《Working For My Bias || Hwang Hyunjin FF》T W E N T Y - F O U R



Y/N asked him. Taken by surprise, he turned to look at her. She sat down next to him. "

He looked down, feeling guilty because what Y/N said was most definitely true. He let out a sarcastic laugh. Soft but loud enough for Y/N to hear. He frowned at the thought of it.

He indeed really missed her. But the thing is, he didn't want to remember her. He wanted all the memories they had to get her to burn. Even if they were good ones. Hyunjin let out a defeated sigh, laying his back on the cold hard floor with his legs dangling off the building. He closed his eyes, feeling the gentle breeze on his skin, not caring how cold it was.

Y/N glanced to her side and said, He opened his eyes and tilted his head a little before sitting back up.

He got a little confused. She asked again. He seemed a little more intrigued into what Y/N was going to do. With that Y/N got up and left, leaving him all alone with his thoughts.

A new day came and the boys were now doing their radio show. I went outside and sat on the couch. Since no one was home, I was free to do whatever I liked. I took out my phone and booked a reservation at the place I was planning to bring Hyunjin to.

It was a destruction centre. I'm not sure what you call that place exactly but it was a place for you to destroy things. For example, throwing glass at a wall or hammering things until it was flat. It was something similar to a stress reliever. But only more violent that usual.

I used to go there during my first break-up with my boyfriend in school. He kinda cheated on me with his cousin. I know. Sweet home Alabama. It's disgusting. But they weren't really blood-related, she was a step cousin. But nonetheless, it was still disgusting.


But back to the point, I booked the place and now I was just waiting for Hyunjin and come home so that we could go. Tick tock tick tock.

The door finally opened. I ran towards the door. Pulling Hyunjin inside. Hyunjin questioned.

He told me that they were at practice and that he asked if he could sit this one out because he had something planned with me. Awhh, what a sweet guy.

I pulled him into his room and gave him ten minutes to change into something nice so that we could go out. After ten minutes, he came out. Again, wearing black on black. Except this time there was a slight hint of blue on his pants.

I said, giving him a weird look. I pulled him back to his room and opened his closet. I sighed loudly, purposely letting him hear.

He was clearly offended. It was funny to watch. I placed the clothes I pick out for him in his arms and left the room before he could say anything else.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes, he finally came out. Wow, my amazing sense of fashion looked good on him. It was perfect. The sweater I picked out contrast with his black outfit and the shoes fitted well with everything. (A/n: I'm not gonna describe most of the outfit so that you can imagine it)

I clapped my hands at the sight of my work on him. Again? I really wonder where his confidence come from. It's not like he was born with it right? I cut him off before he finished his sentence because I really did not want him to finish that sentence.


We finally reached. 'Dan's Destruction Destination' A very weird name but it sounds nice. It had a nice ring to it. The place was near the arcade Wang Ja and I went to yesterday. In fact, the arcade was just a block away. I lead him to the entrance and told the worker my name and the reservation I placed.


We did as the worker said and went inside one of the rooms. We took the attire which was a large jumpsuit, boots, a helmet, and safety goggles. We changed and went out back to the waiting area. A while later, another staff brought us into a different room and asked us to choose our 'weapons'. What she meant by that was to choose what we were going to use to destroy stuff.

The options were endless. There were axes, hammers, larger hammers and a sledge hammer. Mostly hammers. But there were a variety of different hammers. There was one that I liked, it was a Barbie printed hammer. Just as I was about to take it, a little girl stole it from me, sticking out her tongue.

Who allowed a little girl to come in and use a hammer?! Does the parents not teach her to not mess with dangerous things and 'adult stuffs'? I was about to throw hands at the little girl when Hyunjin stopped me. The girl smirked and I gave her a death stare before taking the stitch hammer from his hands.

He calmed me down. He pushed me inside the room.

It was a room full of glass. On the floor was a few sheets of thick glass and a few pieces of glass boxes to smash. She cheered us on and left the room. With only two of us inside, I explained to him what he should do to get his mind off of her.

I walked over to the side and took a piece to demonstrate. I put the glass on the platform and shouted what I wanted to get off my chest and smashed the piece.

I smashed it. The glass shattered into a million tinier pieces and flew through the room. "

Ok... My turn. Shout out my frustration and thoughts about her then smash the glass. Easy. I can do this. It's time for me to move on.

I shouted at the top of my lungs and hit the glass. It shattered everywhere. WOW! That was really refreshing.

I took another piece and shouted all of my anger and smashed it. It felt much more amazing this time. I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulder.


It was now 7pm and we were both heading home. We spent three hours inside there just shouting, laughing and smashing glass with our whole hearts. The staff only allowed us to be in there for an hour but Y/N payed for extra time. That's why we were able to stay there for three hours.

Before we reached the door, in the elevator, I said to her, I mumbled the last part.

Wrong. I forgot about her when we were coming back home. I honestly did not think about her at all. Which to me is very surprising because I always think about her. It was a disease. I only thought about her when we were in the room, breaking glass.

Other than that, not really. Hmmm... Something feels off. Why did I not think about her? Was it because I let out all of my anger? Oh well, I don't know. I'll just have to find out later.

I wonder where Y/N will bring me, the next time we go out. Maybe the beach? Or the arcade? No... There's too many people at the arcade. I can't be caught hanging out with a girl there. Sigh. Idol life is hard.

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