《Crossing Seventies With Space》321-330


Chapter 321 The Ye family is a bit pitiful

"Have you seen where the Dabai guide and his wife went?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Xiao Chen, who was already lying down, sat up and said, "While we were digging and cleaning up, Da Bai and Xiao Bai were not there."

Comrade Xiao Liu said, "I saw Xiao Bai feeding the camels before, and the others, I didn't pay attention." The leader suddenly thought of something, and his face became a little bad.

"Do you remember, when we went to the camp, the guide Dabai led us down." As soon as the leader's words came out, the air in the hall suddenly quieted down.

The original plan was to go down from the other side of the dune, then the team leader card and Professor Zhang were watching the terrain. The big white guide suddenly led the lead camel and walked to the other side of the dune, so everyone followed.

It didn't feel like anything, but now that I think about it, it seems that something is wrong.

After seeing the stone, Dabai's guide seemed to be a little flustered, but everyone didn't pay attention at that time. Even if he saw it, he was only regarded as Dabai's guide because he was worried about the lack of water. Now that I think about it, it's not like that. thing.

"Maybe it's because of the camels." Comrade Xiao Wang said uncertainly.

The others looked hesitant, but didn't say anything.

Fu Zimo can capture all kinds of information better than others.

Ye Yuxuan didn't speak, there was nothing she could do. She was the one who came back from 'Liuyang' who didn't understand these things. How could she hear what these people meant.

"It's getting late, hurry up and rest, and we have to continue looking for a way tomorrow." I was already exhausted, so naturally it wouldn't be too long, everyone said a few words, and then they narrowed.

The group came out of the ground just before the sun went down the next day.

After getting the bracelet, Ye Yuxuan had a better sense of the road in the tomb. When Professor Zhang and his party were looking at the same, she signaled to Fu Zimo, so they turned left and turned right, starting from the time when the Ye family and the others were looking at it. The place where the tomb was found came out.

Here, it takes more than an hour or two from the camp.

No one knows that they walked underground for such a long time and came here from the other side. It is no wonder that there are tombs here.

However, they have only walked about halfway, and there is still more than half of the tomb that they have not been to.

Ye Yuxuan wasn't interested in the antiquities in the tomb. She felt that the most precious things had already entered her space, and the rest would be good for people like Professor Zhang to study.

In fact, Ye Yuxuan was able to bring people out long ago, but she saw a lot of exquisite cultural relics along the way. For Professor Zhang and his party, even a cursory look and a little understanding would take a lot of time. Ye Yuxuan also behaved badly and treated this tomb like her own back garden.

It was strange to say, Ye Yuxuan was obviously a road idiot, how could she know that after she came to this world, she knew the way, even in the desert, she could still lead people out of the ancient tomb by feeling safe.


Distractedly, she glanced at the bracelet lying quietly in the space, Ye Yuxuan couldn't help but feel a little strange, could it be because of this bracelet?

But what did you say in Pingyang City before?

Although there are still two hours before the camp, everyone will not have the strength and ideas to continue their journey.

After discussing with Professor Zhang and the team leader, Fu Zimo decided to find a suitable place to camp nearby, rush back to the camp tomorrow, and then think about how to dig and research.

At this moment, everyone is resting on the ground.

This exit was only climbed up after everyone's efforts were useless, and it was thanks to Xiao Chen and Fu Zimo that they carried a bundle of ropes on their bodies. Otherwise, even if Ye Yuxuan, Fu Zimo, and Xiao Chen could easily come up, Professor Zhang and his party would not be able to climb up.

At this moment, everyone heard the camel bell, and Xiao Chen immediately jumped up and ran up the slightly higher sand dune to look left and right. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his face was full of excitement, and he waved to the northwest.

"Hey, we're here, we're here..."

Seeing Xiao Chen's happy look, the others got up and looked in the direction Xiao Chen shouted.

It is the big white guide and the little white guide.

Seeing that the two were pulling five camels, everyone rushed to greet them.

"Why are you here?" Dabai was a little surprised when he saw the crowd: "Isn't it digging an ancient tomb, why did you come here?"

Although he covered it up well, Ye Yuxuan and Fu Zimo still saw Dabai's face. A quick flash of unease.

Ye Yuxuan glanced at Fu Zimo, saw the thoughtfulness in his eyes, and knew that he had discovered it too.

"We fell..." Before Comrade Li could finish speaking, the team leader interrupted her.

"Why are the big white wizard and the little white wizard here?"

Yes, why are you here.

Guide Xiaobai: "We saw that you were busy the day before yesterday, so we came to fetch water. This is in the desert, and we work under the scorching sun. How can we do without water. Besides, we need water even if we want to go out."

Only then did everyone see that the camels brought by the guide couple were all camels carrying the water tank. Listening to the movement in the water tank, it was already full of water.

"Everyone has work to do, and we can't help much. It just so happens that there is not much water in the water tank. I heard from Professor Zhang that the water source is nearby, and the camels are thirsty, so we come to fetch water for everyone."

Dabai's guide replied with some embarrassment: "We told Dr. Wang to go back soon, but we are not familiar with this place. Yesterday, there was a strong wind and we went astray..."

"When we found it, we were far away. Finally, it was dawn and we went back. We found a well in the ruined temple. No, we

're rushing back after we 've filled the water." Ye Yuxuan glanced at Professor Zhang. I thought to myself, the place where the guide couple went to fetch water should be the place where the Ye family and the couple found water, right?

Isn't it not far from the boulder? Is this not far?

Hearing what the couple said, it took almost half a day to walk from the camp to the well.


It's a bit tricky.

In fact, what Ye Yuxuan didn't know was that it wasn't because the records were inaccurate, it was because the tombs were too large. If it was calculated from the exit they came out of, it would only take more than two hours to reach the well of the ruined temple.

The Ye Yuxuan and others did not get involved in the piece that Ye Yuxuan and others fell into before.

Originally, the guide Dabai wanted to take them away from the tombs. Who knew that the tombs were too large, so he still let Professor Zhang and his party discover the ancient tombs.

This is also why the big white wizard looks wrong and gets restless.

"By the way, Professor Zhang, why did you come here? Didn't you dig ahead?" Dabai's guide was very puzzled.

Chapter 322 What to Do

Dabai guide was also full of doubts, this is not a camp, it is getting dark, how could Professor Zhang and others be here.

"It's a long story." Professor Zhang sighed softly and said, "Let's go back first."

Although Da Bai and Xiao Bai didn't understand why Professor Zhang and his group appeared here, it was obvious that they were exhausted. After drinking water, he kept drinking, and he didn't want to talk at all, so he didn't ask anymore.

We originally planned to rest here for one night, but we would meet the guide couple, and there were camels. Thinking that it was not safe for Dr. Wang to be alone in the camp, everyone immediately decided to hurry and have a good rest when we got back to the camp.

The camel was carrying the water tank, so naturally people could not sit on it, but everyone still put some of the weight that delayed walking on the camel. There was no way. They were too tired. In order to return to the camp earlier, they lightened themselves. load on the body.

Fu Zimo also wanted to put Ye Yuxuan's cloth bag on it, but Ye Yuxuan refused as soon as he proposed.

Just kidding, how could she drink water all the way after putting it on? Besides, if it wasn't for her carrying this bag with her, where did she and Fu Zimo eat from last night to today?

Not to mention that there is a space stone in the bag, what if it is accidentally dropped?

Originally, Fu Zimo thought that if Ye Yuxuan didn't want to put it on the camel, then he could help with the back, but Ye Yuxuan also refused.

Everyone suddenly fell into the tomb, and they didn't have much stuff on them. If Ye Yuxuan didn't have some hungry snacks in her bag, how could they have stayed in the tomb for so long? They had been in a hurry yesterday. The way to find out, where will stay in the tomb for two days.

That's right, Ye Yuxuan took out something from her bag today and asked Fu Zimo to share it with everyone.

In fact, it wasn't anything. It was the naan that she concealed and pretended to be her own. In fact, it was stored in the space. Although it was not much, Ye Yuxuan and Fu Zimo didn't eat it. Xiao Chen also had sausages and snacks that Ye Yuxuan quietly gave. Of course You don't need to eat much.

Therefore, the naan that Ye Yuxuan took out was enough for everyone to last for some time, after all, there were still compressed biscuits.

No one knew that Ye Yuxuan took it out, and he thought it was Fu Zimo who took it for everyone to eat when he returned to the camp before, but I didn't expect it to happen to fall into the tomb.

When Fu Zimo lied lightly, Ye Yuxuan looked at him from the side. Seeing that no one doubted him, she thought, sure enough, everyone in this team has unconditional trust in Fu Zimo.

However, if Ye Yuxuan had known earlier that she took out the naan and let Professor Zhang and others stay in the tomb for another day, she would never have taken it out before.

in the camp.

Wang Yuanyuan immediately lit the fire when it was getting dark. Yesterday, Dabai and Xiaobai thought of going out to fetch water and never came back. Professor Zhang fell into the ancient tomb with eleven people.

She had a past during the day, but she went back and forth to explore, but she couldn't make the hole where they fell, just like a group of people disappeared out of thin air.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a few shovels next to it and Xiao Fang and Xiao Li's bags, Wang Yuanyuan would have thought that he had found the wrong place.

Last night, Wang Yuanyuan did not dare to go back to the tent to rest, so he just sat in front of the fire and squinted for a while.

Dabai and Xiaobai disappeared, and Fu Zimo and Professor Zhang suddenly disappeared again. If they were ordinary people, they would find themselves alone in the desert. After crying for a while, I got up and started looking for someone near the camp.

She didn't dare to go too far, for fear that she would accidentally get lost.

At this moment, she was eating dinner all the time.

Suddenly, a camel bell was heard.

At first, Wang Yuanyuan thought that she had heard it wrong, but the voice behind her became clearer and clearer, and her face immediately jumped with joy, is it the big white guide and the little white guide?

She got up in a hurry, ran a few steps forward following the sound, but stopped again.

No, it's dark outside now, I left the camp, there is no fire, what should I do if I encounter any danger along the way.

Moreover, it is not necessarily the Dabai guide and his wife.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuanyuan immediately turned around and went back. After thinking about it, he still felt unsafe. He took out a dagger from his bag and quietly held it in his hand.

At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan calmed down a little, but felt a little uneasy in her heart. A group of people entered the desert, and she was alone. Now, if the Dabai guide and his wife who really went to fetch water came back and saw that she was the only one in the group, would they wake up? What are you thinking?

No wonder Wang Yuanyuan thought so, it's easy to get into trouble in the wilderness, let alone the desert.

The person who entered the desert lived a near-death, and everyone else was gone. If the couple wanted to attack her and take up the things here, it was not impossible.

She knew that the conditions of the Dabai guide and his wife were not good, otherwise, no one would want to come into the desert.

Just when Wang Yuanyuan was fidgeting, the camel bell was getting closer and closer. Seeing the movement of the camel not far away, Wang Yuanyuan knew that she heard it right, the Dabai guide and his wife returned.

But at this time, Wang Yuanyuan was not excited at all, but panicked in her heart. She took a few deep breaths and tried to make her expression more natural, but when she found the Dabai guide and his wife, she was suddenly stunned.

"Wow..." After Wang Yuanyuan returned to his senses, he dropped the poker in his hand, got up and ran towards the person who came back, his voice full of crying.

"Where have you been, do you know how flustered I was when I found out that I was alone..."

"How could you leave me alone and tell me nothing..." This sentence is even more full It is resentment and grievance.

Comrade Li is a little older, and she also knows that a girl in Wang Yuanyuan is very afraid to stay in such an environment. If it was her, she would rather fall into the tomb with everyone than stay outside alone.

Therefore, Wang Yuanyuan running over time, Comrade Li Zhang handle distressed people into the arms, patted her on the shoulder comfort: "Nothing, nothing, we are all back, that some accident."

Wang Yuanyuan is When he suddenly pulled into Comrade Li's arms, he froze for a moment, but it was not easy to push Comrade Li away.

She was flustered at first, but when she saw that Professor Zhang and his party were there, she immediately stopped panicking. After all, she was also a military doctor, and she still had no ability to withstand and withstand pressure.

Wang Yuanyuan is like this, just to let everyone know that it is not easy for her, and she feels a little guilty, or should say pity.

Chapter 323

Ye Yuxuan glanced at Fu Zimo lightly, why did she think that Wang Yuanyuan was running towards him just now?

Not to mention Ye Yuxuan, even Xiao Chen felt that Wang Yuanyuan was coming to Fu Tuan. After all, Comrade Li was not here in the beginning. Fu Tuan took a step and let Comrade Li behind him.

Fu Zimo pretended not to notice Ye Yuxuan's eyes, and he ignored Xiao Chen's suspicions.

Wang Yuanyuan was hugged by Comrade Li, and it was difficult to push people away, but she glanced at Ye Yuxuan angrily, complaining in her heart, it's all your fault!

Ye Yuxuan was stared at by Wang Yuanyuan, and immediately glanced at Fu Zimo to see the peach blossom you provoked.

Fu Zimo was angered and couldn't help but be speechless: "..." I didn't do anything.

Xiao Chen snickered in his heart when he saw this scene.

Sure enough, following Fu Tuan, I can often see the drama of my sister-in-law cleaning up Fu Tuan.

After Comrade Li finally comforted Wang Yuanyuan, Ye Yuxuan and others were already sitting in front of the fire.

They didn't come back for two days, and the group returned to the camp at first glance, and their hearts were immediately put down.

Wang Yuanyuan only cooked a little dinner for himself. When everyone came back, it was inevitable to boil water for cooking.

She couldn't be too busy by herself, so Comrade Li and Comrade Xiao Liu naturally helped.

And Ye Yuxuan, not to mention that she doesn't know how to cook, even if she can, probably no one will let her do it.

You must know that before coming out of the tomb just now, there was a problem. Comrade Xiao Li and Comrade Liu were standing in a loose position. The two of them almost fell off when they didn't notice, but Ye Yuxuan grabbed the two of them quickly.

At that time, Fu Zimo was at the top, and Xiao Chen was at the back. It was too late to reach out. There was only Ye Yuxuan in the middle. Although it was only a few seconds, Ye Yuxuan grabbed the two people, and it took a lot of strength.

Except for Ye Yuxuan, Professor Zhang and his party hadn't eaten a hot meal for two days. They would eat hot broth and nibble hot soft naan. It could be said that they suddenly felt alive.

After eating almost, everyone will have the strength to slowly talk about the events of the past two days.

"It was really thrilling that day, no, it was a near miss, we..."

Wang Yuanyuan was surprised: "So, Professor Zhang, you have already been to the tomb?" Although she had doubts in the past two days, she would hear it. They were a little surprised when they said that.

"That's right, although it fell by accident, it was also hit right. We are very sure that the area of ​​the tombs below is not small, and many of them can add to our country's blankness for the ancient desert country..."

Although tired, Zhang Zhang As soon as the professor mentioned this, the whole person seemed to be in a different state, with excitement in his eyes.

With Professor Zhang and the team leader present, Ye Yuxuan and Fu Zimo didn't speak much, and the two of them focused more on Da Bai and Xiao Bai.

Sure enough, when Professor Zhang talked about the situation of the tombs below, Ye Yuxuan and Fu Zimo both noticed that a strange look flashed across Dabai's face.

Fu Zimo, you have to keep an eye on it. Ye Yuxuan glanced at Fu Zimo, and the meaning in her eyes was very clear.

Ye Yuxuan didn't want to ignore it for a while and be tricked.

Don't worry, leave it to me and I'll take care.

Using the excuse of smoking, Fu Zimo called Xiao Chen away. When he came back, although Xiao Chen was still laughing and giggling, Ye Yuxuan clearly noticed that Xiao Chen was secretly paying attention to Da Bai and Xiao Bai.

When the chat was almost over, everyone was ready to rest.

At this time, Comrade Li came over embarrassedly, whispered a few words in Ye Yuxuan's ear, Ye Yuxuan nodded knowingly.

"Exactly, I was going to go."

Comrade Li smiled. She knew that this was probably Ye Yuxuan's excuse, but it was better to have a briefing before going to bed than to get up in the middle of the night.

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