《Roommates ☁︎ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*》☁︎chapter 3☁︎



ugh I'm hanging out with Finn and I already know this will not end well.

Finn came jogging to me and I just rolled my eyes and stood there.

"Took you long enough !" I say rudely.

He gives me this weird grossed out look which I simply ignore and put my black ray bans on (something I always do when I go out in public) and fix my hair.

I grabbed Finn by the arm and quickly entered entered the black SUV while we watch the other run towards the limo causing me to laugh

"Millie looks like their mom pushing them Inside" I say to myself.

"Mhm" was the only reply I got from Finn. It is literally the only reply I ever get from him.

Or it's either "I don't care", "shut up you're annoying", "nobody cares", "do you have a mute button ?!" Or way worse ones.

But "mhm" was usually what I always got from him.

I guess I don't feel the anymore when I'm with him...

I ignored it as I always do because it's something I've got used to.

I sigh and just lean my head against the window as my chauffeur starts driving us to our destination.


"so where are we going ?" I asked

I turn over to see a concentrated y/n on her phone.

"Hello ? Are you deaf ?"

She ignores my comment and pulls up her phone next to her ear as she bit her acrylic nails and tapped on the carpet with her foot.

"Pick up,pick up, pick up" she kept on muttering.

It stayed silent for a couple of seconds until she spoke up again.

"HI ! Um yes this is y/n daughter of y/d/n..."

It stayed quiet again.

"Yes that's me ! Well I wanted to inform you in with something !!"


"Of course anything!" Was muttered from her phone.

She chuckles and gets back to the topic.

"Ok so um today there was someone trying to steal our stuff and we are worried it might happen again...my father wanted me to tell you to send at least 5 security guards to guard the place starting today"




Was all she was replying back with.

Y/n was making it so complicated for me to ignore her with that annoying voice of hers.

"Wow ! Yes that's perfect! thank you so much !"

"Alright! Yea of course! Kisses !!" She says as she kisses the phone and finally hangs up.

She groans and puts her phone away into her butt pocket.

"So the house will be protected ?" I ask facing her.

"Mhm" she said as she had her head on her hand.


I roll my eyes and scoff at her and do the same actions as she did. I heard a gasp later after assuming it was coming from her.

"Oh my goodness!! I have an idea !"

I give her this confuzzled look and she was just there smiling at me so bright.

"Wow..you with an idea ? You hardly get those" I chuckle

She scoffs and does this sarcastic laugh.

"Do you wanna hear my idea or not you stupid noodle !?"

I cross my arms and face her seeing she was doing the same actions as me.

I took a deep gulp and started to tense up because of her just sitting this close to me.

"Alright fine let's hear this idea of yours !" I finally choke out.

She smiles and gets closer to me.

"Might as well just sit on my lap !"

She rolls her eyes and then looks at me.


She was debating wether or not she should. I could tell because she was looking up at the roof and tapping her cheek with her finger while her lips were being puckered up.

"Alright if you insist !" She finally says as she shrugged her shoulders.

I then feel another warm body on my lap.

I look up and I see that y/n was looking right down at me smiling. It was strange of me to say this but I was somewhat lost in those e/c eyes of hers.

What is happening to me ?!

I cough and look away causing her to do the same.

"Alright...so. Um well you know how Millie and Noah always HAVE to take the best rooms because they beat us to it ?.."

As I was about to answer her question the driver took this sharp stop causing y/n to almost fall but I grabbed her...almost hugging her bringing her small body closer to mines.

"Uh...thanks, I guess" she says.

"Y-yea no p-problem"

She smiles and looks down. I could feel my cheeks get red as a tomato and manage to get my answer out for her previous question.

"And yes...yes I do know that they always take the best rooms..why ?" i cough.

She looks back up still having her arms wrapped around my neck and chuckled.

"Well because I'm thinking that maybe we should go to the house ! Since nobody is there and we can get the best rooms ! We're always stuck with sharing a bathroom together and I absolutely hate it because I never have any privacy! And you don't either !"

I hum back at her response and slowly nod my head

She does make a very great point. Millie and Noah always get the best rooms which makes everyone share bathrooms like me and y/n shared one last year and we absolutely hated it !.

"I like your smart thinking L/N"

"Why thank you wolfhard"

She hesitated but successfully got off of my lap and tapped the driver.

"Can you take us back to the house please ?"

The driver only nods and y/n sits back down next to me. Not to close. But not to far either.

Just perfect.


ok I don't know if I should continue this story


Is it even good ? Like TELL ME I nEeD to KnOw.


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