《For-Getting You》63. A Happy Birthday


"Wow" left my mouth "It's nice right Mary"

"Yeah it's perfect"

Looking at her annoyed I reply "You said the same thing about the previous one"

"They all look beautiful on you" Mary grin,

"Really, I thought you'll help me I didn't bring Troy with me here because he was breathing beautiful at every single dress I was wearing, here you are making things worse with your perfects" I answered,

"Yeah I know I'm suppose to help, Erika look it's your wedding wear something that you feel is right, close your eyes imagine yourself walking to the isle where there's Troy standing there waiting for you, see what you are wearing choose that one" she suggests, let's try

Following her advice I close my eyes as I see a way filled with pastel colored flowers, I walk on the petals following them, where I see him, my Troy standing there looking at me tenderly taking my hand in his he murmurs "Beautiful" , I look at my dress in mirror in front of me,

Opening my eyes now I know what I want "I have decided" Mary smiles seeing her plan work,

Coming out of the luxurious boutique, we make our way to eat something, shopping makes you tired I'm famished but it feels good eventually everything got back on its place I went to see my father as well but I didn't talk to him I can't still get over it that he was also an accomplice in separating us, Troy asked me to marry him that same night he told me how much he was trying to give me time but he can't wait and trust me neither can I and it happens when you meet your true love after so many obstacles yet he chose the wedding date this month to give me the time, for him I'm everything, my phone rings reading the name is enough to bring smile on my face "Baby"

"Where's my love" cooed Troy,

"I just got done finding the dress" I know you'll love it,

"Hmm" he hums amused "I can't wait to see you in it and without it" he speaks teasingly,

I giggle at his words "Pervert What are you doing"

"Working have to be quick Erik wants to take me out" where? are they having bachelors,

"Where, I mean you can go it's good but where are you guys going"

"Someone sounds jealous" he is teasing me again,

"No.. No I just wanted to know" I babbled out,

"Yeah we are going to club Erik have invited others as well" he replies,

"We are not invited" I look at Mary signalling her with my eyes about something fishy,

"No love I'm afraid you can't come it's a boy thing tonight" he answers,

"Erik I'll see you"

"You said something" he asks,

"No.. No okay you go and enjoy I will spent night at home we are planning to have movie night tonight so see you"

"Love you babygirl take care" he cuts the call,

"What is it girl?" Mary asks curiously,

"Your Erik is taking Troy out tonight"

"So what?" she shrug,

"They are going to club for bachelors" she squints her eyes,

"He didn't tell me" she crosses her arms,

"Yeah why they are hiding it" I'm sure they are up to something naughty,

"We are going that's final, I'll show you Erik" she is very jealous,

"Mary don't you think we are over reacting a bit I mean they can enjoy their life we should believe them" I don't want to end Troy's freedom,


"Oh darling you can say it because you guys are not married yet but Erik is my husband, so I'm going to crash the party anyhow" she determined "Are you in"

"Okay" I sigh,

"I hope your plan will work" I'm still not sure about it,

"Oh come on bro it will I'm certain" Erik winks at me,

"What if they won't come?" I raise my eyebrow questioning,

"Can't say about Keira, I mean Erika but my wife is definitely gonna come she gets jealous quickly" he gives an frightened expression,

"What about Erika" I want her there,

"She'll come along I'm sure don't worry brother, enjoy" he says keeping the glass of juice on table, as he relaxes closing his eyes,

I look up to shinning sun through my glasses, I should swim,

Swimming in pool my mind plays the flashbacks of everything that happened, I'm glad that piece of shit got all he deserved, now he'll spend his rest of the life counting iron sticks of cell,

It makes me happy that everything is finally falling to its right place, my puzzled life is solving and it feels good, it's weird that I was alone in start then I found a love in my life it got separated from me and I found it again, I laugh on my immaturity both the times I pushed my self in grief blinding myself, I was unable to see that Erika is alive then I was unable to recognize Erika I thought she is some other girl Keira,

Maybe it was my juvenility, that masked my senses, stupid of me, I complicated it, but I'm happy that we all are moving on, specially Erika, she made amends with her father as well I asked her to do so, she was reluctant at first but then understood eventually,

I can't blame him that much he did it thinking that he is saving her, much to his dismay he lost everything, and I don't want grudges from anyone, besides he have had enough he have got his share of punishment, so I'm inviting him as well on wedding,

I hope everything will be alright, I'm anxious also, there is a hurry, excitement, anxiety, and happiness in me, I wish everything will go fine, Erika and I have suffered a lot for many many years we were kept apart and I want to make up to it by giving her every happiness and love that no one can imagine I want to spend my whole life with her loving her.

"Thank god that Brendon told us where they are" Mary says driving the car,

"Agreed or you would have wasted my whole night dragging me from one club to another" I chuckle at her behavior, she is so jealous Thank God Erik is a loyal guy or she would have beat the crap out of him,

She race down the street heading towards Troy's home, after asking for like hours Brandon told us their location he was scared of Mary who threatened to fire him she dare to tell about this to Troy or Erik, its strange Troy told me that they'll be going to some club,

And what is more strange is that it's my birthday real one, and he haven't said anything about it, he didn't even give me hint that he'll throw a party, I'm not complaining but it feels strange,

Oh come on Erika he can forget he is a normal guy who have been through a lot first my real identity, then that asshole, Erik and Mary's marriage and now ours anyone can forget and even I was celebrating a wrong birthday forgetting it so he can,


"What are you thinking Er" Mary speaks up,

"Huh.. nothing" they are extra concern for me,

We reach his mansion, Mary tries her best to be as silent as possible, it's awfully silent here, I think Brandon lied to us but he would never, then what's this, I was expecting hustle bustle with a long trail of cars but here is nothing no cars even the lights are off,

"I think Brandon lied Mary"

"Oh he'll never I guess he must have told them about our coming over here, they must be hiding" Mary says

"I don't think so" it's no one here,

"Who knows what's going on behind the close doors" she is impossible "I'm going to check are you coming" she asks getting out of car,

I don't have much of a choice, I swear one day she'll make me a paranoid, huffing I follow her,

A leave cracks beneath my feet,

"Shh" turning around Mary hushes me in exasperation,

I gesture her to calm down and I'll be quite, oh she is a drama I can tell she is enjoying it as well, upon opening the gate she makes a noise that's quite enough to wake up the whole city, embarrassed she turns to me whispering a sorry as I stare at her crossing my arms,

We usher inside "Let's separate call me if you find something" she speaks in an hush tone,

I agree nodding she goes to check inside while I take myself to the backyard, it's kinda look scary as well I'm sure heres nobody, backyard is just beautiful and empty nature that's all,

My feet move to the swimming area, God his house is big he should keep bikes to reach from one area to another, I see his huge parking area that's close shut, he have a lot of cars in there, I really love the fountain it's a pure bliss to watch it changing lights, these small things always makes me happy,

Here's no one yet it looks different, the area is illuminated differently tonight, the dim small yellow lights are lighting up the floor, the rest is dark though,

I go further standing in middle, it's quite here, suddenly a hand covers my eyes, my every inch panic, as I feel someone's presence behind, there's a familiar warmth coming from him, which is soothing my trepidation,

"Shh.. Don't be afraid, it's me" he whispers in my ear nibbling it a bit inhaling my scent "You look beautiful, makes me to say three magical words to you" his voice sending jolts of electricity in my whole body "Happy Birthday love" he says removing hand from my eyes turning me around,

My eyes meets the resemblance of water like orbs, before I could react the lights go on around us, dangling above us just like stars,

"Happy Birthday" a loud clamour comes startling me, and all the familiar faces of my or I mean our friends comes into view,

Betty, Stefan, Brandon, Erik, Mary and all the ccoworkers, our college and school friends are also here tonight I wonder how so many people were keeping themselves quite like that,

I smile widely finding them all here "Thank You" they all look so happy, it's my eyes water seeing that so many people are here to celebrate my birthday, it's all because of Troy "Thank You I thought you forgot"

"I can forget anything but the girl who have occupied each and every corner of my mind I love you Kei.." he closes his eyes realising his mistake "Erika"

"It's okay Troy you can call me whatever you want both are my names after all" I joke,

"Trust me it's quite confusing to remember" he shows his alluring smile,

Giggling I nod "You knew it"

"No, I mean I could have lied but I can't I didn't know it" Mary shakes her head frantically,

"Erik stopped me from telling he said she'll spill the beans" Troy explains,

Eyeing Erik in anger she swats him on shoulder lightly "Jerk"

"Won't you see your gift" I nod with a wide gleam "Mind if I steal the birthday girl for a while"

"No" they shout joyfully in unison,

"Please enjoy the party" music starts to buzz around, and all hoots excitingly,

He offers me his hand and I take it, he starts walking to his garden's direction,

Oh dear what he is doing now, it melts me how much he takes care of me like no other, my mouth opens ajar seeing the beauty the garden looks nothing like before, star lights dangling all over the place, candles lighting up the path, a tree made up of lights with a bench beneath it, I will surely click a picture there, and in the middle a small floor, light golden curtains enveloping it, with lights, it looks like I'm in other world it's dreamy,

"You like it" he asks,

Of course "I love it, it's gorgeous" I twirl around happily,

He takes me to the middle of floor, as we dance on the light music, I keep on looking at the bench again and again I don't know why I'm just mesmerised by it,

"Let's sit over there" he knows everything, he senses my excitement for it, we sit on it and it looks like I'm in a fairytale with my prince,

"Wow" he looks at me lovingly,

"Ready to see your gift" I nod "Close your eyes" he says in a deep tone,

I do as he says, I feel him going somewhere I hope he won't leave me then this dream will become a nightmare if he won't be here, all the negative thoughts flies from my head, the moment I feel his soft touch on my neck he is behind me,

A cold thing comes on my neck, I think I know what is it,

"Open your eyes" I open them up it's not just a necklace but most beautiful necklace I have ever beheld, it's not big or anything he knows how much I adore simple things and this pendant in a diamond embedded chain it definition of elegance and beauty,

I look at the crystal as it rests above my previous necklace, the difference is it's not a crystal but a diamond that emits the colors of auroras,

"It's perfect thank you"

"It's nothing in front of you I see more colors in your eyes" he says capturing my lips from behind, my hand caresses his cheek, asking him to continue, our lips dances together leaving me breathless "Happy Birthday" he whispers on my lips.

I can't believe all this my heart is overwhelmed by all these happiness in my life I don't want anything else just want us to be together like this always and forever.

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