《YANDERE Prince X Child Reader "I'll keep you"》Chapter 1


(EDIT 11 February 2021: Some/Most of you get surprised when they see Zachary is 18 years old in Chapter 2. So, I will put it here too. Zachary is 18 years old. He loves/will love the reader platonically, that means that he does NOT have and won't get any romantic or sexual feelings towards the reader.)

"Prince Zachary, please wake up." A butler said while knocking on the bedroom door of the prince. "Excuse me?! Who do you think I am?! I'm already awake!" The prince from the kingdom 'Alby', shouted from behind the door.

"I apologize then, your highness." The butler responded. "Hmpf." The prince huffed.

"My sunshine, Zach!" The queen, Zachary's mother said and hugged Zachary. He slightly patted her back and let her be. "Mother, what are we doing today?" Zachary asked as he released himself from her hug. "We are today going into town!" The queen replied. "Eww, no!" Zachary said and folded his arms. "Awwh, my sunshine! I'm sorry, but we have to! To show those miserable human beings that we are thinking about them!" She responded.

The queen, 'Alexandra', her husband, 'Nicholas', their only son, 'Zachary' and two daughters, 'Anna' and 'Olivia' are sitting in a horse carriage. People wave at them and they wave back.

Anna secretly wants to marry a man who's a farmer, someone who isn't a prince.- She hasn't seen the right one, but she dreams of it. She doesn't care about much money. Olivia is more like her mother and wants someone who's rich, someone who can buy her whatever she wants.

Zachary is Alexandra's and Nicholas' only son, so he is really spoiled. Alexandra tries to find a girl for him, but he has called every girl except his mother and sisters, disgusting and ugly so far. He loves eating sweets and he loves playing with his cat and Piranha fish. The whole Alby family loves animals.


Anna was taking notes about the poor people in her note book. Olivia was looking disgusted while Alexandra told her to smile at the citizens. Nicholas just looked outside, smiling and waving at everyone. Zachary looked outside, bored, until his eyes laid on you.

"What a poor little girl." Anna who is sitting next to Zachary, said with pity. "Filthy. She is beautiful, but needs a shower..." Olivia commented, playing with a lock of her hair.

"Eww! She probably has diseases and germs!" The young prince said in disgust, looking at you who was on the streets. "Indeed, they are nothing like us. Filthy." His mother replied. He sighed and took a better look at you. "But...she is kinda cute. Mom, give me that thing." The prince said and pointed at you. "Are you sure?" His mother asked concerned. "Yeah, I want her." The prince said and folded his arms.

"Hah? What's gotten in you?" Olivia asked Zachary. Anna just looked a little shocked. "If my baby boy wants her, he'll get her! Stop the carriage!" Alexandra said. The carriage stopped by her order. "You already have pets. Animals are lovely, humans who aren't like us, are stupid." Olivia said. "My pets are special, I would NEVER replace them! I just want that thing." Zachary said.

"She is too young to work." Nicholas said. "She doesn't need to work. If she's annoying, we'll sell her." Zachary said and closed his eyes. "Okay then." Nicholas replied. Zachary glanced at you, you didn't notice though.

You were surprised that the carriage stopped so close by you, but got even more surprised and shocked as you saw the king, queen and their children getting out.

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