《Silent Voice》Chapter 3: Hidden


Chapter 3: Hidden

“Morning, dad.” Tina smiled at her father as she walked into his room. In her hands was his breakfast tray that Maddie had passed onto her. Crispin was downstairs helping Ilia set up that damn computer of hers. Computer? Tina had tried not to scoff when she saw Crispin and Dallas toting that monolithic thing into her house. That machine was far too big and ridiculous looking to be a computer.

“Tina.” Jack smiled at her and lowered the book he had been reading. It was the very same book Tina had seen on his nightstand the first day she had arrived. To her dismay, he was no closer to being finished reading it now than he had been then. As far as she could tell, he just kept looking at the pages, not really taking in a word.

“I've got breakfast.” she said as she sat the tray in his lap. It was easier to get him to eat when you placed the food directly in front of him.

“I'm not really that hungry.” Jack said as he looked the food over.

“Eat it anyway.” Tina said without mercy. She just wasn't the coddling type. She didn't have the patience or the temperament for it.

Fortunately for her, in his state, her father responded better to her harsh commands than Maddie's gentle persuasion.

To Tina's utmost annoyance, he listened even better to Crispin's unflagging persistence. She didn't really know why, but that Crispin was so good at stepping into what should have been her role was incredibly frustrating. It shouldn't be. She should be glad someone was taking such good care of her father. But, irritatingly, she was just annoyed with him.

“I heard people downstairs.” Jack said, pulling her from her thoughts.

“Yeah, I've got some guests over.” Tina shrugged as if it were nothing. “We're doing some work.”

“What kind of work?” Jack asked as he poked listlessly at the eggs Maddie had made. Jack loved Maddie's scrambled eggs. She was being sure to cook only things Jack loved at the moment, but he just didn't seem interested in them.

“The best kind.” Tina smiled. “I'm getting my revenge on Ozera. Want some jelly or anything for your toast?”

Jack sent her a look that made her laugh. “Tina, revenge?”

“It's going to be great.” she promised him. “You want pictures or something? I could make you a scrapbook so you can remember it for years to come.”

“You're a very vicious person.” Jack shook his head knowing she would do it if he asked and enjoy it. “Did that come from me?”

“I think it came from you and mom both.” Tina shrugged again. She didn't mind being vicious; it was better than being weak in her opinion.

“So, who's over here?” Jack changed the subject back. “MCRC is gone. No one works for me anymore...”

“Yeah, but you still have friends.” Tina reminded him happily. “Even that horrible Ilia is over here, and you know how much I hate her. We'll get Ozera together and it'll be fantastic.”

“Vicious.” Jack said but he couldn't help but smile. He couldn't fault her for the strength she had that he didn't. He might even be a bit envious. Not enough to get him to move, but enough to make him proud of her. “Have you ever heard about cutting off your nose to spite your face?”

“The face got what it deserved.” Tina responded immediately making him chuckle a bit. “Now, eat your food like a good boy so I can go back and focus on my vengeance.


“I'm your father, you know.” he grumbled but took a bite obligingly. “Insolent child.”

Tina leaned forward and kissed his forehead. He looked surprised at the sudden affectionate gesture. “What was that for?”

“Because I love you.” Tina smiled happily. “And because you being grumpy is a sure sign that your energy is coming back. Eat up.”

“I'm not hungry.” he grumbled again but took another bite. “You never told me who was here.”

“Friends.” she repeated. “Brook and Joe and some guys I haven't met before.”

“They're all here?” Jack asked, surprised. “Brook and Warren are having a baby, shouldn't they be focused on that?”

“Brook isn't even showing yet.” Tina reminded him. “Your health is more important right now. And, when I've gotten our revenge, you'll be that much closer to being cured. We all win.”

“I don't think it works like that, Tina.” Jack sighed, putting down his fork. He felt tired again. He wanted to go back to sleep which should alarm him as he had just woken up.

But it didn't. He couldn't even work up enough energy to care that he didn't care.

“It works like that.” Tina said, totally sure. “I'll destroy him and everything he has and you'll feel better knowing it happened.”

“Are you chasing a white whale, Tina?” Jack asked her, catching her off guard.

Tina smiled, unconcerned. “I might be. But I promise you this: Captain Ahab died happy.”

“He didn't succeed in getting his revenge.” Jack reminded her as she stood to leave.

“Maybe not.” Tina shrugged as if it didn't matter. “But he couldn't live with himself if he just let it go. I get that.”

“I don't want to lose you to a white whale.” Jack mumbled mostly to himself as Tina left the room.


“Start around the area where the submarine was made and expand from there.” Joe instructed as Ilia typed away on the computer the boys had finally finished setting up in the middle of the back sitting room.

“Do you really think they would make port so close to them?” Dallas asked as he and Warren sat back on the couch. According to Joe, they were both on stand by until her friend brought over everything he had dug up on Ozera in the official government buildings.

“It wouldn't be that much of a surprise.” Joe shrugged. “Especially since the makers would obviously be able to service a submarine. Either way, it's the best place to start. Oh, Ilia can you also get me a list of the materials used to make the submarine, perhaps the crew who worked on it as well?”

“You want me to print off a million dollars for you too?” she grumbled. “Why does everything suddenly fall to me?”

“Because you're so very useful.” Joe beamed at her happily, innocently. “We just couldn't do it without you, Ilia.”

“Ass kisser.” Ilia sighed but didn't pause in her typing.

“Kyma,” Kai walked into the room, speaking to Joe, “your friend called. He's about ten minutes out.”

“Great.” Joe beamed. “Dallas, Warren, go meet him. His bosses can't know he brought me these files. He will get into so much trouble so work fast.”

“How exactly did you earn this favor?” Warren asked as he and Dallas stood up.

“If I told you, he wouldn't owe me the favor anymore.” Joe said cryptically. “Now, go. Where's Brook, Kai?”


“Helping Maddie make lunch.” he leaned against the wall rather than take one of the vacated seats. Merfolk didn't really like sitting very much. “She isn't pleased that you're not letting her do much.”

“She's pregnant.” Tina said before Joe could as she walked into the room. “She can't do any heavy lifting. She'll have plenty to do sooner or later, I'm sure. So, how are we doing?”

“Ilia is all hooked up.” Joe reported. “Dallas and Warren are getting our files and Crispin is off dealing with some government officials that are trying to sniff around Jack again.”

“I thought dad's name was cleared.” Tina's brows furrowed. He was taking what should be her job again.

“He was.” Kai spoke up. “But they can't find Ozera and they're desperate to make it look like they're doing something. Jack just happens to be an easy target.”

“I wouldn't worry about it.” Ilia said, looking away from her computer screen. “Crispin's good at dealing with stuff like this. Why do think your yard hasn't been overrun with reporters?”

“And how Jack's name was cleared in the first place?” Joe pipped up.

“And who has been dealing with all the paperwork?” Kai added.

“I get it.” Tina snapped, frustrated. “Crispin is Mr. Perfect, stop piling on.”

“It's not a bad thing.” Joe looked surprised at the tone of Tina's voice. “You should be happy to have him on your side. I certainly wouldn't want him on my enemy's.”

“He's great.” Ilia agreed. “If I didn't have Dallas I would be interested.”

“I'm surprised you're not interested anyway.” Tina glared at her. Somehow, her statement made Tina angrier than it should have. She chalked it up to the fact that she just didn't like Ilia.

“Hey, I'm a changed woman.” Ilia fluttered her eyelashes innocently. “Still, he is pretty cute. Imagine what he could do in bed with that voice of his. Just the right suggestion whispered in you ear and-”

“You're on thin ice, Ilia.” Tina's interrupted, her eyes narrowing dangerously. “How about you focus on your job?”

“Oh, like that is it?” Ilia said knowingly. “Alright, alright. Never let it be said that I interfere.”

“It is not like that.” Tina growled. “Why must your mind always be on sex?”

“Because it is fantastic!” Ilia beamed. “Which you would know if you weren't such a tight a-”

“Alright!” Joe cried loudly cutting her off. “Ilia, get back to work or I'll find you more to do. Tina, can you get started on those files Dallas and Warren are bringing with Brook?”

“Fine.” Tina followed the order gladly and turned sharply from the room. As she left, she heard Joe asking why Ilia couldn't try to get along with her.

She didn't hear Ilia's response - though she was sure it would be snarky and annoying - because the door opened and Crispin came in leading Dallas and Warren who were both carrying large boxes.

“Where would you like these, Tina?” Crispin asked pleasantly.

“Put them in the back sitting room with Ilia's computer.” Tina pointed over her shoulder. “I guess that will be base of operations. Crispin, can I talk to you?”

Crispin just smiled and said, “Sure. I'll be with you guys in a minute.”

“Dallas, get Brook to help going through those files.” Tina ordered as she began climbing the stairs, Crispin a step behind her. “I'll be back to help when we're done.”

Crispin followed her without question as she took him back to her father's office on the other side of the second floor. She didn't want the others to hear her conversation with him.

As soon as he shut the door behind him, she whirled around and snapped easily, “I don't like you.”

His only reaction was a raised eyebrow.

“Don't look at me like that.” she sneered. “You know I don't like you.”

“I admit, it's not come as a great shock to hear you say so.” he signed with a smile.

“See!” Tina pointed to it accusingly. “You're not human, I swear!”

“I'm not.” he agreed.

“You know what I mean.” Tina growled. “Normal creatures don't hear something like that and smile!”

“How would you like me to react?” he asked. Tina couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.

“I would like you to be normal.” she knew the complaints weren't coming out reasonably. She really didn't care at this point. “I want you to show some emotion. Something! You have feelings, right?”

Crispin merely nodded.

“Show them!” Tina threw her hands up in frustration. “I thought Kai's painting expression was worse but I've changed my mind. That smile of yours makes me want to shake you!”

“Are you always this violent?” he asked, unconcerned.

“Yes! And don't change the subject.” Tina glared.

Crispin shrugged. “I don't care if you want to shake me. Do as you please.”

“Don't tell me that or I will.” Tina held out her hands like she dearly wanted to wrap them around his throat. “I am not a nice person, Crispin. If you lay down like a doormat I will treat you like one.”

“Do as you please.” was all he signed.

Tina growled and pushed him.

He took a step back from the sudden force but his face remained impassive. It made Tina angrier.

So she pushed him again, harder. This time, his back slammed against the door and she was there in front of him, her hands balled into fists.

He didn't need to sign a word, she could see the acceptance on his face. If she tried to hit him, he would let her. He wouldn't even flinch.

“Why are you like this?” she asked him, not sure if she was mad anymore or confused. It swirled together in an unsettling combination. “What are you hiding from?”

The words she hadn't even meant to say set off something in his eyes. They hardened so suddenly it surprised her.

“What are you hiding from, Crispin?” she asked again, her voice quieter. This wasn't the talk she meant to have with him. She had wanted to tell him to stay away from her so she could focus on her revenge and not on how annoying his presence was. She didn't doubt for a minute he would obey if she issued such an order.

However, now, she couldn't even think of uttering the words. What she wanted, she realized, was not for him to stay away from her. She wanted him to stay right beside her. She wanted that smile to give way to real expressions and she wanted to see them.

What, she wondered, was he keeping so secret behind that wall of steel?

With a blink, the steel was covered again and that infuriating smile was back. He reached up and grabbed her shoulders so he could push her back. The moment there was space between them, room for him to sign, he released her and said, “We should get to work. Vengeance comes first, yes?”

“Don't be so damn understanding.” Tina snapped. “React! I pushed you! Push me back. Yell at me. Something. Anything!”

“I wouldn't lay a hand on you.” he promised, his eyes solemn.

“Why? Don't you dare say it's because I'm a girl.” she glared. “I pushed you, you have every right to push me back. So come on! Bring it!”

Crispin just shook his head. “I have work.” was all he signed. He turned to grab the doorknob and let himself out. He couldn't stay another moment. Tina was beautiful when worked into a fury. Her cheeks blazed, her eyes practically glowed, and every muscle in her was tense and prepared for a fight. It was a fight he dared not start.

Crispin couldn't put his hands on her. If he did, he would be afraid he couldn't stop. He couldn't let himself give into temptation.

However, before he could make his escape, Tina's hand slammed against the door to prevent him from opening it.

“I'm not done speaking to you.” she growled.

Crispin's eyebrow raised. He was sure he could open the door even if she was pushing it closed but the struggle would be childish. So he merely looked down at her, forcing himself not to reach out and stroke those fiery red cheeks.

He could practically see her thoughts circling as she tried to think of something to say. A reason she had stopped him.

Finally, she snapped, “You obey orders, right? Then here is my order! I order you to display some emotions! I order you not to hide!”

He didn't sign a word, but he didn't have to. The message was clearly written across his face: Are you sure?

“Yes.” she stepped back, removing her hand from the door. “Show me your emotions, Crispin. Give me something other than that damn smile.”

He could have run at that moment. She wasn't going to stop him again. He could see that in her eyes. He could turn from her and walk out of the room and it would be like this had never happened. Things would be exactly as he had wanted them to be.

And he realized all at once that he didn't want them to be like that at all.

If this was the only chance he would get, who was he to deny himself?

He pushed himself off the door and stepped in front of her suddenly. He wasn't sure what was written on his face but he knew it wasn't a smile and whatever Tina saw there surprised her.

Desire, she recognized in amazement. That was what she saw. It burned in his eyes. He was no more happier with it than she had been with his indifference to her.

Only he wasn't indifferent at all.

The ferocity of the desire being so suddenly unleashed on her with those expressive eyes made Tina back up a step. How did she always forget that his submissiveness was a mask? A mask that hid the steel that hid this.

She had never seen such power before. Was it because he was a siren that he could convey so much with a single look or was it just part of him? Her mind blanked in just seeing it and she felt her legs weakening.

She didn't even realize that her knees were collapsing out from under her until his hand grabbed her arm, steadying her. Keeping her from backing away from the desire that burned like the molten blood of the earth in his eyes.

And, oh, how she wanted to. She had known steel hid strength. She didn't know, though, just how powerful that strength would be. Seeing it, so bold and unhidden, was more than she had bargained for.

He didn't speak, he didn't say a word. She could see what he was saying on his expression as if she could read his mind: You asked for this.

She just hadn't been prepared for what would be unleashed on her.

He saw that on her face, saw her surprise, almost fear. And he smirked. It wasn't his smile. It was a sneer, a thousand words in a single movement.

This is why.

He dropped her arm and she almost fell.

She caught herself at the last moment from hitting the ground. She should take this moment, she told herself, to back far away. Such desire, such passion, wasn't safe. Letting him unleash it on her would threaten to swallow her alive and leave nothing left.

She watched in morbid fascination as he forced his features back into their normal polite facade. The transformation was so quick, so seamless, the overwhelming power of him a moment before felt like a dream.

But she knew it wasn't.

The last thing to fade, to be pushed back behind the steel inside of him, was that burning desire. It faded, locked away, and was shielded behind his smile. It all happened so rapidly the transition left her confused and, to her embarrassment, shaken.

Crispin took a step back and, as suddenly as he changed, was right back to normal.

“I'll go help Brook sort through those files.” he signed as if nothing happened.

Tina could do nothing but watch as he turned from her and walked calmly from the room.

As the door shut behind him, Tina's legs finally gave out and she slid down to the floor. Her hands were shaking, her heart was racing, her breathing was fast and irregular.

Tina was never overwhelmed. She did the overwhelming. She wasn't entirely sure she liked it.

She wasn't entirely sure she disliked it.

No one had ever looked at her like that. Despite the fact that he barely touched her, she felt like he had run his hands all over her body. Nothing sexual had transpired but her body felt weak like he had brought her to the edge of insanity and ecstasy and threw her over.

She brought a hand up to the part of her arm that he had grabbed. She could still feel the heat of his skin like he had burned her.

She didn't think she liked it.

She didn't think she disliked it.

As her breathing steadied, the only thought on her mind was; what now?

Crispin had hidden himself again behind that wall of steel. Tina finally had a chance to see beyond it.

Would things go back now to how they were before? He would be subservient just as he always was. He acted that way all the time – for of course it was an act – surely he could act that way again.

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