《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 41


Klaus's POV

After eleven long hours on that disastrous flight with the screeching child, I finally arrive in London. Knowing any car will be too slow, I flash towards the direction of the hotel that they are all staying at. 

I walk briskly towards the front desk and quickly compel the lady, "Do you have any rooms under Forbes, Bennett, or..." Oh gosh, what is the doppelganger's last name?

The lady says, "There is a room under Caroline Forbes."

I ask her, "What room would that be?"

She says, "673."

I compel her to forget she ever saw me and I head towards the stairs. Once I am in them, I flash towards the sixth floor. I head to their room and bang on the door. Elena opens the door and says, "We may have a problem."

I ask, "And what is that?"

She sighs and says very quickly, "We lost Caroline I'm sorry."

I walk into the room and see Bonnie performing a locator spell. She says, "I can't pinpoint Caroline, she is moving too fast and too much."

"Keep trying, Elena and I will split up and look for her, call me if you can get a location."

With that, I flash out of there to find Caroline.

Elena's POV

Bonnie and I exchange glances. We are both left, utterly stunned at Klaus. I have never seen him this intense, unless we had daggered one of his siblings. I honestly don't know what to do, oh right, I need to go look for Caroline.

I start to head towards the door and Bonnie says, "I think if Caroline wants to be with him we should let her. I want to be supportive of her no matter what. If he makes her happy, I'll live with him. I know you have a lot of problems with Klaus, but since Caroline has been with him, she hasn't cried once about her mom. Even if they don't end up together, they are really good friends, Elena. Do you think you can maybe set aside your problems with Klaus for her?"


I turn around and scoff, "You know that I love Care so much, but Klaus is pure evil. He killed Jenna, Tyler's mom, his twelve hybrids, Jules, countless others, and me. He turned Tyler into a hybrid slave and Stefan into a ripper again. His siblings and he came into town and ruined everything Bonnie, they ruined everything." The whole time I have been walking towards Bonnie.

She spits out, "I can't believe you Elena, they aren't even together yet and you are already against their relationship. When I was dead, I saw how much they each cared for each other, Elena. It's only a matter of time before they get together. I just didn't want to make Caroline choose between us and him, and you know she would chose us in a heartbeat. You are such a sucky friend, Elena."

Before I know what I am doing, I flash towards Bonnie and have her pinned against the wall. I quickly fall to the ground with a major headache. Bonnie takes a step closer to me and says, "Elena, don't forget you were in love with Damon when he had hurt Caroline. He did unspeakable things to her, and you just run into his arms. He turned my mother into a vampire, Elena. you obviously thought it was okay to be with the bad guy. If Klaus is what Caroline wants, you just have to suck it up or stop being our friend." After that, the headache stops and I look up at Bonnie with wide eyes. The last thing I see is Bonnie flick her wrist.

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