《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 40


Klaus's POV

After fighting werewolves all night, I go to my house and crash on the couch. Katherine is laying beside me passed out. Davina fell asleep on the chair as soon as she touched it. I tell one of my minions to get me four blood bags. I suck them down as soon as they are in my possession. Davina told me that Caroline is now unlinked from Katerina.

I tell my minions to inform my siblings that I will be going to find Caroline. Elijah is in front of me in a second and says, "Please heal Katerina, Niklaus."

I say, "Listen, I gave her freedom, but that doesn't mean I have to save her life."

Elijah says, "Niklaus, please."

Elijah loves the bloody doppelganger. Fine, I'll heal her, but I am going to get something out of it.

"Elijah, why do you care about what happens to the doppelganger?"

He straightens his tie and says, "I believe since the girl did the spell to unlink herself from Miss Forbes, you are entitled to treat the injuries she attained during that time."

I just raise my eyebrows and say, "When I have the real reason, I'll heal her Elijah, I promise."

I flash to my room and start throwing stuff in a suitcase. I call Caroline to see where she is. She doesn't answer so I try Bonnie.

"Hello?", she says.

"Bonnie", I say trying to sound cheerful, "I suppose you figured out by now that Caroline has werewolf venom in her system. I need your location so that I can head there immediately."

Bonnie sighs and says, "I give you the location, you come, you heal her, you leave, got it?"

I say, "Yes witch, now tell me where you are."


"London, I'll text you the address."

I hang up and grab my suitcase. I stop in my doorway because Elijah is standing right in front of me.

"I love Katerina, Niklaus. Please heal her."

"A promise is a promise."

Bonnie's POV

I hang up with Klaus and see Caroline freaking out. I put my hands on her shoulders and say, "Caroline, Klaus is on his way. Calm down."

Elena bursts through the door with her big backpack. She says, "I stole blood bags from the hospital for when you start to get really hungry."

Caroline says, "I don't want any, the smell of the blood makes me want to puke. GET IT OUT OF HERE NOW!" Elena quickly stuffs the blood in the bathroom.

Caroline looks in horror and says, "Sorry I just thought that, I don't know what I thought. You guys my mind is going in different directions and I can't seem to focus on one thing. UGH! WHEN IS KLAUS GOING TO BE HERE?"

I say, "Calm down Caroline, he just left. Don't worry, you will be fine. We both know Klaus wouldn't let anything bad happen to you."

She just nods and plops down on the couch. Elena and I exchange glances, waiting for her to go off. We both know she doesn't want to see Klaus, but she has to in order to not die. Caroline's head must be really going crazy right now.

Elena motions for me to go into the other room. I follow her and shut the door behind us. She says, "I think we should just like snap Caroline's neck or inject her with vervain or something. She might accidentally hurt somebody and feel really guilty about it once Klaus has healed her."

I sigh and say, "How about I try a spell to keep her calm?"

"Good idea.", Elena says.

I go to my suitcase to grab my grimoire. Elena says she is going to go check on Caroline. I am unzipping my suitcase when I hear, "Shit."

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