《A Completely Different Story》{Twenty-five}


In the end, we'll all become stories.

-Margaret Atwood.


My leg was bouncing up and down as I tried guessing where else Luke was taking me. We were about to reach outside of town, and so far I had absolutely no clue. "Okay I give up." I leaned my head back on the headrest in defeat and crossed my arms as Luke chuckled.

"We're already here actually." He nudged his chin forward, gesturing for me to look. I raised my eyebrows and smiled as I saw the huge poster at the entrance of our destination. "An art festival!" Luke grinned and got out of the car, walking around to open the door for me. I had tried getting out myself most times but he eventually won that battle. "There's a lot of things here I thought you'd like. Shall we?" He extended his hand and I took it with a smile.

"We shall."


"You should have a self portrait." Luke said, pointing at one of the booths. The woman running it would paint people's faces skillfully, but then he would out them with people's outfits like Mona Lisa or Abraham Lincoln. I laughed and shook my head. "As appealing as that looks I couldn't stay still for that long." The art festival was filled of life. There were booths everywhere and people would show their different forms of art. I was enjoying our time here, and almost every single thing I saw managed to fascinate me. A certain booth caught my attention and I gasped, dragging Luke along by his hand. He laughed at my eagerness as we came to a stop in front of the booth. There was a long display shelf, showing off all the types of rings that the guy had made. My eyes were glued to the wooden rings. They had beautiful designs on the outside; and I instantly decided to buy one the second I saw the ring with tree designs. I was about to pull my wallet out when Luke grabbed my elbow, making me look at him.

He smiled and shook his head. "Which one do you want?" I rolled my eyes, knowing he wasn't going to let me pay. I pointed at the ring I wanted just as the guy running the booth walked up to us with a smile. "Can I help you with anything?" His voice gave me chills for some reason, but I decided to ignore it as Luke pointed to the ring I wanted. "Yeah, that ring with the tree design please." The guy grabbed the ring and handed it to Luke. Luke turned to me and placed it on my right ring finger to see if it fit me right. I nodded my head as he quirked an eyebrow before handing it back to the guy. "We'll take it." Luke said, getting out his wallet. The guy looked at me as he spoke. "Would you like anything engraved on the inside? There's no additional charge." Luke turned his head to me to see what I wanted. I shrugged and nodded my head. "Okay," I frowned as I looked at Luke. "What should I do though?" He smirked and looked at the man. "Could you engrave the name Graham?" He nodded his head and went off to go engrave the name on my ring. I stared at Luke with a blank expression as he examined the rings on the shelf meant for guys.


When he noticed me looking he quirked an eyebrow. "What?" I shook my head, a smile coming onto my face. "Nothing." It wasn't nothing though, because right now I just realized that maybe, just maybe getting to know Luke even more won't be something I'll regret. Just maybe it could be the start of something new.

"Okay, you paid for mine, now I'm paying for yours. No arguments." Like opened his mouth to protest but I put my hand up. "If you don't let me pay so help me I will never go on another date with you." Luke slowly closed him mouth and licked out a ring as the man came back with mine. I put it on as the man took out the ring Luke wanted. It was thicker than mine and darker; and the design it had were leaves and vines. Luke looked at me after trying it on. "What should I engrave in it?" I looked at the man who now had the ring and smiled.

"Thalia." As the man walked off I noticed Luke whip his head in my direction. When I faced him his face held several emotions; confusion, shock, sadness and joy. "How did-"

"I heard a lot of things while I was comatose and you started talking in your sleep one night while you stayed with me. I figured she's someone important to you, and since you chose someone important to me, I decided to return the favor." Luke suddenly leaned forward and hugged me, hesitating slightly when he spoke. "She was-"

"Stop," I shook my head as I pulled away from the hug. "You don't have to if you aren't ready." I knew he felt the need to explain to me who Thalia was, but I could tell it was a touchy subject, so I decided to wait. He could tell me when he was ready. Luke shook his head as she pulled my to his side. "I'm so glad I met you." He murmured. I smiled and found myself leaning my head on his shoulder.

As the man came backI paid while he handed the ring to Luke. "You two enjoy yourselves," the man said as he took the money. "It's a wonderful night to take advantage of." I froze and looked up at him as he said that last sentence. He was smirking and staring right back at me, an evil glint in his eyes. Everything came crashing down on me and I suddenly felt nauseous. I stepped away from Luke and turned around, running off to the nearest trash can. When I reached one a few booths away I instantly emptied out my stomach. I felt my hair being pulled back as a hand rubbed my back. "Mags, are you alright?" I told up to my normal height and faced Luke. My bright mood was now dull, and right now all I wanted was to go home immediately. "I'm fine, just feeling nauseous. Probably the burger I ate." I mumbled. Luke frowned and grabbed my hand, leading me towards the entrance.

"I'll take you home. It's getting late anyways." I complied without protesting, wanting to get out of here quickly. "I'm sorry I ruined tonight." I said as we got in the car. Luke shook his head as he started the car and backed out of the parking spot. "Hey, you didn't ruin anything. I had a great time, so thank you." I sighed and leaned my head back. "I had fun too. Thanks for everything." I frowned as the aftertaste of vomit lingered in my mouth. "Do you happen to have any gum?" Luke nodded and pointed at the glove compartment in front of me. I opened it and sighed in relief when I saw the pack of mint gum, popping two into my mouth. "Thanks."


We rode back to my house in silence. Luke would occasionally ask me how I was feeling and I would reply that I was better, just tired now. I just didn't think I would see that man again, and honestly I never wanted to. Had I known he'd be here I would've never went into the festival.

"Maggie." I jumped up and turned to look at Luke. "Sorry, what?" He smiled softly and turned off his car. "We're here." I looked at my house and sighed. I felt bad for ending the night early; I knew Luke was having fun, and we were barely there for a few minutes. I felt him nudge my shoulder, making me look at him again.

"Something's wrong," he said. "What is it?" I bit my lip, trying my very best not to cry. "Nothing, I just feel bad that I made you take me home early." Luke sighed and grabbed my hand. "Don't worry about it, I told you I had fun, and I'm happy you did too. That's all that matters." I hated lying to him, but as couldn't just say the truth that easily. I decided to change the subject as I smiled.

"Next time I'll get that portrait." Luke frowned for some reason before smiling. "I'll be looking forward to that." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, making me blush. Hormones, it's the- you know what I'm not even gonna find excuses this time. We sat in the car silently for awhile, not really wanting to say goodnight.

"I'll see you Monday Maggie." Luke said. I nodded my head and got out of the car as he opened the door for me after getting out. "Goodnight Luke." I smiled at him and gave him a brief hug, kissing his cheek as I pulled away. He waited by his car as I started walking to the front door and unlocking it with my key, not leaving until I was inside. I locked the door behind me and walked straight past the living room, ignoring the expecting look my parents and Sarah were giving me. When I got to my room I stepped in the shower, scrubbing my body hard with the loofah to get the clay off me.

My eyes started to sting as I tried leveling my breathing. By the time I got out of the shower my fingers were prune like. I got dressed in pajamas and brushed my teeth before grabbing my hair brush and undoing the tangles in my hair. Sarah walked in eventually and leaned against the counter. "Are you okay?" She asked. I looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't say hi; I was just anxious to get this clay off me. How was Graham while I was gone?" She smiled and shook her head. "He spent his time watching Elmo's world and sleeping. Besides that he would let out some deadly farts. Your kid has problems." I laughed and placed the hair brush down, grabbing my ring and phone and walking to my bed. "So how was the date?"

I pouted at Sarah and let out a yawn. "It was great, but speaking of which it was also full of activities and I'm drained out. I'll tell you everything tomorrow over breakfast." Sarah groaned and pushed my shoulder. "Party pooper. Night sis." I smiled as she stood up, walking out of my room and turning off the light. As soon as the door was closed I buried my face in my pillow and began to sob until I felt myself drifting away. My phone chimed just as I was falling asleep. I picked it up and sniffles as I read the text.

Hope you feel better soon. See you Monday :) sweet dreams Mags.

I was too exhausted to reply, so I turned off my phone and drifted off to sleep, just hoping I would feel better tomorrow. Maybe I'll forget and go on like nothing happened at all. I wiped my eyes as I fell asleep with one last thought.

There's no way that I wouldn't remember. It's already lodged into my brain and it would take more than just sleep to forget about it and move on.



The next morning I checked my phone to see that I had three text messages from Sarah. I furrowed my eyebrows and read all of them.

I don't know what you said or did to Maggie last night but the next time I see you I will kill you.

You better wish you don't run into me anytime soon.

I will hunt you down Lucas Banfield and make sure you regret making her cry.

I widened my eyes as I read the last one. Maggie was crying? I called Sarah and flinched as soon as she started speaking. Well, yelling.

" I swear to a God you will pay for-"

"What do you mean Maggie was crying? What happened?" I asked, cutting her off. I knew Maggie was hiding something the second she changed the subject in my car, but I knew she didn't want to talk about it at the time so I decided not to push it. "She went straight to her room when she got home and claimed she was tired, but I heard her crying. You must've done something Luke."

"I didn't do anything, but I'll talk to her and ask what's wrong. She was quiet and distracted on our way to your house."

"Whatever it was has her dull today, so find out quickly." Sarah hung up before I got to ay anything else. I sighed and threw my Khomeini to the side, leaning back on my bed. I didn't say anything to offend her, did I? She started acting strange after that man gave us our rings. I sighed and tried recalling g every single thing I said, hoping I didn't screw up.


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