《Working For My Bias || Hwang Hyunjin FF》T W E N T Y - F I V E


Hyunjin hurried her. Today, they were going to the aquarium. One reason is for Hyunjin to get his mind off Yeon Ha and the other is because he had never been to an aquarium before. Well, at least that's the piece of information Y/N got from the guys.

Upon hearing Y/N's plan to go to the aquarium, Hyunjin was overly excited. He was rushing Y/N even before it was the time for them to leave. He was jumping up and down like a small little kid who was waiting for their mother to finish shopping for groceries. Once Y/N came out of her room, wearing a slightly below the knee, white flowy dress, he was awestruck.

He was awestruck by her beauty. Y/N was naturally pretty, but her normal choice of outfits that she wore didn't really do her beauty justice. Almost everyone around her thought she was beautiful with and without makeup except her. She'd always put herself down. Except for the few times she was really feeling herself and dressing out of her comfort zone. For example, now.

She had woken up today feeling really good about the events that were lined up today that she chose to wear something different. She even did her hair, as well as her go-to light makeup. With just a curler, lip tint, blush, mascara, and a dress, she had a completely different aura around her.

She looked him up and down, scanning his choice of clothing. Surprisingly, he had chosen something more 'colourful' to wear today. She did a 'v' sign and puckered her lips, posing in front of Hyunjin. And she thought it was weird that Hyunjin had such high confidence...When in reality, she had one too.

Hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts and scoffed at her. He said in a annoyed tone, causing Y/N to snicker at him. They wore their shoes and went to the bus stop. Hyunjin made sure he had his hair hidden in the beanie that he was wearing and that he had his face mask on before reaching the bus stop. He didn't want anybody to recognize him. Even though he loved seeing and meeting his fans, he was going out with Y/N today and he didn't want the paparazzi to make a scandal out of it.


On the way there, light drizzle of rain started falling on the streets. The sky was still bright so, they didn't worry much. They were seated on one of the seats when they felt a sudden bump. The bell in the bus ringed and the driver made an announcement.

The bell ringed again and this time, the doors opened too. Hissing and sighing were heard all throughout the bus. As they got off onto the wet pavement. Y/N looked around, trying to figure out where they were. Hyunjin scratched his head. The rest of the people in the bus had already went their own ways while the both of them were seated under a bus stop with a roof, protecting them from the rain.

She turned her head to look at Hyunjin, giving him an apologetic look. They could've walked there by feet but Y/N looked at the weather lined up for today and she saw that it was going to rain more heavily. So the better option was to just find another place. She really wanted to bring him to the aquarium today but given the situation, it wasn't possible.

He gave her another option, assuring her that it was fine if they didn't go to the aquarium today. She agreed and Hyunjin put out his hands, asking her to hold it because what he did next was going to catch her off guard.

She held his hands and they ran. Well, it was mostly Hyunjin who ran and Y/N just trying to catch up to him while holding his hands. The drizzling turned into more of a harsh downpour of raindrops when they ran, crossing the roads and along the pavements. The tiny raindrops were caught in their hair and Y/N's white dress, was getting wet, as well as Hyunjin's jacket and beanie.

After a while of running, they finally reached the beach and rested at the hooded deck. They sat down and panted, gasping for air. Hyunjin asked the panting girl beside him. She glared at the now laughing boy. The only thing that went through Y/N's mind was,

She didn't want to admit that the assumption Hyunjin made was right so she just ignored him. What she didn't know was that when she ignored him, Hyunjin knew for a fact that what he said was right.



They ate their lunch and now they were back at the deck, talking about stuff because the rain still hadn't stopped. She said. He added. He joked.

He laughed out loud and she joined him, after hearing his weird laugh that just made her crack up. They calmed down after a while and admired the vivid sunset infront of them. The light from the sun made the sky and waters look yellow, orange and red altogether. The colours mixed well.

When Y/N saw that, she had an amazing idea. Even though she didn't fulfill her quest to bring him to see the fishes, she could do one thing. Since the heavy rain had dialled down a little, she thought that dancing in the rain would be fun.

She got up from her feet and took off the shoes she had been wearing, placing them on the deck and walking into the rain. Her feet touched the wet sand and her hair started to get drenched. Hyunjin gave her a questionable look before almost pulling her back. She started to spin herself, with her hands in the air like she just did not care, catching the small droplets of water.

He said in a more serious tone. She replied and turned again, this time on one foot, making it seem like she was a ballerina.

She rolled her eyes at him. She lent out her hands to him. He took a deep breathe and sighed, He took her hand as she led him out to the wet beach.

Y/N let go off his hand and danced in circles around him, while he stood still, watching her every move, smiling. She hummed a song and started to move her body to the tempo of the song. 'Sunshine' a song by Stray Kids themselves. Hyunjin's ears perked up when he heard what Y/N was humming to. She danced around him, once in a while taking his hands and leading him through the beat of the song. She was twirling. He was twirling.

Once Hyunjin got a feel of how nice it was to dance in the rain, he went to the deck and got his phone. He turned it on to the loudest volume and played a light, gentle, piano ballroom song. Perfect for the rainy weather and the sunset that was beautifully lighting up the sky behind them.

He bowed in front of her, making her laugh in return. She did a curtsy and replied, Then, Hyunjin pulled her body close to him and put his hands on her waist, just lightly touching her, and putting her hands on his neck.

And they danced. The soft music ringed through their ears as the sound of the raindrops hitting the damp sand echoed. He took a step and Y/N followed, both of them looking in each other's eyes and smiling the whole time. The bright sunset was now beginning to dissapear, leaving a very red color in the sky. With the scene of the two of them dancing, the rain falling, their drenched selves, and the sky... It was perfect.

To Y/N, she felt happy. No, the word happy isn't even enough to express what she felt at the moment. Her eyes was focused on his. She was pleased that even though she didn't fulfill her plan to go to the aquarium with him, they at least got a fun day together.

To Hyunjin it was as if time stopped. The only thing that he could see and hear was Y/N and sound of his heart beating. Was it fast? Or was it slow? It was definetly fast. He didn't know why his heart started to beat so fast. Maybe it was the sight of Y/N's smile or maybe it was because it was the first time in a while where he genuinely felt happy. Not that he doesn't feel happy with his members but that he felt happy with the opposite gender.

In that short spam of time, he could not think of anything. Not a single thing except for the moment they were in. All those memories of Yeon Ha magically vanished. Not even a slight picture of Yeon Ha crossed his mind. Not a single thing. Had Y/N's plan worked?

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