《Silent Voice》Chapter 14: Contact


Chapter 14: Contact

Tina decided, as she returned to consciousness, that she had been passing out entirely too much lately.

Then again, this was the best time she had ever had blacking out so maybe she shouldn't complain.

She came back slowly, luxuriating in the sweet experience of the after effects of Crispin's love making.

She was laying out along his chest, she was probably heavy but she couldn't work up the energy to care. He had pulled a blanket down from the cot and covered them both with it before he went to sleep himself. Tina found the gesture unexpectedly sweet.

She laid butterfly kisses along his collarbone, slowly bringing him back to wakefulness as she did so. There were, she thought, worse ways to wake up.

When his eyes opened, it was without a sound from him. He was back to being silent.

“Hello.” Tina said lamely as she ran her hands along his arms and chest. The touch wasn't really sexual, she just wanted to touch him.

He smiled at her and whispered, “Hi.”

Tina smiled at the sound of his voice. It wasn't even like he was controlling her anymore. Now his voice was like cool water on a hot day, refreshing and delightful.

She laid her head back onto him and listened to the sound of his heartbeat. Every sound he made, even the ones without any power, pleased her. He ran his hands up and down her arm, tickling her skin there slightly.

“We should get moving.” she said after a few minutes. “We have a lot of time to make up for.”

“Anyone ever tell you that you work too much?” he asked. Her will was pretty weak at that moment as she basked in the glow of loving him but he was the same. They were equal.

“People mention it sometimes.” she shrugged. “I tend not to listen.”

She sat up quickly and climbed to her feet. She felt suddenly full of energy and ready to tackle whatever would come her way.

Crispin put his hands behind his head and just watched her. She was glorious. He liked the straight lines of her body, the firmness of her muscles, the way her black hair looked against her tanned skin.

“What are you staring at?” she asked him, unashamed.

“Beauty.” he answered simply.

Tina was taken aback by the way he said it and looked away quickly. “You're strange when you actually talk.”

“I'm no different when I speak then when I don't.” he said. She could hear him climb to his feet behind her.

“Not true.” she smirked at the wall. “You're a total ass when you talk.”

He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. Tina reveled in the feeling of their bare skin pressing together. It was intimate and sensuous. She reached up and grabbed his arms as the boat rocked them from side to side. She enjoyed the feeling of him a great deal more than she thought she would. It wasn't just his voice, she enjoyed the way their bodies fit together.

A more romantic fool than Tina might say they were made for each other. She smiled slightly. It was a good thing she wasn't a romantic fool then.

She turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his waist. He was smiling down at her but it wasn’t his usual smile. It was a genuine, happy smile and she was pleased to see it.

“You need to stop hiding behind your smile.” she told him, reaching a hand up and playing with one of his blonde curls. Who would have guessed she would have fallen for a pretty boy?


Crispin didn't need to ask her what she meant. “It's safer for everyone for me to do so.”

“It used to be safer.” she corrected. “Back when you were with normal people who aren't used to mythics or you. You're around friends here. There's no need to hide.”

“I scared you.” he reminded her.

“Only at first.” her eyes furrowed slightly. “And you would bring that up.”

“It's easier.” he assured her. “And I'm already used to it. Isn't it enough that I can be myself with you?”

She shrugged. “I would prefer you be yourself all the time.”

“I am.” he promised. “Just different sides of myself. Are you really having a philosophical conversation with me?”

“Yeah and it's hurting my head.” she complained. She rotated her body against his seductively. “Let's delay leaving for awhile yet. There's a nice comfy cot here I can think of a few uses for.”

He laughed and the sound made her happy. “You haven't had enough yet?”

“Have you?” she countered, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist.

Crispin caught her neatly by her bottom and grinned at her. He hadn't realized she had a playful side to her. That was interesting. “I haven't had nearly enough. I just want to make sure you can handle it. You, uh, screamed there towards the end last time.”

She frowned. “Are you going to keep bringing things like this up? It happened once. It won't happen again.”

He grinned at the challenge.

It happened again. Twice.


Tina stretched her surprisingly sore muscles as she regarded the beautiful ocean that stretched out before her. She could still only remember flashes of her two weeks of crazy but it still felt like it had been entirely too long since she had been out on the water. She was eager to get back to it.

They would be shipping off as soon as Joe and Kai returned with their food supplies.

She had already called Brooklyn and assured that she was fine and that no, her father didn't need to know what had almost happened. He wouldn't blame Crispin anymore than she did but he didn't need to know that she had lost her mind for two weeks either.

Since it was such a secluded boat with so little privacy, everyone already knew exactly what she and Crispin had done all day yesterday. Tina didn't care that they knew though Ilia's suggestive glances and comments were getting annoying.

With them casting off to sea again soon, they would have to be more careful with their affair. She wasn't going to stop it, especially not since none of the others did, but Crispin would have to be quiet so that she could be quiet so that no one else on the boat ended up in his thrall.

Still, it had been a great day and not having to be quiet was something to look forward to after her revenge was complete.

“Hey, Tina.” Dallas greeted as he joined her on the bridge.

“We all gassed up?” she asked him, referring to the boat.

He nodded. “I can pull out of the dock if you want.”

“I've got it.” she said as she ran her hands along the wheel.

“Well, you're certainly in a good mood.” he smiled at her. “I guess Ilia was right.”

“It's never a good time to quote Ilia no matter my mood.” she told him with a smile on her face.


Dallas laughed. “I suppose not. May I say how happy I am that you seemed to have pulled through your ordeal all the stronger for it?”

Tina chuckled. “I suppose that's fine. I haven't thanked you all for being there for me.”

“Forget it.” he waved away her thanks. “You would have done the same. We only have one more port, right?”

“On this continent.” she nodded. “We still have to check out the others but we'll return to Paradise Falls first. I don't want to take Kai and Joe with me and I think it would be best to leave Warren as well.”

“Which means it will be just you, me, Ilia, and Crispin.” he smiled. “We call dibs on the girl's cabin.”

Tina laughed as her satellite phone started ringing.

“You expecting a call?” Dallas asked as she turned to pick it up.

“It's probably Brook again.” she rolled her eyes lovingly. “She's turned into such a worrier since she got pregnant. I bet she's one of those crazy protective moms.”

“There are worse things.” Dallas shrugged.

Tina nodded her agreement as she picked up the phone. Brooklyn was the only one with the phone number so she was certain it was her and had no problems saying, “For the hundredth time, Brook, I'm fine.”

“Well, that's good to hear.”

Tina's heart skipped a beat at the charmingly familiar voice.

“Ozera.” she growled into the mouthpiece capturing Dallas's attention. He went as stiff and rigid as she did. “And here I thought my day couldn't get any better. Did you finally figure out that I'm tracking you down?”

“It's so good to hear you again, Tina.” he said with the sort of genuine joy that she might actually believe him. “I hear Jack isn't doing too well these days though. That just saddens me to know.”

“He'll be a lot better when I bring him your head.” Tina promised with a vicious smile.

“You always were a vulgar child.” Ozera said on a laugh. “I must say, I quite enjoy it.”

“How did you get this phone number?” she asked him. She didn't really care what he thought.

“I have many friends.” he answered vaguely. “They tell me that you've been after me for well over a month and a half now. That's quite the dedication.”

“Daddy says I'm headstrong.” Tina giggled wickedly. “They say I'm chasing a white whale but I can't quite bring myself to care. It'll be worth it to see you dead.”

Ozera laughed. “Vicious girl. I admire that. You're free to do as you please, of course, but you'll never find me.”

“I get closer everyday.” Tina smiled. “Why else would you be calling if it wasn't because I was getting closer?”

“I just wanted to talk to you.” he said as if he were surprised at her deduction. “You were always like a daughter to me. I always enjoyed how delightfully vindictive you could get.”

“The sentiment is not shared.” Tina promised him. She tried not to get angry at his words, she knew he was only saying them to say them. He didn't mean any of it. Still, it was hard not to take it personally.

“You break my heart, Tina.” he told her sadly.

“You need a heart to break first.” She shook her head. “You didn't call me to exchange pleasantries, what do you want, Ozera?”

“Oh, of course.” he sounded like he had actually forgotten and Tina rolled her eyes. Couldn't he drop the act for five minutes? “I wanted to tell you first that you won't find me, which I just did. I also wanted to warn you that if you keep looking for me I will have to take action.”

“You got torpedoes on that sub of yours?” Tina asked sarcastically. “Because I'm still not afraid.”

“You're searching for the sub?” he asked, his voice tightening ever so slightly. He hadn't been expecting that and Tina grinned. He had only thought she had been after the towns he paid off in the hopes that he might be at one of them. He didn't know she knew he made port at each of the towns.

“That's where you're at, isn't it?” she asked him, unable to keep the grin from her voice. “That's where I would be if I were internationally wanted. Nice and safe aboard my floating stealth fortress. Well, it won't protect you for long. I'll find it eventually, Ozera. I don't care how long I have to look.”

“Return home, Tina.” he ordered her. “I don't want you hurt.”

“Aw, Ozera,” she fluttered her lashes as if he could see, “careful, you almost sound human.”

“I have a great many allies and assets. You on Ilia's little boat cannot hope to match me.” he warned darkly.

“You're not the only one with allies and assets.” she told him. “And we aren't going to stop just because of your little threat.”

“Ah, of course.” she could practically see his smug grin. “Tell me, how many of Jack's dogs did you bring with you?”

“As many as I could fit on the boat.” she promised. “And they're all the best. You should know.”

Down below on the deck, Tina heard Joe and Kai climb back aboard the boat. A moment later, Ilia called out to them in greeting. She ignored them and Dallas remained on the bridge, his eyes tense on her.

“How's Brook?” Ozera changed the subject suddenly.

Tina growled. He had chosen just the right place to poke. “Fantastic, actually. I'm surprised you remember one woman considering all the ones you've had killed.”

“Oh, but Brook is special.” he said. He didn't even care about her jab which only made Tina angrier.

“You sick bastard.” she growled into the mouthpiece. “I want you to give me your best, got it? I want you to throw everything you have at me so that when I tear you down my victory will be that much sweeter.”

“You should be careful what you ask for.” he warned.

“Bring it.” Tina growled and gave herself the pleasure of slamming the phone down onto its cradle.

“You shouldn't have let him make you mad.” Dallas said softly.

“I couldn't really help it.” she snarled at him. “Angry is my default setting.”

“What if he rises to your challenge?” he asked.

“You saying you aren’t up for it?” she asked him waspishly. “Like I don't know your stored that big ass sniper rifle of yours in the boy's cabin.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That's not the point. Are you prepared for the consequences if Ozera throws his power at us.”

“Of course I am.” she glared. “What kind of question is that? Don't you wimp out on me now Dallas or I'll leave you in this tiny village, I swear I will!”

“Hey!” Ilia called up from the deck. “Stop yelling at my man, woman!”

“Tell your man to grow a backbone!” Tina snapped back. “And mind your own!”

“Calm down, Tina.” Dallas told her calmly. “You're letting Ozera get to you.”

“Did you say something about Ozera?” Joe asked up.

“I'll be right down.” he told them. He looked back at Tina. “You going to be okay?”

“I'm fine.” she assured him not sounding fine at all. “I'll be better when I have his head in my hands.”

Dallas shook his head but descended the ladder to tell the others what he had heard.

Tina started pacing on the bridge like a tiger in a cage. That phone call had been for no other purpose than to rile her up and taunt her and, damn Ozera, it had worked. Tina knew she was easily goaded into anger, but she couldn't help but get mad.

She was still pacing a few minutes later when Crispin climbed up onto the bridge. Tina knew without being told that the others had asked him to go up and take one for the team. Crispin didn't mind Tina sharpening her claws on him and was their go to sacrifice when she was riled up like this.

“Did you hear?” she asked pointlessly, stopping to glare at him as if it were somehow his fault. Of course he had heard. Dallas had told everyone. She just needed an opener. “I can't believe that conceited, pretentious...ugh!”

“Use your words.” he told her calmly with a bit of a smile.

“Don't get cute, Crispin.” she snapped. “The only reason he called was to piss me off!”

“And he succeeded I see.” he signed.

“Of course he did!” she practically shouted. “We are leaving tonight! Right now! I don't care if we're ready or not!”

“Then it's a good thing we're ready.” he signed but she was ignoring him. She had begun pacing again.

“He threw Brook in my face!” she continued, practically spitting her rage. “He did it on purpose! I swear I'll ring his scrawny neck and enjoy every second of it!”

Crispin knew he had to step in now. She was only getting madder the more she spoke. Knowing Tina, she was likely to go on for hours more only getting madder and madder with every word she spoke.

He stepped in close and grabbed her arms to prevent her from moving. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Calm down.”

“I won't.” she snarled back. His voice was already working like a balm on her heart though. It wasn't like before where she was forced to do as he bade. She just enjoyed the sound of his voice. It was soothing to her.

“We can stand here all day and I won't mind hearing you rant that entire time,” he told her softly, “but that won't help us hunt down Ozera.”

Tina grabbed his shirt and clenched it in her fists. Damn Crispin, too. Here she was wanting to enjoy her mad and he insisted on calming her down. So she turned her mad on him.

“You can bite me.” she growled.

“Maybe later.” he kissed the side of her head.

She leaned back and glared at him but he didn't release her so she couldn't go far.

“I don't want you being logical and understanding.” she griped. “I want you to stand there and be a good target.”

“It would do nothing but waste time.” he said being logical again. “You're the one who said we needed get moving right now. But, if you insist, I will do as you say.”

“Stop being so damn obliging.” she snapped. “Get angry at me! I want some passion from you for crying out loud! Is that so much to ask?!”

His raised eyebrow and smirk were the only warnings she got.

So fast that Tina barely registered the movement, Crispin yanked her close, slipped his arm around her waist, then dipped her over. As the surprised cry left her throat, he followed her down and kissed her.

Tina thought about protesting but she had never been dipped and kissed before. She decided to enjoy it and kissed him back enthusiastically. She wrapped her arm up around his neck and let him take his time.

There was passion here. Crispin didn't get angry but that didn't mean he didn't have passion. Unlike Tina, who just let her passion out in whatever emotion she was in at the moment, he channeled his into things like this.

He kissed with a bit of desperation, like he might never get to do it again. But he was also thorough and careful not to rush himself. He didn't just take for himself, he gave to her. He made kissing sensuous and impossibly romantic. Tina didn't know it could be.

The kiss lasted a good while, and still not nearly long enough. When Crispin brought her back up she didn't know if she was dizzy from the movement or his touch.

“Yes, well...” she cleared her throat and tried to ignore his smug expression. “I thought I said to not be cute. And that proves nothing.”

“Of course not.” he couldn't help but smirk. “Maybe I should make you scream again. Would that prove me to be passionate?”

Tina glared. “A gentleman doesn't bring up such things.” It was a lame comeback but it was all her lust fogged brain could come up with.

His grin said it all. When did I ever call myself a gentleman?

She cleared her throat again and looked away from him. He had, to her annoyance, successfully distracted her from her anger long enough for her to calm down. She could look back on her conversation with Ozera with a clearer head now.

“You suck.” she grumbled, crossing her arms. “Why can't you just let me be mad?”

He stood next to her and kissed her cheek sweetly. “You're adorable when your mad, I admit. But you're even cuter when you're angry at me, especially when you know you have no right to be. I think I'll keep you just like that.”

Tina blushed a little. It was a strangely proprietary thing to say and she found it, weirdly, to be attractive. It was only a good thing, she told herself logically. She couldn't be with someone who couldn't handle it when she was mad especially since she was always mad.

Still, she couldn't stop herself from asking, “Who said you could keep me?”

Crispin moved his kisses down her neck. “You did. Last night. About two, maybe three times.”

“I told you, that one time didn't count.” she insisted, trying to pull away from him but he wrapped his arms around her to hold her still.

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