《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 21 ❌




Well, that's the sound of a door being knocked. Why am I not answering it? I presume you are thinking, because when I said that'd I'd kick Alex out for two days, Oh boy! I meant it and it's hella hilarious. Although I do miss him a bit.

"Babe, please let me in. I miss you."

Aww, how could I, say no to that?

"I don't miss you!" I yelled, I could imagine the pout on his adorable face.

"Becca I know that is a lie!" He whined and I walked to the door from my hospital bed, and opened it.

"I'm not lying." With that I closed the door. But I had to do that again because his foot was in the way.

"Move your foot Alex." I whined.

"No." His stubborn self came into the room and kissed my forehead.

I melted in his arms and wrapped my arms around his waist,

"You missed me." He said against my hair.

"I missed you." I confirmed.

"I don't blame you who could stay away, from this hot piece of ass for long?" He smirked.

I smacked the back of his head.

"Ow! what was that for?"

He pouted adorably.

"For being arrogant, I can kick you out again you know-"

"Nope, No. Nada." He shook his head making hair fall into his eyes. I laughed brushing the hair out of his eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Okay I won't."

"I love you Bec."

"I don't know why, but I love you more Alex."


"Okay, so you are to be discharged tomorrow, morning but no over-working yourself."

My doctor explained this to me while I zoned out, tomorrow Carmen and I were going to hang out, she said she had a surprise for me and to say I was super excited was an understatement.


I was really, really excited to hang out with my best friend.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked over to meet my mother's warm eyes.

"I'm so glad your okay, I don't know what I would've done if-if."

My mother stopped and tears pooled out of her eyes. I got up and went to hug her.

"Mom, I'm okay, everything is going to be okay." I soothed, refraining the tears I had, from slipping out my eyes.

She nodded and wiped her eyes.

"I know, just the thought of something happening to you breaks me, love." She smiles brushing a strand of hair from my eyes.

I hug her again before beginning to pack my stuff up for my discharge tomorrow.

"I can't wait to go see Carmen tomorrow, she just feels so bad about the accident and I want to reassure her that it's okay, because I know she still feels bad."

I told my mom.

"Yeah, she's such a good kid."

After my mom said that there was a knock on the door,

"Oh, I must be on my way, love. See you tomorrow." She kissed my forehead and left.

That was really weird...she just left so suddenly. I walked over to my bed and closed my eyes, thinking about everything that's been happening so far.

I felt a kiss on my forehead and opened my eyes and screamed. "Ahhh! What the hell?"

Then I looked to see Alex doubling over in laughter and I pouted.

"You'd should've seen your face."

He laughed and I picked up a pillow from my bed and smacked him repeatedly on the head.

"Ow! Fuck Bec stop." He yelled while I laughed, I finally stopped and then glared at him.


"It's not nice to scare a sick person, you ass."

"I'm your sexy ass though."

"Shut up you arrogant asshole."

"Never as long as I'm talking to you."

I rolled my eyes and smacked his head. Then I pulled him to my chest.

"You're lucky I missed you." He hugged me back and inhaled my scent.

"Who wouldn't?" I refrained myself from rolling my eyes again and pulled away from him.

"So what'd you come here for?" I asked.

"Is it bad that I wanted to see my girlfriend?" He smirked, and right then I knew he was up to something.

"No, but I know you have something mischievous planned by the look on your face it says it all."

I said with a poker face.

"All right you got me." He said with jazz hands.

I gave him my best WTF? Face.

"You're really weird, Alex." I stated but then grinned. "But I love it."

"Aw! Stop it you're making me blush babe."

He said hiding his face between his hands making his muscles flex and I had to refrain from fangirling over them.

I laughed then turned on the TV to see that 'The Walking Dead' is on and I literally screamed,

"I fucking love this show!" I almost missed the sound of a tsk of disagreement coming from Alex.

"What do you disagree?" I raised an eyebrow daring him to say something.

"That show is stupid and confusing and weird."

Breathe.... Breathe... I told myself but it was too late, nobody insults the best show in the whole world.

I jumped on his back and yelled in his ear, "You're stupid, you're confusing and you're freaking weird!"

"Now say it, or I won't forgive you." I said pulling his ear.

"No way in hell you crazy woman."

"Say it!"


"Say it!" I yelled pulling his ear, I know I'm crazy but I don't care, it's also funny messing with him.

"Okay! Okay!" He said but it was muffled due to the fact that I'm still on his back.

"What is going on in-" Someone's voice said, and I see it's the same nurse from the last time we had something weird going on... Awkward.. "Nothing!" I said wide eyed as the same time Alex said.

"She's trying to kill me, she's crazy." I hopped of his back and whispered in his ear.

"I'll get you back Alex, I assure you that, babe."

I said winking. I then kindly pushed the lady nurse out of c door and slammed it in her face. Lovely, I know.


1k!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh I love you guys!! Thanks so much for getting me over 1k reads. And don't forget to check out my book Unexpected Love and follow me on Instagram @alizah234. Thanks love you guys!!!

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