《We Have Hope - Klaroline Story》First day in the Prison


"We have a problem..." Kol said.

"What is it?" Hope asked with a sad face.

"We don't have any games in here."

"It's okay I am going to try to find a store that as games." I said and winked to Hope.

"I know that store! My daddy goes with me there sometimes."

"Okay, how about you come with me and Kol stay here to make sure everything is okay?" I said looking at her with a smirk.

"That's an awesome idea."

We went to my car and I drive until she told me to stop.

"Okay. We are going to get in and you are going to tell me what do you want, okay?" I said and she nodded. 'God she is so cute!', I thought.


"You know what? If you want you can call me Care, that's how my friends call me..."

"Are you saying that we are friends?" She asked with a big smile on her face and I saw excitement in her voice, when I nodded she hugged me.

"So... let's find some nice games to play..." We put in a shopping cart monopoly, puzzles, Uno, Pictionary, scrabble and others, we were in silence and I decided to break it "Hope do you like riddles?"

"Yes" She said smirking.

"Okay, which letter from the alphabet has the most water?" I asked smiling

"C" She said after thinking a little bit. "Okay, it's my turn to ask. What as face and two hands but no legs or arms?"

I think about it and then said "A clock?"


"Hope, I know that we don't have all the games that you want but, it's getting dark. So what about we going home with this games and food and come back tomorrow?" I asked.


"Sure" he said smiling and we went back to the car. The important was that we had food and games so she couldn't think about what can happen wrong and be a little happy.

We were coming to The Quarter and I start to see Hope really sad.

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked worried. I know I just met her but it's impossible not care about her.

"Yes... No. I usually have bad feelings before something bad happens, it's part of my powers... And..."

"Let's go see Kol and make sure he is fine. If we stick together we can fight against any evil." I said trying to make her feel better and I think it worked... She just nodded and then we get into the Quarter

"Kol" I called.

"In the kitchen." I heard Kol. We went to the kitchen and saw Kol with a stake in his stomach.

"OMG Kol, just hang on. I am going to take the skate off of you." I said and walk over to him so I could take the stake off of you.

"One bet as my brother would feel jealous about me if he saw us." Kol said chuckling.

"Seriously?! You just got stabbed and you are making jokes?" I said and I heard Hope laughing which made me laugh too.

"Uncle Kol what happened?" Hope asked when we all stop laughing.

"Well, I was walking through the Quarter when..."

"It was Mikael, wasn't it? The mean man you talked about..."

"We are going to be okay Hope. We have the most powerful creature in the world with us" Kol said smiling making her smiled and blushing.

"So... You already know how to do magic?" I asked and she nodded "Cool. Now let's play."


We went to the living room and start to play monopoly, Hope was the one who was wining and Kol was losing, after a while he gave up.

"I give up. The dices are the problem, they are always making me stop in your houses..." He said to us.

"He is always such a bad loser?" I asked whispering in Hope's ear making her chuckled.

"Yes. But even when my uncle wins which is rare he starts to make his happy dance..." Hope said and I laughed.

I realized that Hope was also tired so I decided to take her to bed, she told me where was Klaus's room.

"Okay. Now that you are already here I am going to bed okay?" I said and get up.

"Wait... Care, can you tell me a story?"

"Of course, which one?"

"I don't know but I am tired of the ones that everyone heard of, you know Snow White, Cinderella..."

"I know one that you might not know... It's called the boy and the comet." I said smiling.

"It was a comet. The boy saw the comet and suddenly felt his life had meaning... And when it went away, he waited his entire life for it to come back to him." I said and paused remembering Klaus then shocked my head to break the thought and I kept telling the story "It was more than just a comet because of what it brought to his life: direction, beauty, meaning..." I said remember what Klaus told me in my birthday "There are many who couldn't understand, and sometimes he walked among them. But even in his darkest hours, he knew in his heart that someday it would return to him, and his world would be whole again... And his belief in God and love and art would be re-awakened in his heart. The boy saw the comet and suddenly his life had meaning."

"That's and incredible story" She said with her eyes fighting to be pen.

"It's an epic love story if you tell me." I said remembering Klaus then I kissed her forehead and said "Goodnight"

She didn't say anything because was already asleep. I walk over many rooms and find Rebekah's room, I decided to sleep in there, I mean this last 3 years I start to be Rebekah's friend, I'm sure she wouldn't mind and I am too tired to find another room...

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