《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 1 ❌


Rebecca Woods

I gripped on to my mother's cold hand and looked at her pale face with a weak smile shown.

"Mom, you are going to make it through this I know you can." She smiled.

"I'll try my best honey." She said weakly.

My mom was the only parent I had left; my Dad abandoned us, but my Mom might be leaving for good, she has liver cancer and is on chemotherapy. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, even if she has to wear a hat over her head, I take it off every time because she is beautiful. I only have one sibling Ashton, he is older than me by ten months, we are in the same year and go to the same school. I love my brother more than anything. He might be a little overprotective but I love him. I looked into my mother's faded green eyes and she looked into my blue-green eyes.

"Mom, I'll be back same time tomorrow, I love you."

I gave her fragile body a hug. "Bye honey, I love you too." She rasps out. I waved one last time and walked from the hospital room she was in.


I think about my father on the way home, should I even call him a father? He left my family when I was about 5 years old. Ashton was more like the father figure in my life. It brings tears to my eyes, thinking about how Ashton had to grow up at such a young age to take care of me alongside my sick mother.

My grandma took care of us, but sadly she passed away. Luckily, Ashton is now 18 so we never had to go into foster care. I'm happy we never did. My mom couldn't handle the thought of someone else taking care of us.


I look out the window of the bus, it's raining, matching my mood.

Washington State isn't all that bad, although I would rather live somewhere else, I feel stuck, everything is the same. I need change in my life.

I almost miss my stop because I was so absorbed in my thoughts. I go into my small house, greeted by the quietness.


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