《Everything Im Insecure About (SouDam)》1



Gundham sat in bed, blush filling his cheeks, he was thinking of his lover-...


Not technically his lover, you could say, they're dating but the other boy doesn't even know, or recognize him, so... Basically, they're not exactly dating, but Gundham did in-fact love him with his entire heart.

He would sacrifice anything for him, except his beloved Devas of course!

He lifted his head and grabbed his phone, thinking of a way to skip time.

"... Is this-..." He paused and put his phone down, face flat...

"It was..." He felt his face redden even more...

... His crush just followed him back on instahope ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You see, it was a big deal, because...

Kazuichi was more... Popular, I suppose that is one way to word it, he was popular for being confident and funny...

While on the other hand... Gundham... He was way too shy and was too scared to communicate with anyone in his class...

He immediately looked at Kazuichis page and looked through the pictures...

In every single picture, Kazuichi is always with a friend, such as Ibuki, Leon, Miu and even Teruteru?

Gundham felt his face redden as soon as he saw a beach picture of Souda, Angie and Sonia...

... Kazuichi looked happy...


Why can't Gundham at least smile? It feels so strange and weird when he tries, so he just gave up and stopped smiling, the only thing he could do was smirk, which isn't enough...

He started looking at more pictures until he found one... Huh?

It was a picture of Gundham playing with his hamsters, the description said, "look at him! He looks so happy with the hamsters"


"He.. Actually noticed me...?"

He grabbed a pillow on his bed and squeezed it, his face redden even more, "... I-I had no clue, he has never talked to me before so I thought he never saw me there... But he did..."


He looked down at the comments and saw a comment by Miu, "Aha! What a freak show!" And another by Hiyoko, "Pfft! How hilarious, I can't believe you were snooping around that weird freak face! I didn't even think people payed attention to him since he's so weird!"


"... People seem to have deep hatred towards me..." He sighed as he closed his phone and put it on the desk next to his bed...


"Do not worry my Devas... I am not upset..." He murmured, lifting his sheets up, trying to hide his tears from his hellish beasts...

-The park-

"What the hell?!" Kazuichi screeched.

He looked down at his phone and started chuckling, "i-I accidentally accepted Gundhams friend request! Dammit! And I don't want to hurt his feelings..." He groaned.

He turned to Fuyuhiko and pointed at his phone, "what do I do? I don't know if he checked it, and if he did, he'll kn-"

"Quit being a dumbass, just keep it that way, it doesn't matter"

"B-But Miss-"

"Sonia doesn't even care"


Kazuichi just laughed and pulled Fuyuhiko close to him and took a picture of them both.

"There, my daily dose of taking a picture with a friend!" He smiled.


Kuzuryuu blushed and scoffed, "w-well... Uhm.. Let's just go to the ice cream store then..."

"Oh, fuyubro, sorry, but tomorrow I have to hang out with Miss Sonia at the cafe close by, so I was hoping if maybe you c-"

"Can stay out your way? Mhm, sure"

"Thanks man! You're the best!" He smirked.

Kazuichi ran towards the ice cream shop and opened the door for his friend, "ladies firs-"

"Shut the hell up!"

Kazuichi laughed and ran inside.




Kazuichi hushed, gripping his friends wrist, "what the hell?? Let go!"

"No! Look! Miss Sonia is near by with Peko!"

"...do you think Peko is helping Miss Sonia ask me out-"

"Souda, not everyone is going to like you, Sonia only likes you as a friend, get it through your damn head"

"No, she likes me... I know she does... She's just-..."

"You know she doesn't like you so give up" Kuzuryuu sighed, "let's just go to the other ice cream shop..."


"no buts, we're leaving"

"... Okay..." Kazuichi frowned and followed Fuyuhiko from behind, kicking rocks...

"... Stop being so miserable, you're making me feel bad..."

"Then can we go back with Miss So-"

"Never mind, I don't feel bad... " Kuzuryuu laughed.

"Wow..." Souda murmured...

-after they ate ice creame and headed home-

"Bye Fuyuhiko! Thanks for walking me here!" He shouted, opening the door...

"Aye, kiddo, who the hell was that?"

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