《Silent Voice》Chapter 6: Idea


Chapter 6: Idea

“So, I've got the list narrowed down to about ten ports.” Ilia reported to her audience. Everyone had gathered in the sitting room where her computer was except for Maddie who was in the kitchen, making lunch. “On the plus side, that's way less then 117. Bad side, that's still a lot of ports to check and a very narrow window in which the sub we want might make port.”

Tina sighed and ran a hand down her face. “We'll just have to make do with that. Unless you have any other ideas on how to narrow down the pool, Joe?”

Joe thought for a moment then shook her head. “Sorry, no. The best option we have at this point is to go to each port town, find out about any subs that stop there, and try to determine if it's Ozera's without raising any suspicion and without getting killed.”

“More bad news,” Ilia spoke up before anyone else did, “these ten ports are all places that Ozera put money into. It's possible that he uses them all as ports and doesn't stop at the same place twice.”

“How is it you found all this out when the government didn't?” Warren couldn't help but ask.

“Because they have to worry about little things like foreign policy and war.” she shrugged as if it weren't important. “So, leader, what are your plans now?”

Tina leaned her head back as all eyes turned to her. They were quiet, waiting for her decision.

If they were all funded by Ozera, likely none of the people who lived in those towns would welcome outsiders who started asking question. Especially if they were small.

“How big are they, Ilia?” Tina asked after a moment.

“Five are really no more than villages,” she answered immediately, “two are full on cities that are run more by the criminal presence there than any semblance of government, the last three are modestly sized towns.”

“Big enough that a group of outsiders would pass unnoticed?” Tina looked at her.

“Absolutely.” Ilia nodded. “But they're remote. Like, week hike through wild jungle remote.”

“Then the best bet would be your boat.” Tina said, it wasn't a question.

Ilia merely nodded.

After another moment of contemplation, Tina stood. “It's decided then. We're officially taking this show on the road. I hope none of you get seasick. Brook, you're staying here.”

Brooklyn didn't argue, she just nodded. “I'll take care of Jack while you're gone.”

“Ilia, how many can your boat hold?” Tina asked her.

However, it was Dallas that answered, “It only has two cabins. They're small but you can fit maybe four people in each if you're good friends.”

Tina did a quick head count and nodded, pleased. “That's three in one and four in the other. Perfect. We're setting sail, everyone get ready.”


“What are you doing?” Kai asked Joe as he walked into the kitchen. Maddie had vacated it already but the air still smelled like the food she had prepared for their dinner that day.

“I'm making a list of everything we'll need to go on an extended sea voyage on a rather small vessel.” Joe held up the list she had been making as she sat on the counter. “You must be excited to be getting back to the water after all this time.”

Kai nodded once. “I have missed the open ocean. It will feel good to stretch my fins again. Are you going to be up for traveling in such a small boat?”


“I don't get sea sick.” Joe promised as she made another note on her list. It was going to be a rather cramped trip but she didn't mind being with the people she was traveling with so it was alright.

“A small boat isn't the same as a big ship.” Kai warned her as he leaned against the counter beside where she sat. “There isn't anything to stabilize the rocking. It will be a lot more movement than when we were on the Haltija and you are no longer on CBIs.”

“I'll be fine.” Joe promised him with a smile. “I'll get some of those sea sickness pills though, just in case. Does that please you, my love?”

Kai nodded again. “You know, Kyma, I've been thinking.”

“Oh, about what?” Joe asked distractedly as she put the pills on her list.

“What is going to happen to us after this?” he asked.

Joe looked up from her list, confused.

“Not that I don't approve,” he said, “I agree that revenge is a good course for us right now. I mean after that. Once we've gotten our revenge, what do we do then?”

Joe tapped her pen against her chin as she thought. “Good question. Our savings wont last forever. We will, eventually, have to get new jobs. I suppose we could work at a marina or a dock of some kind.”

“I have to admit,” he said with a slight from, “the idea of civilian life doesn't at all interest me.”

“Yeah, me either.” Joe lowered her list with a sigh. “MCRC was my dream job. I guess we really are lost now that its gone.”

“Maybe not.” Kai looked over at her. “Why does it have to be over?”

“Because our leader was proved to be a murderous psychopathic.” Joe answered dryly.

MCRC is dead in the water, no doubt.” Kai nodded. “But why on earth should that mean that everything we stood for also has to be?”

Joe looked at her lover, surprised. “Kai, are you saying you want to...rebuild?”

After a moment's thought, Kai nodded firmly. “I am. Jack's ideals are good ones and, without MCRC, mythics will be all alone without anyone to stand up for them. We have everything we need, why not rebuild?”

Joe made a noncommittal sound in the back of her throat as she considered it. A new organization? A real one this time. There was no way they would be able to pick back up where they left off but...

“We would have to start small.” she said at last, trying not to sound too excited at the idea.

“MCRC started small, too.” Kai agreed giving her one of his rare smiles. “I see no reason why we can't do this.”

Joe beamed. “I love it. It's a fantastic idea!”

She jumped from the counter into her lover's arms and planted a big kiss directly on his mouth. She was smiling around it, eager at the prospect. MCRC was flawed because of Ozera, but if they restarted without him and were pure from the beginning? That was something worth fighting for.

“We'll need a building.” Joe said excitedly when she had leaned back. Kai didn't release her but she didn't let him go either. “And we'll need a few more people. I know Ray wont mind helping. And a name! The name will be very important.”

“Marry me.”

Joe paused, stumped by the words that, for a moment, didn't make any sense. Then, all at once, they did and she stepped back from Kai quickly. “Oh, what timing you have.”


Kai chuckled softly. “You weren't expecting it. It was as good a time as I've ever had. And? You're answer?”

Joe threw her arms around his neck. “Of course I'll marry you! I can't believe it took you this long to ask!”

MCRC was dead but they lived on personifying everything it was supposed to stand for. Life moved on, they moved on. Things would change and grow and such change was scary but, with each other, they didn't need to fear any of it.


“Why don't you and Tina get along?” Dallas asked as Ilia typed on her computer. She was preparing the paperwork for their journey.

“Huh?” Ilia had to pause and turn her. “Me and that woman? Oh, it's stupid.”

“You two don't fight like it's stupid.” he said. He was lounging out on the sofa behind her. “And, as good as you've gotten at calling people by their name, I haven't heard you use hers.”

Ilia stood from her computer chair and walked over to him. She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Me and that detestable woman have never liked each other. It's a fundamental difference in personalities. We probably will never be able to be anything more than casual enemies. And that's fine with me. I've always respected her and she admits when I'm being useful. It works for us.”

“By 'fundamental differences', you mean that you irritate her and she's not nearly polite enough to take it with a smile like everyone else?” Dallas translated with a grin. He didn't need an answer, he knew that it was true. His Ilia was contrary for the sake of it, she enjoyed arguing and making a scene, and poking at wounds was a hobby for her. Still, she was honest and loyal and those traits were enough for Dallas.

“If you knew the answer, why did you ask?” Ilia laughed.

“Still,” Dallas smiled at her and swept a stray strand of bright blonde hair from her face, “I'm a bit surprised to hear you say you respect her. I've never heard such a sentiment from you before.”

“You've made me soft.” she sighed dramatically. “You've turned me into a one-man-woman, you've forced me to actually call people by their real names, and now you've gotten me to start spilling such mushy things. You're bad for me, Cowboy.”

“Say my name right.” Dallas demanded, nuzzling her neck.

Ilia leaned back, giving him better access but she didn't oblige him. “Your name? Oh, poo. It's slipped right from my mind.”

“Really?” he smirked up at her. “Because yours is right there on the tip of my tongue Ilia-”

“Don't say it.” Ilia cut him off quickly before he could finish uttering her full name. “You're a cruel man, Dallas.”

Dallas laughed in victory as he went back to snuggling against her.

“Did you hear about Joe and Kai's plan?” he asked a few minutes later.

“The one about MCRC 2.0?” Ilia asked back. “I heard.”

“What do you think?” he leaned back and looked her in her eyes. “It doesn't sound like a bad idea, right?”

“I've heard worse.” Ilia agreed. “I've heard better. They know it will be a hell of a lot of work, right?”

“I'm pretty sure they thought of that.” Dallas assured her. “But that wasn't what I meant.”

“You want to help them, right?” Ilia asked. “I'll admit, I did have a great deal with Jack and MCRC.

“We wouldn't get the same pay as before.” Dallas told her. “If we got paid at all at first.”

“That wasn't a no.” Ilia pointed out with a smile.

“You want to help, too.” it wasn't a question. Dallas smiled back at her.

Nothing needed ever be more complicated than this for the pair of them. There was no doubt in his mind that he would marry Ilia one day but he knew it wasn't necessary. Just holding the beautiful fairy girl in his arms was sufficient. Ilia's word that she was his alone was enough. When they did get married, Dallas was sure that it would Ilia who asked him, who planned the ceremony, and who told him he had no choice in the matter. That was fine with him.

They needed no formal promises between them. Ilia knew that such things weren't always so reliable and sacred anyway. If she wanted, she could spend the rest of her life not married to Dallas and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

They needed nothing but each other in such a big, cruel world. They would always have each other, they knew it without question.


“Make sure that it wont expire too quickly.” Brooklyn instructed Warren as they filled their grocery cart. The small boat they were taking wouldn't be able to hold a great many supplies but the more they packed the less often they would have to stop for more. Brooklyn couldn't go but she was happy to help everyone else on their way.

Warren had debated telling Tina that he didn't want to go. His vaki, his life, was tied to Brooklyn and the child she carried within her. Leaving them for such a long period of time would be painful to him.

Still, MCRC had been the biggest part of his life for a very long time. Added to that, he still felt very loyal to Jack and hated what had happened to him.

All in all, he could understand Tina's drive. Still, it was going to be hard on him being away from Brooklyn for so long.

To his relief, Tina had taken him aside after her declaration and told him that he didn't need to worry about Brooklyn. Maddie was going to take care of her and she, in turn, was going to care for Jack. If they were gone for so long that Brooklyn was in danger of going into labor, Tina would send Warren right back home.

“Revenge is important,” she had told him with a smile, “but I get that there are more important things. If Crispin asks you about this, by the way, tell him I said so and then tell him he can stick that in his whale and suck it.”

Warren hadn't really understood but he had been thankful to her. Her assurance had, in the end, been what decided him. He would help with their revenge for as long as he could. He owed that to Jack.

“What are you thinking about?” Brooklyn asked when she noticed his attention had wavered from the canned foods in front of them.

“About Tina and Jack.” he answered, smiling at her. “They're great people, huh?”

Brooklyn nodded. “I love them both a lot. I'm glad I've been able to help them, even if I've only helped a little.”

“You've been invaluable.” Warren promised, kissing her knuckles. “I'm really going to miss you while we're gone.”

“It's still a bit early to say goodbye, isn't it?” Brooklyn frowned. She didn't want to think about everyone being off fighting bad guys while she was stuck at home. She couldn't argue, pregnant women weren't generally good for revenge. Still, she would worry while they were gone, about Warren especially.

“I'm not saying goodbye yet.” Warren promised, taking her in his arms and holding her close. “I'm just saying that even the thought of being separated makes me miss you.”

Brooklyn chuckled. “You're such a romantic.”

Warred kissed the top of her head. “It's easy to be when it's with you.”

“Have you heard what Joe and Kai are planning?” Brooklyn looked up at him. “Their idea?”

Warren nodded. “I have. What did you think?”

“I like the idea.” Brooklyn smiled. “I'll admit, I miss my library but I don't mind rebuilding a new one. A lot of those books were in my name anyway.”

Brooklyn's massive library, like everything else on the MCRC complex, had been confiscated and deemed off limits to all former employees. However, they couldn't keep people's personal property from them and not a few of the books and files in the library belonged, technically, to Brooklyn. They had all been given back to her and was sitting in a storage house for her to decide their fate. If there was a new MCRC, she would use them to start a new library.

“I do, too.” Warren agreed. “I was never any good at job hunting. Helping them restart MCRC sounds like just the perfect thing for me. Especially if you're there with me.”

Brooklyn smiled. She loved the things Warren would say.

They were two completely different people but that mattered little. Not only would they be together for the rest of their lives, bound tighter than any normal human bonds could make them, but they were starting a real family. The child that rested in Brooklyn's womb would be loved dearly by its parents and all of those around it. They didn't need a lot of money, they didn't need rank or power. They were simple people and they found everything they ever needed in each other.


“I figured it would be smaller.” Tina said as she looked over the boat that was floating gently in the dock. “This is already turning out better than I expected.”

Crispin nodded beside her.

Dallas and Warren were moving all of the food and luggage for the seven passengers on board while Ilia ordered them around. Kai, who would be driving the boat when Dallas was not, was familiarizing himself with the controls. Brooklyn was watching over it all, stroking her belly that was obviously rounding at this point.

“Don't you have anything to say?” Tina asked him. He had been surprisingly docile since she had made the announcement to start their voyage. She had been prepared for any and all sexual or romantic advances. She had even prepared a few short, glib lines to turn him down with. However, he had been nothing but friendly and unoffensive since he had promised to pursue her. She was starting to think it had been nothing but talk.

“Sirens were mythical sea creatures that lured sailors to their deaths.” he signed to her surprise and confusion. “Therefore, it's considered bad luck to have us on a sea voyage.”

“That's ridiculous.” Tina rolled her eyes. “It would be bad luck to the other people, not the people you were with. Besides, your voice will come in handy I'm sure.”

“It's going to be a tight fit for all of us.” Crispin signed, changing the subject. “The boat may be bigger than you thought but it's still no luxury yacht.”

Tina shrugged. “We'll separate girls and boys. You four will have to share one of the cabins, me and the girls will take the other. We wont be as cramped as you guys will. And, since we're taking things in shifts, the situation still wont be that bad.”

“Have you heard of Joe's plan?” he asked, changing the subject again.

“Can you pick a topic?” Tina complained. “You're jumping all over the place.”

Crispin shrugged apologetically. “Call it nerves. The last time I was at sea isn't exactly a happy memory for me.”

“Oh...” Tina had forgotten. “Well, I'm not willing to let you go so we'll just have to make you some good memories to replace the ones from the last trip.”

Crispin looked at her for a moment, surprised. Then he laughed silently. “That sounds perfect. So, have you heard Joe's plan?”

“The MCRC remake?” Tina asked. “I've heard. I'm a bit concerned.”

“I thought you more than any of us would be excited about it.” he signed, taken aback by her response.

“Don't get me wrong, I like the idea.” she said. “I just don't know how well it's going to work out. The odds aren't really in her favor. They would be better if we weren't from MCRC to start with.”

Crispin nodded. “I suppose. Still, are you willing to help?”

“Are you?” Tina asked, quicker than she intended. She told herself it was just simple curiosity that drove her to ask.

Crispin shrugged. “It depends on Jack. If he joins, I will as well.”

Tina frowned. “Don't you ever do anything on your own? You don't have to follow Jack like a puppy, you know? Why don't you go off and do your own thing?”

He shook his head. “Sirens aren't well received by many. Working with Jack was the best job I've ever had. I owe him everything.”

Tina could respect that kind of devotion. Still...

“I think you should try to go it on your own.” she insisted.

He sent her a look. It wasn't discouraging but it wasn't an agreement either.

“I'm just saying,” she continued, looking away from him quickly, “if no one will give you a place, you have to make one for yourself. I get owing someone but I think dad would understand if you wanted to stand on your own feet instead of tailing after him for the rest of your life.”

Crispin signed nothing but just continued to look at her. The look in his eyes was one of contemplation. He was genuinely mulling over what she had said and that was good enough for now.

“Just, think it over.” Tina said, shooting him a quick smile.

She walked away from him quickly and went to check on the others and the status of the boat.

Crispin was left watching her back as she walked away.

Stand on his own?

He had tried that before, hadn't he? He had been trying all his life to find a place for himself.

Then again, he hadn't ever tried to make one of his own.

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