《Dark Percy One Shots *NOT ACCEPTING NEW REQUESTS AT THE MOMENT*》Through the Lens 1/3


Dumbledore hadn't known what to expect when McGonagall bursted into his office with a sheet of parchment grasped in her hand and what can almost be described as a look of fear in her face.

And wasn't that a sight to see? Minerva McGonagall, scared.

The headmaster had immediately stood up, knowing that anything that would make the professor panic was definitely something to worry about.

"Minerva? Is something wrong?" he asked, trying to calm his deputy headmistress.

"I- I was looking through the list of students for this years batch of first years and.. Albus have you seen this?" she pushed the sheet of parchment to Dumbledore's line of sight and the headmaster squinted his eyes, trying to see what the other was so scared about.

His gaze roamed down the list of names, recognizing some and not knowing others (those were most likely the muggleborn students).

Abbot, Hannah..

Greengrass, Daphne..

Malfoy, Draco..

His eyes roamed further down and soon, he saw exactly what the problem was.

Riddle, Perseus..

The aged headmaster sat heavily back on his chair.

Dear Merlin.

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