《We Have Hope - Klaroline Story》Message of Hope


I woke up and the first thing I did was get up and I try to find Caroline, she was still sleeping, she was in my aunt's room, I seat in the bedroom and called Caroline.

"Oh, hey honey" She said with a sleepy voice with made me smile.

"Good morning!"

"Did you eat anything this morning?" She asked and I shocked my head "Okay, do you want waffles, cereals or pancakes?"

"Pancakes!" I said excited. Pancakes are my favorite food.

We went to the kitchen and Caroline start to make the breakfast and we continue to talk.

"Hope when you found out about your powers"

"I always knew... Care?"

"Yes" She said looking at me.

"How do you know my daddy?"

"Well, I met him in Mystic Falls. At first I didn't like him but then Klaus showed me that he wasn't the bad guy I thought he was."

"My daddy is awesome."

"Hey girls look what I found" Kol said getting into the kitchen "Pancakes? Awesome!"

"It was my idea" I said and Kol kissed my head.

"You are a genius Hope Mikaelson" Kol said and I smiled.

"What did you find Kol?" Caroline asked curious.

"A video camera. We can record every day that we can spend here..."

"I will do it and when we get back I will show to my daddy." I said excited and Caroline gave me a smile.

I start to record and turn the camera to me.

"Hey daddy! I am with uncle Kol..." I said pointing the camera to him and then I turn the camera to Caroline who didn't notice because it was making the pancakes "... and my new friend Caroline."

"Oh, hi!" She said looking at the camera and smiled waving her hand when she was saying 'hi'. Then I turn the camera to me again.


"Caroline told me that she knew you from Mystic Falls... Daddy you don't need to be worry, last night, was the first night that we spend in here and Caroline took great care of me, she even told me a bedtime story named the boy saw a comet. I tell you the story when I get back... But I need to go have breakfast. Bye daddy. I love you" I said and put the camera in the balcony and we all went to the dinner room eating.

I can't believe that I lost my daughter, the light of my life, the two girls that I love the most are... I can't even say it...

I was in the living room and Ansel was trying to comfort me, he spend the night here trying to make me feel better but without any success.

"Hey Nik" Rebekah said walking to the living room.

"What?" I asked without caring.

"You need to see this." She said and put the camera in the tv so we all saw what she just had seen.

It appeared Kol and he smile and start to say. "Hey guys! I don't know if this is going to work but, I need you guys to know that we are okay. We got stuck in Mikael's prison, but we are trying to find a way to get back... Let's go to the kitchen!"

Then all got black and I saw my daughter, my little girl, tears start to appeared...

"Hey daddy! I am with uncle Kol..." She said pointing the camera to him and then I turn the camera to Caroline who didn't notice because it was making the pancakes "... and my new friend Caroline."

OMG Caroline is okay? Caroline is okay! The two loves of my life are okay.


"Oh, hi!" Caroline said looking at the camera and smiled waving her hand when she was saying 'hi'. Then it appeared Hope again.

"Caroline told me that she knew you from Mystic Falls... Daddy you don't need to be worry, last night, was the first night that we spend in here and Caroline took great care of me, she even told me a bedtime story named the boy saw a comet. I tell you the story when I get back... But I need to go have breakfast. Bye daddy. I love you" She said and that was the end.

"I love you too" I said then I turn to them and said "They are okay!"

"They gave us a message of hope..." Rebekah said smiling and with hope in her eyes.

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