in good. "Thank you again Hannah. I'm sorry you had to leave home for this." She smiled as she backed out of the parking lot. "If anything you we're doing me a favor darling. I wasn't doing much and it's nice to see the sun." I laughed and started giving her directions to my house. Hannah smiled once she realized we lived close to each other.
"You're welcome anytime to our house honey. It's nice to have a girl in the house once in awhile. Thomas and Luke are great but I can't really braid their hair while talking about certain things."she winked and I laughed, knowing that Sarah and her would get along just fine. Since I couldn't carry Graham, Hannah brought him out for me along with his car seat. I unlocked the front door and opened the door for her so she could step inside and place the car seat down by the entrance.
"Maggie! I swear if you leave like that one more time I will- oh my god! Is that blood?" I looked up as Sarah gasped at my shirt in shock and fear. "What in the world happened?!" I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to take the pain killers and have a long nap. I closed the door and scratched my forehead.
"Sarah this is Hannah, Luke's mom. Anyways, my S eat belt dug into my side and opened up my stitches. I had to get more. I'll tell you everything else later but right now I need to take some pills." It urged to Hannah and gave her a hug. "Thank you again Hannah. I owe you one." She waved me off and handed Graham to Sarah.
"Don't worry about it. Do you want me to talk to your mom or do you want to?" I knew my mom would ask me a lot of questions if I did it, but honestly I didn't want to bother Hannah anymore. "I'll let her know. Say hello to Thomas for me." She nodded and waved goodbye to Sarah, telling us to take care before stepping out of the house. I went upstairs to go change my shirt, Sarah following behind me. It old her what happened as I looked for a comfortable shirt.
"Maggie, you shouldn't have been driving. Look what happened! Why didn't you ask me to come with you? You could've gotten hurt even worse, and Graham could've too! Something's making you act this way and you need to el me what. I haven't seen you like this before in a long time and it's scaring me." I closed my eyes and buried my face in my hands after changing my shirt, throwing the other away.
"I'm fine, it's just little things that I'm over looking." I sighed and turned to face her. "I need to feed Graham." I mumbled. We both went downstairs and I got the bottle from the bag, giving it to Graham. He eagerly started to drink it and I went into the fridge to grab a water. "It's not just something little if it made you almost hit a car, Maggie. Why won't you talk to me?" Mom walked in the kitchen with her eyebrows furrowed.
"What's all the fuss about?" She asked. Sarah spoke up before air got the chance to and explained the situation to mom. "Maggie almost hit a car and she opened up her stitches. She had to get them done again and her cut got bigger." Mom widened her eyes and turned to face me as I glared at Sarah.
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Join five zoo animals - Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe, Gloria the hippo, and Ayana the Leopard - who have spent their whole lives in blissful captivity. Unexpectedly, two animals escape following Marty's dream to go to the wild. The rest follow suit for a rescue mission, and after a series of events, find themselves washed ashore on the eponymous island: Madagascar.NOTE: This is a rewrite of the original story!
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Chronicles of Rathia - The Era of Blood
Welcome to the Chronicles of Rathia. Contained within is a trilogy of stories which are all set in different time periods and with different characters. Each story has its own era from The Era of Blood, The Era of Magic and The Era of Demons. Read along the first in the series which is The Era of Blood where magic is still in an infant stage and where swords can dominate the battle field. In The Era of Blood, you follow along the first main character who had his memories wiped clean except for the most basic things in life. It is up to him to find out how to get his memories back and why they are gone. (If you don't like the story layout or characters, I suggest either just reading through or wait till the next one in the series is being released. With how it's set up, you can enjoy any of the three in the trilogy but of course reading in order will help give a better understanding of the world.) (Side authors note - I'm currently reworking the first several chapters as they are lacklustre to myself since they were originally a draft and not concrete at first. This note will stay here until all the chapters I wanted to fix up are done.)
8 196