《YANDERE Prince X Child Reader "I'll keep you"》Chapter 2


The butler walked towards you. You gulped. "Young maiden, their highnesses orders are to take you to them. You have no other choice than to cooperate. You'll get a better life, though." The butler said. 

You quietly stood up and walked to them. You looked behind the butler and saw the royal family. The teen prince stared at you, he then walked towards you. "Tell me your name." He ordered, making sure to keep appropirate distance between himself and you. "M-my name is '(y/n)', your highness." You replied. " '(y/n)'." Zachary said, testing your name out.

Olivia stared at you and thought about something deeply. "Anna?" Olivia said. Anna looked at her. "If she comes with us..." Olivia started and frowned a little. You averted your eyes from hers, feeling uneasy. "...that means we'll get to do her hair and dress her up!" Olivia continued, suddenly excited and happy. You sighed in relief. "She is not your doll..." Anna said, sweatdropping at her sister's excitement. 

You sat quietly in the horse carriage, looking at your lap. You sat behind in the carriage, next to a butler, the prince and princesses are sitting before you.

Zachary glanced a little at you.

You and Zachary didn't say anything and listened to Anna and Olivia's conversation and that of the king and queen's. 'I may get a better life and maybe mama is there...I hope so.' You thought and looked at your sweaty palms, feeling pretty nervous. 'I can't really work...' You thought.

"We're here, your highnesses." The coachman said and the carriage stopped. 

You looked at the huge castle. 

"Let a maid wash her, she's dirty. And get her beautiful clothes." Zachary said and walked away.


As soon as he gave the order, a maid quickly came. "Follow me." She said. You followed her. 

You two arrived at a big bathroom. The maid rolled her sleeves up. "It seems like Prince Zachary has took a liking to you. He actually loves to play with little kids, though he never admits it." The maid said and smiled. She prepaired the water. She looked at you. "How old are you? What's your name?" She asked. 

"My name is '(y/n)', miss. I'm six years old. I don't exactly know my birth day, but it's somewhere in (month) (year). How old are you and what's your name?" You replied. 

"Oh, okay. My name is 'Maria'. No need to be formal, just call me 'Maria'. I'm 22 years old." The maid, 'Maria', replied. "Okay. How old is the prince?" You asked. "Prince Zachary is 18. His oldest sister, 'Olivia' is 23 years old. His other sister, 'Anna' is 20 years old. Queen Alexandra is fourty. King Nicholas is 43 years old. Olivia and her fiancé are marring soon. The queen is searching someone for princess Anna and someone for prince Zachary." Maria responded while checking the water temperature. She grabbed soap and shampoo.

"Okay." You muttered. "Now, come here. Get your clothes off." Maria said. You shyly looked at the ground. "Don't be shy, you're six. It's fine." Maria reassured. "No..." You mumbled.

"...Hmmm, fine. I'll only wash your hair and wait outside so that you can wash your body on your own. Deal?" Maria said. You nodded happily. "Thank you." You said. "It's okay." Maria said and chuckled.

While she was washing your hair, you accidentally splashed water on her. She looked at you and started a water fight. You two laughed outloud. Some butlers and maids looked at each other and smiled, knowing that you and the maid are playing around.


"I'll get your clothes, you wash your body." Maria said and left. 

Maria arrived at the door, but stopped to listen as she heard Olivia. "She has to wear this pink dress!" Olivia said while holding a pink dress. "No...Green would be better." Anna said and held a green dress. Zachary huffed. "Imbeciles, she should wear this beige dress." Zachary said while pointing at a knee-length, long sleeved beige dress with a few white decorations here and there. "Pfff, we are the girls here. I and Anna decide, now Anna, put that green dress away." Olivia said. "No." Anna replied. Olivia slightly glared at her sister.

"Quiet, Olivia. I decide. I was the one who suggested to take her with us, you would probably let her die." Zachary replied, slightly frowning. "Quit playing daddy, Zach." Olivia said. "You know what, beige is good too. I agree with Zach, he said we should take her with us. It's fair to let him decide." Anna said and put the green dress down. 

"Anna!" Olivia shouted and stomped her foot on the ground. Zachary smirked amused. "Fine, whatever." Olivia pouted. 

"Excuse me." Maria said after she knocked on the door. "Come in. Here are the clothes." Zachary responded. Maria opened the door. Zachary gave her the dress with a white shirt and white legging/pants.

Maria took the clothes and walked away, back to the bathroom.

You was already done and had wrapped yourself in towels. Maria knocked on the door, "Maria here." She said. You opened the door and she gave you the clothes with a grin. "Prince Zachary chose this for you. He even argued with his sisters about it!" Maria said. "Oh..." You mumbled and took the clothes. You used the body lotion Maria gave you and put the clothes on.

You opened the door after you was done and Maria squeled happily and said you look cute and beautiful. 

Maria dried and brushed your hair and made it in (hairstyle). You looked clean again and your hair and skin shined again. 

"Here is she, your highness." Maria said and showed you to Zachary.

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