《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 22 ❌


''Hey Carmen!'' I yell.

She grins back but there's a glint of guilt in her eyes.

Today was the day I got rid of that guilt.

''Hey, Bec.'' She gestures for me to get in the car and I jokingly say,

''Don't crash this time."

There's a sign of pain in her eyes, and I immediately feel bad, now's not the time for stupid jokes! I scold myself.

''Hey Carmen look. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that I just want you to know that I'm not mad, it's not your fault and I love you, your the best best friend I could ever ask for, and I wouldn't have it any other way.'' She smiles, sadness in her eyes.

''I don't deserve you, I finally see now, your not mad but I'll always be sorry, I love you too Bec.''

I smile and pull her into an embrace.

I finally got my best friend back.


''I want a strawberry milkshake, a large fry, and a bacon lovers sandwich, anything for you Carmen?''

She laughs, and tells the cashier her order, who so happens to be making googly eyes at her. Which she is oblivious to, because she has a boyfriend, Ray.

We were currently at the mall literally shipping till we drop, I bought so many things that I don't need it's crazy, but it's worth it because I have my best friend by my side.

When we grab our food I stuff my face, heaven in my mouth. I moan and Carmen looks at me weirdly,

''Having a foodgasm are we?"

I choke and Carmen laughs all the while patting my back.

''Your such a great friend.'' I say sarcastically.

"Oh I know.'' She says smirking.


After the day with Carmen, I head home hell bent on spending time with Ash, we never really had time to hang out and I miss my


older brother.

I go to the kitchen greeting my mom on the way, I make snacks such as popcorn, candy and as much junk food I can find, I then head to our stash of movies and pick out my favorites such as 'The Hunger Games' and 'The Twilight Saga'

I go upstairs and open Ashton's door but immediately cover my eyes, Ashton is shirtless making out with a girl on top of him, he sees me and his eyes widen.

''Bec get out!'' I move my frozen body.

''My eyes! My innocent eyes!'' I rush to my room and slam the door shut, I was really looking forward to hanging out with my brother, but looks like he had other plans.

I sigh knowing it's not his fault. I pull out my phone ringing Alex,

"Hey, Babe. What's up?''

''Do you maybe wanna watch movies and eat junk food with your best girlfriend ever?'' I say in one by breath waiting for his answer.

''Sure of course, you could've just demanded me to come and I still would've.'' He laughs and I smile thinking I had the best boyfriend in the world.


I hear a knock on my front door and rush downstairs to answer it, I open the door to see Alex, I pull him close and kiss him in greeting pulling him upstairs to my room, ''You sure you just invited me to watch movies?''

Alex asks a dazed grin on his face, I chuckled and kissed his cheek. ''Positive.'' I say stuffing popcorn in my mouth.

I turn on the movie and grab fluffy blankets, I look over to Alex a suggestive grin on my face, I wiggle my eyebrows,

''Come cuddle with Momma.'' Alex laughs and sits next to me putting an arm around my shoulder.

''Remind me, why I'm with you again?'' I chuckle kissing his nose.

"Because I'm irresistible." I say.

''That you are.''


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