《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 2 ❌


I woke up exhausted from studying late last night. I have to try my best at something even though I don't want to, and getting into college is the thing I have to try my best at, I only do good at school because my mother tells me to.

I take a shower and put on my clothes, and skip breakfast because it makes me sick.

I grab a water bottle instead.

I walk down the road to school it's not that far and the walk is very calming.

A few seconds later I feel an arm around my shoulder, right on time. I thought.

I look up to see my brother Ashton staring down at me.

He has chestnut brown hair and green eyes that remind me of my mother.

"Hey, sis." He says as he ruffles my brunette hair. I pout.

"I told you to never do that again." He chuckles.

"No, Good Morning?" He teases.

I roll my eyes, "Good Morning, Ashton." I say nonchalantly.

"Good girl." He teases.

I roll my eyes and continue walking.

About five minutes later we arrive at the school and I sigh dreadfully as I look at,

Washington High School, Home of the Wooly Mammoths.

Wooly Mammoths were extinct so why couldn't this school be?

I part ways with Ashton after he escorts me to my locker, he is so overprotective. But I love him anyways.

I walk down the school corridor only to see my number one bully and her cronies.

Megan, and two other helpless little puppy dogs searching for popularity (who I don't know the names of.)

I walk down the halls quickly with my head down hoping she doesn't notice me, but me being me, much to my dismay, she spots me and smirks.


She snaps her fingers and her obedient two cronies block my way.

Megan was beautiful don't get me wrong, but her heart was hideous.

"Your brother body guard isn't here to protect you today is he?" She spits cackling.

I stay quiet not meeting her hatred gaze, instead I looked at my feet.

I feel a stinging pain that sent me flying to the floor on my cheek.

"Answer me, you piece of trash!"

She yells in my face, while I on the other hand grasp my cheek and fight back the tears.

I was stronger then this I told myself, she wasn't worth my tears.

She grabs me by the hair and slams me into the locker, I gasp in pain.

"When I'm talking to you, you better-"

She gets cut off by someone yelling.

"Get the hell off of her now!"

I know that voice, I look up to see my brother Ashton glaring hard at Megan, he stalks over and glares once more.

"You're so lucky that you are a girl because I would of kicked your ass so many times for messing with my sister."

He all but spits in her face, however she just smirks.

"Yeah maybe I am lucky."

She says and struts off with her cronies trailing behind her.


After a miserable day at school I walk to the hospital that my mom was staying at, when arrived I saw the clerk that I knew well.

"Hey sweetie, the usual?"

She says nicely, I nod and she hands me my visitors pass.

I say my thanks and proceed to my mother's room. When I get there I already see Ashton and her chatting she looks better, I observed. I knock on the door and walk in, she grins when she sees me. "Hi, Rebecca."


I smile. "Hey, Mom."

I walk and take a seat next to her.

"You look better." I state.

"I am better." She laughs.


After a long time at the hospital with my Mom and brother, Ashton drives us home I go to my room and work on assignments and finally go to bed, with so many thoughts on my mind but one was,

What a long day.


AN: Thank you guys for reading

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