《Crossing Seventies With Space》311-320


Chapter 311

In @@ regiment, Fu Tuan is a legend and a miracle. There is no dissatisfaction, respect or worship in the group.

In the @@ group, you can't understand anything else, but you must know the heroism of Fu Tuan.

Xiao Chen was still distracted by his memories when he was interrupted by the words of others.

"How can I do this?" No one expected this to happen, and Comrade Liu couldn't help being a little scared.

Professor Zhang: "Do not worry, we do not worry, no injuries, everyone will be able to find a way out, all around the camp, it is estimated ah, we are into the tomb."

Other people slow to God, have Agree.

"The moving board on the top that we fell has been closed, and there is no focus, we can't open it from here, and go out the same way." The flashlight in the leader's hand shone on the top of the head, obviously not very high, but the flashlight seemed to be It's as dark as it can't see the top of the head.

"Officer Ye fell down earlier than us, and must be in this hole. Since we're all right, let's go find her quickly, but don't let anything happen." Comrade Li said, worried: "She is a lesbian , In this dark place, you must be very scared."

"Yes, I remember that Secretary Ye was standing not far from us, she fell first, and Fu Tuan, the leader wanted to grab her. "Xiao Zhou just finished drinking water before, covered the lid, and then glanced around, so he remembered clearly.

"Maybe Fu Tuan, Chief and Secretary Ye are together, we have to find someone quickly."

Comrade Xiao Li glanced at his watch by the light of the flashlight: "Yes, it will be dark in more than three hours. Now, we have

to hurry up ." Although it's dark around here, it's safest to go out early and get ready and then come in to explore, otherwise, if you spend the night in there, you won't be prepared for anything, just think about it. Know it's not safe.

Ye Yuxuan frowned upon hearing this, Fu Zimo was not with Xiao Chen?

Shouldn't it, didn't he stand with Xiao Chen then, didn't he fall? !

At this moment, in the darkness, a figure rushed over in a hurry. Ye Yuxuan swept her flashlight rudely, and then took a closer look, it was Fu Zimo, then she felt relieved, let go of the pistol in her hand, and stretched out her hand. Behind him, the pistol in his hand was tucked into the space.

With Fu Zimo around, Ye Yuxuan didn't want to hold a pistol, otherwise, she would not be able to explain it well when she met other people later.

"Xuanxuan, are you alright?"

Ye Yuxuan shook her head, "I'm fine."

Fu Zimo looked at Ye Yuxuan up and down, and saw that she was not hurt, except for her hair that was a little messy, and there was nothing wrong with her. Drop half.

"Why did you fall?" Ye Yuxuan asked.

"I didn't even think about it. It's about a second slower than you. If you fall, our hind legs will fall off."

Fu Zimo seemed to be in a hurry when he arrived at Ye Yuxuan's place before, so, standing aside, Ye Yuxuan could still listen. He tried his best to suppress his slightly heavy breathing, but he still couldn't hide it.

"You, do you want to drink some water?" Ye Yuxuan took out a water bottle from her bag.


She has been carrying the satchel, so when it fell, the satchel was not lost.

Ye Yuxuan was very glad that the cloth bag was still there, otherwise, if she was with the others, she would be unable to take anything.

Fu Zimo shook his head: "No, I'm not thirsty." When he finished speaking, he stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, took Ye Yuxuan to the next door he heard, and said, "You should not leave until you leave the desert. I'm one meter away, otherwise I'm afraid something will happen, and I won't be able to take action ." God knows, when she suddenly disappears in front of her, Fu Zimo's heart seems to have been slapped hard, her heart suffocated, and she can't breathe. .

Even if it was to see Ye Yuxuan well, Fu Zimo's discomfort still couldn't go away.

Ye Yuxuan looked at Fu Zimo's hand holding her wrist, and was about to pull it out, but the man in front seemed to know her plan and said, "I don't know what's going on here, for safety, I'd better hold you. "

Thinking of what he did that day after chasing after him, Ye Yuxuan didn't pull out her hand, she just let Fu Zimo pull it.

When they were up there, Ye Yuxuan and Xiao Chen and the others were not far away. Logically speaking, they would be there after just ten steps, but Fu Zimo dragged Ye Yuxuan for at least twenty meters without seeing Zhang A group of professors.

I could hear the words over there, but no matter how the two shouted here, there was no response there, as if the sound was blocked here.

"They don't seem to hear the voice from our side."

"Fu Zimo, didn't you fall with them just now? Why did you find me so quickly?"

Fu Zimo was observing left and right, when he heard Ye Yuxuan's puzzlement, he shook his head and said: "Although I was standing beside Xiao Chen at the time, when I fell, I jumped on the wall. I originally wanted to use my strength to turn over, but I didn't know that the board above my head was closed again, breaking the way back.

" I fell down again, but it seemed to be slower. Xiao Chen and the others did not fall in the same position. I rolled a few corners and I was near you." Fu Zimo: "I heard the silver bell on your bracelet, Hurry up and find you."

Ye Yuxuan glanced at the bracelet on her wrist.

This was the bracelet she was wearing in order to prevaricate the excuse used by the people in the team. There were five silver bells of different sizes on the bracelet, and jade beads were placed in the silver bells. A pleasant silver bell rang out.

Unexpectedly, what she used as an excuse, the relics left by her parents, made Fu Zimo follow her voice to find her.

"Is it that loud?"

Ye Yuxuan was a little surprised.

"It's almost like being by my side."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Yuxuan suddenly realized that Xiao Chen's voice seemed to be getting quieter, as if she and Fu Zimo were getting further and further away from Xiao Chen's group.

Fu Zimo also found out and couldn't help but stop.

"This place is a little weird." After Ye Yuxuan nodded, she glanced behind her with the flashlight, and said, "Let's go back and have a look?"

If it was the reason for their walking, then walking back would be more or less certain. If it wasn't the reason for the walking , I'm afraid it won't be so easy to meet Xiao Chen and his party as soon as possible.


Fu Zimo nodded and walked back with Ye Yuxuan again. This time, the two walked on shoulders. After walking for about two minutes, Fu Zimo said, "Here, I remember that when I came to look for you following the voice, I came from the exit here. ., but it was not the will, "

he finished, see Ye Yuxuan looked at him strangely, Fuzi ink suddenly some chagrin up quickly comfort:". XuanXuan, do not be afraid, all right, I'm here "

Chapter 312 I'll Never Let You Go Again

Ye Yuxuan: "..." Looking at her face, did she say she was afraid?

To be honest, when Ye Yuxuan traveled to this place, apart from the initial panic, she quickly calmed down. After all, this place will not be like the end of the world, where the darkness is full of danger, and you don't know where mutant beasts or zombies will jump out.

If the owner of the tomb wanted them to die, when they fell just now, it would not be just sand, but other organs or traps full of sharp instruments.

Seeing that Ye Yuxuan didn't speak for a long time, Fu Zimo thought that he was frightened by what he said just now, and immediately tightened his hand that clenched her wrist, saying: "Xuanxuan, there is nothing to be afraid of, there are no so-called ghosts and snakes in this world. Some fears are nothing but panic when people don't understand the unknown."

"Xuanxuan, don't worry, I will protect you."

Seeing that he wanted to say more, Ye Yuxuan spoke up.

"I know, I'm not afraid."

When Fu Zimo had no time to speak, Ye Yuxuan said again, "Let's find a way out and see how we can meet with Professor Zhang and Xiao Chen."

"Okay." Fu Zimo has never rejected Ye Yuxuan's words, not to mention, this is what it should have been.

In the darkness, the two slowly groped for the light of the flashlight in their hands. In order to save the battery, Fu Zimo finally asked Ye Yuxuan to turn off her flashlight, leaving only the one in his hand.

Ye Yuxuan hesitated for a while, but did not take out a strong flashlight.

This journey was all right, Ye Yuxuan and Fu Zimo chatted casually.

"Fu Zimo, did you know me before?" Pretending to be casual, Ye Yuxuan asked something that had been doubtful in her heart for a long time.

That day, after Fu Zimo caught up, even when it was so dangerous, he never wanted to give up her escaping alone, and even refused to abandon her suggestion to leave. Ye Yuxuan knew that Fu Zimo might not approach her with any thoughts. It's her villain's heart that has become a gentleman's belly.

Ye Yuxuan clearly remember, at that time, Fuzi ink shouted:. "Hold, this time, I am dead and will not let go of your"

cave was dark, except for a flashlight shine in front of the place, other places It was dark, and Ye Yuxuan couldn't see the expression on Fu Zimo's face. He might have felt that he froze a little.

"Huh?" If the question just now seemed like a random question, then Ye Yuxuan was obviously curious.

Fu Zimo hesitated for a moment, thought about it, didn't hide it from her, and said, "I know, but I don't know either."

Originally, Ye Yuxuan thought that Fu Zimo knew the identity she occupied, but after hearing what he said, I don't understand again.

Without waiting for Ye Yuxuan to ask again, Fu Zimo said it.

"Do you believe in the past and present?"

Ye Yuxuan was stunned and said in her heart, you said just now that you don't believe in ghosts and ghosts, but believe in materialism. What's more, the waste of the four olds is still going on. You, the leader, and I Is it right to say this?

Fu Zimo seemed to sense Ye Yuxuan's thoughts, so he smiled helplessly and said, "I know, if I say it, you will definitely think that I am delusional or crazy, but I just know you and I have seen you in my dreams. , more than once." The implication is that if we don't know each other in this life, then we must have known in the past life.

Ye Yuxuan actually believed in some past life and present life. There was no way. She was reborn and traveled again.

However, Ye Yuxuan was surprised when Fu Zimo said that she had seen her in a dream.

"You want that stone so much, you know it, right?"

Fu Zimo asked before Ye Yuxuan spoke.

"Yeah." Ye Yuxuan replied, she didn't need to lie to Fu Zimo about this matter: "It's very important to me."

"I knew it." Fu Zimo smiled lightly and said, "I thought about it carefully. After I picked up this stone, I dreamed of you every once in a while, and, in my dream, you told me a lot of things. "

ranging Ye Yuxuan asked to say something, Fuzi ink on continued:" At first, I thought there was anything wrong with my mind, I took too many people, after all, every command means that a lot of people need to act , if I have a mental problem, hundreds of people will die."

"I wanted to go to check, but during that time, I couldn't get away, and Shizi also warned me several times. It helped me avoid a lot of fatal dangers. After going back and forth, I was sure that there was nothing wrong with me, and if there was a problem, it was also caused by the stone."

"However, the stone didn't make me make any mistakes, usually there is no movement. , once I may face any danger, it will give me a different warning."

Ye Yuxuan was a little surprised to hear that, the space stone gave Fu Zimo a warning?

She really didn't expect that the space stone would have such a function.

Ye Yuxuan couldn't help but reached out and touched the space stone on the innermost layer of the bag, and thought depressedly, you gave Fu Zimo a hint, why did you not make any movement when it got into my hands?

"I was thinking at the time, it's just a dream, there's nothing to lose, and I like to hear you talk to me." Speaking of this, Fu Zimo felt a little embarrassed.

He coughed lightly, quickly suppressed the embarrassment, and said seriously: "I found that a stone doesn't feel anything in other people's hands, just a broken stone, but in my hand, it can warn me of danger, The last time I was in a coma was because of its warning that I avoided the fatal danger at a critical time, and I lived with Xiao Chen, but I was also in a coma for more than three months."

Ye Yuxuan listened quietly, her soft breathing indicated her existence, Fu Zimo opened the chat box and continued talking.

"In the dream, I can't see your appearance clearly, but I can't hear the voice wrong, and the smell on you."

Ye Yuxuan: "..." Isn't it a dream, what a dream is so clear, you can still smell it.

If it wasn't for Fu Zimo, Ye Yuxuan wanted to raise her hand and smell it to make sure she really smelled like he said.

"Occasionally, a frame of pictures flashes in my mind. I'm not sure if there is such a picture, because the picture flashes quickly, but I feel familiar and unfamiliar." After speaking, Fu Zimo pressed his temple. , seems a little troubled.

"Once, I seemed to see that you were being chased by monsters in a huge airport. The screen flashed too fast. I only vaguely saw that you were scared and full of horror, but I couldn't see what the monster was. Well, it was the roar of the monster that made me feel both familiar and unfamiliar, but I thought about it again and again, and I'm pretty sure I've never heard that roar before."

Chapter 313 Chaos

"Even such a big airport, such a tall building, is the first time I've seen it. I don't know how I can see these, but, I know, it's all because of you."

Ye Yuxuan heard this, her heart As soon as it was tight, I was extremely shocked, how could it be?

Fu Zimo didn't notice what was wrong with Ye Yuxuan and continued talking.

"The picture is not complete, so I didn't see too much. Maybe, I saw you often in my dreams, so I thought too much and had hallucinations."

"But..." Fu Zimo paused. A look of difficulty flashed across his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "I've always wanted to know, in the picture, were you safe at that time, and did you escape the danger?"

Ye Yuxuan's mouth wriggled, and 'escaped' three times Words are not spoken.

"Fu Zimo, you said you often dream of me?"


"That's why Xiao Chen thinks that I have something to do with you?"

Ye Yuxuan asked suddenly, which embarrassed Fu Zimo.

"Cough cough, I, Xuan Xuan, I didn't say anything to him, that is, after I was seriously injured and fell into a coma a while ago, when I woke up, I often held the stone and thought about things."

Fu Zimo didn't say that he was holding the stone in a daze, dreaming What he said to Ye Yuxuan, he still wanted to maintain his image in front of Ye Yuxuan, and he couldn't make her feel that he was not as bad as a stunned young man.

"You know how noisy he is. Even if he doesn't pay attention to him, he can talk endlessly by the side, and then say that I am thinking of my daughter-in-law, and that the stone is a token of love between me and my daughter-in-law."

" I didn't deny it at that time, this time in Yuanzhou, I didn't hold back after I recognized you, he saw it, you wanted stones all the time, and he was even more sure, so he shouted." Here, Fu Zimo was still a little embarrassed, his cheeks were flushed, but in the dark, Ye Yuxuan didn't see his shyness.

"...Xuanxuan, do you think I'm talking nonsense? But, I'm..."

Ye Yuxuan shook her head: "No, I don't think you're talking nonsense, it's just a little weird."

"I was dreaming a dozen times because You woke up distressed. During the time I was in the nursing home, there was no danger, but I was woken up by pain several times in my sleep. The stone also made a different movement."

"That day, I will go to the alley, It was also because I was flustered and very uneasy, and there seemed to be a voice in my heart telling me, let me hurry over, you will be in danger, so..." When

Fu Zimo said, he did not notice that in the darkness, Ye Yuxuan's face He froze suddenly, and his pupils tightened a little again.

"Then what?" Ye Yuxuan tried her best to make her voice sound the same.

Xu Ye Yuxuan's voice was always sweet, and Fu Zimo was recalling again, so she didn't hear it. She just thought she was curious and listened to the story, so she smiled and said to her heart, it's better to listen to the story, save her from the darkness here. Painted all the way scared.

"So I went over and saw that someone wanted to be unfavorable to you, so..." The latter thing, both of them know, naturally don't need to say anything.

Fu Zimo paused for a while, and then said: "I remember that the feeling of panic is not much better than the feeling of being woken up by pain in the center of sleep, and, if you are not feeling well, I will be very painful. I have been in pain a few times in the nursing home. The one I remember most clearly was waking up at four o'clock in the middle of the night."

Ye Yuxuan couldn't help but ask, "Is it the night of March 15th?"

"How do you know?" Fu Zimo asked. She also felt that she was asking a silly question. It was normal for her to know that Shi Zi belonged to Ye Yuxuan.

Ye Yuxuan didn't speak. She was in a mess right now, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Fu Zimo said that Ye Yuxuan didn't take it seriously when he dreamed of her, but he said that the frames of pictures that flashed in his mind, she had experienced in the apocalypse.

When she encountered a zombie, she came back from City G, and she encountered it as soon as she got off the plane. There would be chaos in the airport. If it weren't for the fact that hundreds of soldiers happened to be at the airport, then she must have died long ago, and she couldn't wait. The bodyguards came to the rescue.


Ye Yuxuan replied, "What's wrong?"

Fu Zimo asked worriedly, "What's the matter with you? I called you just now, but you didn't answer."

"No, I was distracted just now."

Fu Zimo also knew that he What Ye Yuxuan said sounded very strange to Ye Yuxuan, but he knew that others might not understand it, but Ye Yuxuan would definitely understand. After all, Shizi belonged to her, even if she didn't have the impression, she wouldn't feel that she lied to her.

"Fu Zimo, do you have any previous impressions?" Ye Yuxuan asked suddenly, "That is, your impressions before you picked up the stones."

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