《Silent Voice》Chapter 2: Return


Chapter 2: Return

“This is total bull!” Tina declared as she read the letter she had just opened. She was sitting at her father's desk, the letter having just been handed to her by Crispin.

“What is?” he asked, undisturbed by her outburst.

In the five days Tina had known him, she determined that Crispin was undisturbed by everything. He seemed to be a oasis of total calm and tranquility in a life that had been completely turned upside down. She supposed it should be comforting that he was so stable. So why was it that she just found it completely annoying?

“My request to use MCRC equipment to track down Ozera has been denied.” she threw the letter down on the desk. She had just sent out the politely worded request. The resounding, bureaucratically worded 'no' was immediate and definite. MCRC and everything it once had was dead in the water.

Tina was on her own with nothing but her own resources. Which, admittedly, weren't all that great. If she were still in Egypt, or pretty much anywhere but home, she would have a great many friends, contacts, and favors to call in. However, home was a place Tina spent very little time and, as a result, it was pretty much the only place she didn't have friends to call on.

“I didn't think they would.” Crispin signed, accepting the decision.

“Can't you even pretend that this upsets you?” Tina glared at him. She had to be careful. If she wasn't, Crispin could very easily become her personal punching bag. That he seemed willing to take any verbal abuse she dealt out to him didn't help matters at all. Tina had a poor attitude and if he didn't stand up to her, she would start sharping her verbal claws on him. She knew that was what would happen, it ended up happening every time she came up against someone who was so completely submissive. It was why she never spent much time around such people.

Then she reminded herself that Crispin wasn't submissive. She had seen the harshness of his eyes, she knew that there was strength under that facade of meekness and passivity. He hadn't shown it to her since that first day of their acquaintance and, with the way he acted everyday, it was easy to forget it had been there. Perversely, she wondered how a falsely submissive person would respond to her verbal abuse.

What was wrong with her that she wanted to find out?

“You didn't really believe they would give you the equipment either.” Crispin told her with a smile and, damn him, he was right.

“It was worth a try.” Tina crumpled the letter up and tossed it into the waste basket, her anger already fading.

She hadn't really thought it would work, however she had hoped. Unfortunately, MCRC was now seen by everyone as an enemy and, even if they wanted to help her, the government couldn't allow the populace to know that an enemy was receiving aid.

“Alright, next plan.” Tina stood up decidedly. “I can't do this alone. I'm going to have to call in some big favors from a lot of out of country friends.”

“I don't think that's necessary.” Crispin signed earning another glare.

“It's necessary.” she snapped at him. “Ozera has a great deal of resources and friends of his own to help him. All I've got is you.”

“That didn't sound like a compliment.” Crispin signed, his eyes dancing with unvoiced laughter. He had never met someone so unapologetically rude and still somehow so likeable before.


Tina voiced her opinions, loudly, no matter what they were. But she listened when another voiced theirs. She constantly nagged at Jack to get out of his ridiculous slump. But she always helped Crispin when it came to feeding him or coaxing him to take a shower or other such necessities. Crispin found her an interesting combination of mercilessness and kindness.

Which was a bad thing.

Crispin had long since resigned himself to being alone. It was an much an inevitability as it was a practicality.

There was only one type of person a siren could speak to. A person with a will greater than their own. For Crispin, this was a problem. The power of his voice was incredible even by siren standards. Before Jack had fallen, he was the first person Crispin had ever been able to speak to normally. True, they didn't hold many conversations where Crispin actually vocalized his thoughts but that was more a fear that someone would overhear and fall into Crispin's thrall accidentally than anything.

Even other siren's weren't completely impervious to the power of another's voice. For Crispin, who was a very powerful siren, even other siren's could fall to his voice easily. Jack, before his fall, had been the only person Crispin met who could listen to him without worry.

Of course, there was a chance that Tina had a will that was equal to or greater than his own. However, even if she did, there would be worry in their relationship about whether or not he was manipulating her. It was a worry that affected pretty much everyone who ever got together with a siren.

Crispin did not want the inevitable fight that worry would lead to. That fight led only to a broken heart, probably his.

No matter how interesting he found her, he would have to remain steadfastly a background character in her life. He easily filled that role no matter who he met, he could do it again now.

“I'm going to call some friends.” Tina said decisively. “I'm probably going to owe a lot favors after this but it will be worth it.”

“That doesn't really sound like friendship.” Crispin's eyebrow raised.

“Save the philosophical crap for when I'm not seeking revenge.” Tina glared at him.

“Then, perhaps, it would be better if I called my friends.” he suggested with a grin.

“I don't need a pack of sirens.” Tina crossed her arms defiantly. “I need people who know how to hunt someone down and help me take them out.”

“Sirens don't travel in packs.” Crispin told her dryly. “I assure you, the people I have in mind are quite capable.”


“Crispin.” Brooklyn beamed as he opened the door to her and Warren. “How's Jack?”

“Sleeping.” Crispin signed and waved them in. “However, he's been doing much better since Tina arrived.”

“Tina's here?” Brooklyn looked surprised.

“What's she doing here?” Warren asked as Crispin led them into the living room. There were already drinks and snacks set out by Maddie.

“She's seeking vengeance.” Tina answered for herself as she walked in behind them. “Brooklyn, it's good to see you again.”

“Hello, Tina.” Brooklyn would have hugged her were it not for the fact that Tina just didn't do hugs. “Have you met Warren?”

“Not really.” Tina looked him over. “Too dark to be an elf but I know you're not a vampire.”

“Haltija.” he corrected a smile as he reached out to shake her hand.


Tina took it with a smile. “The guardian mythic and a girl with a photographic memory. That's actually helpful. Not bad, Crispin.”

“I live to serve.” he signed with a smile. She couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. “There are more coming.”

“Great.” Tina nodded her approval. If the others were as beneficial as she knew Brooklyn and Warren could be, she might not have any complaints. “Sit, grab some food.”

“Thanks, I'm starving.” Brooklyn sat on the sofa and grabbed one of the little sandwiches Maddie had prepared eagerly. Warren sat down next to her but didn't grab for the food.

“Why'd you call us here, Tina?” Warren asked as he leaned back comfortably into the couch. True, he had never met Jack's only child before but he heard stories. Judging by looking at her no nonsense attitude and her looks, he decided that she must be the female version of Jack. “'Revenge' is a little vague.”

“I'm going to destroy Victor Ozera.” Tina announced, crossing her arms over her chest. “For what he did to me, to my father, he's going to pay.”

Brooklyn paused in the act of biting a sandwich and looked over at Crispin. The two of them shared a look that Tina didn't think she liked. It was as if Brooklyn knew that Crispin was the strong willed man he pretended not to be and she was checking with him first.

Before Tina could grumble about it, Warren spoke up, “Hey, I'm all for avenging MCRC, don't get me wrong, but I don't want Brook anywhere near this.”

“Hey.” Brooklyn looked over at him unhappily. “I can help. You know I can.”

“I didn't say you couldn't.” Warren told her, his expression determined. “But you're in no condition to be chasing after some freak. You're staying here in Paradise Falls.”

“While you go out and leave me behind?” Brooklyn's chin went up stubbornly.

Crispin gently cleared his throat, getting their attention. “As much as you don't want to hear it, Brook, Warren is right. You have to stay here no matter where we go. You are pregnant.”

“You're pregnant?” Tina repeated, surprised. “No way. I mean, congratulations.”

“Thanks.” Brooklyn smiled at her.

“Who's pregnant?” a new female voice asked.

They turned as Joe and Kai walked inside. Joe beamed at seeing Tina. “Tina? I can't believe it, why are you here?”

“I live here.” Tina pointed out as she looked them over. Joanne was great at figuring things out and would, indeed, be useful. But Tina didn't recognize the landed merman behind her. “I don't remember you knocking.”

“I didn't.” Joe smiled. “I've been over here so many times, I feel like I live here.”

“You know Joe, of course.” Crispin signed for her benefit. “This is her fiancee, Kai. He's a good fighter.”

“Nice to meet you.” Kai said, his face betraying nearly as much emotion as Crispin's did. At least, Tina thought as the pair walked inside, Crispin smiled. Looking at Kai's blank face was like looking at a painting.

“I thought merfolk were expressive.” she grumbled.

“We all have our black sheep.” Crispin shrugged beside her.

“Wait, when did you two get officially engaged?” Brooklyn asked as they sat down on the opposite couch from them.

“We're not yet.” Joe smiled happily. “He's still waiting to surprise me.”

“It's hard to do when she always sees it coming.” Kai admitted with a shrug.

“Is it just me, or do I have two happy couples in my living room?” Tina asked Crispin quietly as the four of them chatted.

“Jack developed a talent for matchmaking.” Crispin told her with a grin. “All of them are loyal to Jack and will help us with our revenge.”

“'Our'?” Tina repeated dryly and received only a smile in return. “Whatever. They'll do, I suppose. Let's get to work then.”

Crispin shook his head no.

“What?” Tina asked. “More coming?”

“Two more.” Crispin signed.

“Revenge?” they looked over at Joe's surprised word. She had been listening to Warren explain why Crispin had gathered them here. “Revenge for what?”

“What do you think?” Tina looked up at the ceiling where, two floors above, her father was resting. “Ozera stole MCRC from us, took my dad from me, put me out of a job. I'm taking him down.”

“Not that I mind going after a maniac,” Joe said uncomfortably, “but we don't even know where to start looking.”

“We could start with his submarine.” Brooklyn suggested with a happy smile.

“Oh, yeah.” Joe said thoughtfully. “I forgot he had that.”

“I didn't.” Crispin signed, remembering his rather terrifying trip down to the bottom of the ocean in that thing.

“He has a submarine?” Tina repeated, surprised. “You're kidding?”

“He's powerful.” Kai said simply.

“He's got money to burn.” Joe agreed with a nod. “You didn't know?”

“I really wasn't keeping up with that Intrebari thing.” Tina admitting. “It wasn't exactly in my jurisdiction.”

A knock on the door interrupted them.

“I'll get it.” Crispin signed as he turned to leave.

“How are we supposed to track down a submarine?” Tina asked no one in particular.

“That's easy.” Joe smiled. “You just find out where it makes port. It has to come up sometime, somewhere. Not many places can service submarines, even fewer service illegal submarines.”

“Not bad.” Tina grinned, pleased. Crispin hadn't done bad at all.

“The problem, of course,” yet another new female said from behind Tina, “is figuring out where that Port is.”

Tina stiffened at the familiar voice and turned with a growl. “Ilia. What the hell are you doing here?”

The beautiful fairy stepped into the room, grinning darkly at Tina. “I was invited, of course. What are you doing here?”

“Don't you give me lip, fairy!” Tina snapped as Crispin walked in with another man she didn't recognize. “Crispin, what the hell is she doing here?”

“Ilia is a computer wiz. She'll be able to assist us.” Crispin signed without apology. “This is Dallas. He's a marksman.”

“I don't care about him.” Tina snarled as Ilia walked confidently into the living room and plopped down beside Brooklyn. “Don't you get comfortable in my house, woman.”

“Oh, do you live here?” Ilia sneered. “I didn't realize. I haven't seen you in - what has it been? - a year and a half?”

“Not nearly long enough.” Tina glowered at her as Ilia took a bite of one of the mini sandwiches.

“Did I miss something?” Dallas asked as he watched the interaction between Ilia and Tina. He knew his Ilia, she loved confrontation. He was pretty sure whatever beef was between the two of them was probably her fault somehow. It certainly didn't seem to be the normal jealousy human women had for the beautiful fae folk though so he couldn't imagine what it was.

Joe giggled. “Ilia and Tina hate each other. I would have warned you, Crispin, if I had known you were going to call Ilia, too.”

Crispin shrugged as if it wouldn't have mattered. Turning her glare on him, Tina was sure that it wouldn't have. He would have called Ilia no matter her feelings on it if he thought it would help. And, damn him, he was right again. Ilia's technological skills would, she was sure, be very helpful. Tina would have to make some sacrifices on her road to vengeance but she did not have to like it.

“Fine, she can stay.” Tina glared at the fairy while she said it. “But if she pulls any of her crap and might jeopardize something, she is gone.”

“If it wasn't for Jack, I wouldn't be here now.” Ilia told her with an unhappy grin.

Dallas jumped between Tina and Ilia and held out his hand to the former. “Dallas, nice to meet you.”

“Tina.” she shook his hand roughly.

“Don't get too friendly with her, Cowboy.” Ilia told him. “I would rather you not get along well with her.”

“You're doing it again!” Tina snapped.

Crispin grabbed onto her shoulders and steered her suddenly away from Ilia.

“Let me go.” Tina demanded.

Crispin did so, but didn't let her turn back to Ilia, “Don't forget your revenge, Tina. I thought this was happening no matter what.”

“It is.” Tina crossed her arms. “Even if you did call that worthless fairy.”

“Then stay focused.” Crispin ordered and Tina saw a flash of that steel in his eyes again. For some reason, she found it strangely attractive. No man had ever stood up to her like that before.

“You don't have to tell me that.” Tina said uncomfortably as she pushed past him and looked at the people that were gathered before her. It was hardly the time to be admiring someone, especially not her father's disturbing side kick. She had other things to worry about.

Crispin, damn him, had called her father's best people, even if one of them was Ilia. It would have taken a great many favors, both called in and owed, to gather the same type of team if she had been by herself. She could hate Crispin for being so helpful.

“Alright, this meeting has officially come to order.” she announced loudly, bringing the attention to her. Even that loudmouth Ilia fell silent and looked over at her expectantly. “I am going after Ozera. You all are going to help me.”

“To what end?” Dallas spoke up, looking at her expectantly. “MCRC is gone, we're all out of a job. The authorities are after Ozera. What reason do we have to chase him down ourselves?”

Tina glared at him. She could tell that the question didn't come from a reluctance to doing it. He was testing her.

“I'm doing it for my father.” she declared. “I'm getting vengeance for my dad and for myself. You know as well as I do that the government will make a big show about hunting him down but probably won't get anywhere. If we leave him alone, he'll kill again, you know he will. Someone has to stop him and I'm motivated enough to do it. Even if you don't help, I'm still going after him.”

Dallas nodded once, pleased with her answer.

“We'll be happy to help.” Brooklyn assured her. “It's not like we have anything better to do.”

“I'd rather have a vow of undying hatred for Ozera.” Tina rolled her eyes at the simple statement.

“We're just as motivated as you.” Joe assured her, placing a hand over Kai's. The two of them shared a look, sharing in the dark memory of the things they had seen. Ozera's horrors, despite being almost a year old to them now, were still so fresh on their minds. “Of course we'll help.”

“Good.” Tina nodded, accepting that Ilia would help without her input. The dreadful woman wouldn't have shown up if she wasn't willing to help. “Then we start today. Tell Crispin anything you need and he'll get it for you. We'll go with Joe's idea and try to find where his submarine makes port.”

“I have everything I need.” Ilia smiled at Dallas. “You're going to help me bring my computer over here.”

“Why are you coming here?” Tina grumbled. “You have your own house.”

“It will be easier to work on sight.” Ilia smiled happily.

“Easier to bother me on sight.” Tina corrected.

“That too.” Ilia beamed.

“I thought we were working together.” Joe sent Ilia a warning look. “We should try to get along.”

“This is getting along for us, Joe.” Ilia laughed. “We haven't even started yelling yet.”

Tina rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Let's just get to work. I want Ozera's head on a plate. Let's make it happen.”

“Did you just call me by name?” Joe asked Ilia, surprised.

“Focus.” Tina told her. She had noticed the use of Joe's name from the fairy who only ever used nicknames for people as well but she had more important concerns. “How are we going to get started?”

“I can try to track Intrebari's movements.” Ilia said immediately. “Once I have my computer. Come on, Dallas.”

“We'll be back.” Dallas told her as Ilia left the room. “I'm sorry about her.”

“Forget it.” Tina waved his apology away. “I'm far too used to her by now.”

“I'll start looking into Ozera's old records.” Joe volunteered.

“They've all been confiscated by the government.” Tina sighed. “I've already tried to get a hold of them.”

“Let me give it a try.” Joe stood up eagerly. “I've got friends in high places. Come on, Kai.”

The merman followed her without protest as they left the room behind Dallas.

“I suppose that just leaves me and Warren.” Brooklyn looked at her mate sadly. “I can't think of what we can contribute.”

“You can help Joe.” Tina told her. “Your memory is better than hers, you can find details she misses and you knew Ozera better than any of us did.”

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