《For-Getting You》62. Marry Me


I took a deep breath seeing myself in mirror, the makeup of eyes makes it look more big, my hairs tied in a loose bun, few strands cupping my face, makeup artists and hairstylists left a monent ago complimenting me,

I don't like doing this much of makeup and all but today is exception, I look like a whole different person, it's highlighting my features more, I'm also loving the nude pink lip color it goes nicely with my loud, smokey dramatic eyes,

My fingers touches the soft silky fabric of my champagne colored gown, it's for the first time when I'm wearing something this deep necked, it even a slit on it as well which reaches till my thigh, Mary chose this for me, quoting that I'll look sexy in it and it's true I do look like some bond girl,

My eyes falls on the fading mark I still have on my arm, it have been couple a months since that day, first month was kinda rough, coping up with headaches, several traumatic revelations it was like I was walking on broken pieces of my memories barefoot,

It was tough but its gone now, I can't thank enough to my friends Mary and Erik did every possible thing to make me feel better, and then Troy who was there for me on every single step I was taking, he was caring about me like I'm a baby he didn't leave me for a moment he also gave me my me time as well so I'll collect myself emotionally and mentally, I don't think that anyone can love somebody like he loves me,

His love is pure, free from the shackles of greed, lust, selfishness and obsession, his love is pure while he was taking care of me he never even tried anything, never forced his love on me, he is giving me time to get hold of myself and now I'm much better there's only one thing that is bothering me,

I have noticed he is acting weird lately, his love for me is always flowing in those blue oceanic eyes I see them but still I feel like there's something that he is hiding, like there's a wall of glass between us that we can't see but it's there only,

Doesn't love me anymore no it can't be,

Trail of my thoughts was interrupted by the ring of my phone, it's Troy he is here, let's go Erika or you'll be late of the reception,

Grabbing my clutch I give myself on last look in mirror, good let's go, I walk out of my apartment, finding him standing leaning against his car, God he looks beautifully handsome, his black suit with white shirt underneath and those few undone buttons makes him look hotter than fire,

Stop eyeing him up, I can see his eyes widening at me,

"You look gorgeous" he says out in breath, it's clear he is amazed,

"Thank You, you also look great" saying I bite my lip in shyness,

Sighing and cursing I guess he opens up the door for me, what happened.

I can still sense the invisible wall between us I wish I could break, maybe I should ask him, but I'm scared what if he'll say that he don't love me, no I can see his love for me but I can see this wall between us as well,

I should just face it, I'll ask him tonight,

"They have arrived" I asked trying to start up the conversation,

"Yeah" he says as if I just bought him back from a deep thought "No they are on the way we'll reach there first" he smiles a little,


The rest of the ride went awkwardly silent the worry is clear on his face but why today is such a big day for us, I hope everything is good.

Car stops in the front of the beautiful tall tower, wallet takes the key from Troy and flashes of cameras, noices of paparazzi greets us, it makes me nervous it's my first public interaction after that incident, and this for the first time when we are making a public appearance together,

"Mam aren't you the assistant of Mr.Adams?" one reporter asks, making me more nervous,

"Mam are you together?" another reporter asks,

I glances at Troy not knowing myself what we are, hurt I lower my eyes, he slides his hand in mine the warmth of his palm in mine makes my look up at him, he smiles at me lovingly,

We both locks eye with one another, as the paparazzi keeps on clicking pictures and asking questions, looking into his eyes like I'm drowning in them, every presence around us seem to vanish its just me and him even the time stops it's just him and I,

We enter the hotel awe leaves my mouth, seeing the new hotel he bought, Troy buys the best always, we enter the main hall the guards opens up the huge door, upon entering I see the shinning big chandelier illuminating the whole hall, hand in hand we steps down the stairs, all the eyes in room are fixed on us,

Their stares makes me feel anxious, Troy squeezes my hand a little to reassure me, all the guests look dazzling, the colorful gowns the shinny night screams rich,

As we make our way everyone starts greeting Troy and I, we return every greet with a smile, we stand at one of the table, my eyes scans the whole place, the lights above are impressing me the most, the way they are hanging looks similar to the waves of sea surrounding the big chandelier, filling the room with a golden color, the combination of golden and cream really looks attractive,

"Hey Mr.Adams how are you?" a voice comes, a thin guy speaks,

"Hello Mr.Daniels, I'm good how about you?" he don't look that happy to see him,

"Great as always, won't you introduce me to this beautiful Lady" he speaks his eyes raking me head to toe,

His arm snakes into my waist, his gesture shocks me, he gets me closer to him "She is Erika Dashwood my everything" he replies setting the guy straight,

"Congrats Mr.Adams you are a lucky man" he shutters sensing his change of behavior, he leaves as quickly as he could,

I roll my at his action he looks cute like this though,

"What?" he asks innocently,

"Really?" you are not that innocent,

"Come on you know I can't help it, already I'm bearing many stares at you" he says nonchalantly,

"They have eyes to see" I retarded,

"I have hands to beat" glare at him as he smirks,

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you so much for coming now lets welcome tonight's star couple Mr. And Mrs. Simon" with that everyone starts clapping,

Smiling I wait for them anticipated, the lights go down and spotlight illuminates the entrance from which they both walk out together happily hand in hand, everyone in room claps and hoots, welcoming the newly wed couple,

Erik and Mary looks stunning tonight, Erik in his black tux and Mary in her mermaid white gown looks incarnation of elegance and beauty,

I clap for them cheering happily, Troy smiles over my reaction,


Finally they got marry, everyone is so happy, their marriage took place in their ancestral home, it was beautiful over there, they decided to throw the reception in city, in this newly bought hotel of Troy,

"Thank You so much everyone for this warm welcome I'm extremely happy to have you all here" cheerings "This day is very important for me, I dreamt about this day every night, to have Mary as my wife to spend my life with her, I Erik is crazily in love with you Mary" he says and Mary jumps kissing him,

Crowd cheers for them, the party has started, waiters brings the big cake decorated in flowers, it looks so cute, bright and aesthetic, they cut the cake together, and Erik gives her the bite, eating the cake Mary winks at me mischievously, what she is up to,

Batting her eyelashes innocently she brings the slice towards Erik as he bends a little to have it smiling, taking it to his lips she rubs the cake over his lips and mouth laughing, crowd starts laughing,

Shocked Erik looks at her seeing Troy making fun of him, he pulls Mary close rubbing his face on her, caking her as well, he laughs dramatically, Mary glares at him,

I see Troy laughing at them its good to see him happy, he have suffered a lot, I pray that this smile will never leave his face,

Erik and Mary starts their dance as all the guests gathers around them to see them dancing, Erik is a awful dancer and Mary is pro, yet Erik took dancing classes for her, she is beyond happy to see him dancing claiming it's the best gift, at least now his dance is bearable.

"They look adorable"

"They do" replies Troy coming from behind me heard It I thought I was low,

"Erik is a good student he learnt well" he says,

I turn at him at his remark "You mean you thought me dance"

"Yeah who else would I'm pretty good at dancing after all" he says proudly,

"Really" I asked arching my brow in doubt,

"You don't believe me don't you" he states,

"I guess so or maybe I'm forgetting"

"Then give me the chance to change your perception" he extends his hand for me to take it,

He is asking me for dance, "Okay let's see"

I glide me hand in his warm ones, his hold is enough to give me shivers, he hold my one hand in his guiding my other hand around his neck, I feel bad but we are kinda taking attention, I watch Mary and Erik who grins at us Mary shows me a thumbs up,

I chuckle at her behavior,

"I hope now you see that I'm the best here" his face have that proud look again,

"You are fine" I tease him,

He arches his eyebrow at my comment, his hand touches me back in a feathery touch making me shudder at his gesture "If not the words your body can tell my effect on you" he whispers in my ear,

What happened to Troy, from many days he was not even talking to me properly and today he is flirting with me, and like this I'm not complaining I like his this side as well,

His comment makes my face go red, I bite lip embarrassed that his effect is too obvious on me my body is a traitor,

"Erika" I look up at him my name rolls on his tongue softly "I wanna talk to you" he whispers in my ear,

He starts taking me towards the balcony, there are no one over here, my eyes takes in the beauty of night city life, such a hassle bussle, breeze goes touching me, giving me chills, the stars sparking in the clear sky are alluring, I love gazing at them,

The coldness vanishes and a warmth envelopes me, he puts his coat over me very gently I even didn't realise when he did it "Thank You"

He hums in answers standing next to me "Beautiful right"

"Yeah don't you think" I breathe out,

"Yeah it is but they can't make my life beautiful" he says confusing me "But one person can"

I turns at him hearing his words,

"Yes Erika it's you and only you can complete my life"


"Shh" he hushes me his fingers touching my lips "Please listen to me, I know it must have hurt you somewhere, that I have been acting strange not talking to you but I'm not running away from you, can anyone run from their life, I was running from myself"


"I was running away from myself every time I saw your face it reminded me that I betrayed you Erika, your innocent smile kills me taunting me as an coward"

"Why would you say that?" why he is feeling like this,

"Because I fell in love again, I know it was you only still no one knew it you were Keira for everyone of us even for me you were a whole different person to me and I met you thinking as another girl, Keira Peers who entered my life when I gave up on everything, I was broken from inside, tired of this life, I was roaming aimlessly in this lonely life, and you stopped me"

"When I saw you for the first time I couldn't believe it, then I found that you are someone else, I hated you I hated why you look like her, I tried my best to control this silly emotions, I tried to stay away from you but found you in my arms, maybe this fate was pushing me towards you it was showing me my destination that I was seeking, and I helplessly fell in love with you"

"And now it feels like I betrayed you I know it was you but at that time you were someone else I promised that I won't fall in love again but I did" he rambles on distressed,

I have to stop him, there's only one way, I kissed him hastily his every words disappears at my unexpected action, "Don't" I breath out his breath fanning my face "You did nothing wrong, you didn't betray me, it's nothing wrong in falling in love again, I know it was me, even I would have died I still I would wish you to find happiness and love in your life, only your happiness matters I would always want you laugh and live your life, it's nothing wrong in loving someone"

"I love you" he speaks his oceanic eyes flowing with tears,

"I love you too" I speak,

Swiftly he latches his lip again on mine, I kiss him back showing my love to him, I starts becoming passionate as he kisses me breathlessly my fingers tugging his silky locks,

I gasp out, taking few steps backwards, what he is up to, he bends down on his knee, Oh My God,


He takes out an dark blue velvet box, smiling he opens it up bringing the most beautiful ring I ever beheld in view,

"Erika Dashwood you entered my in my life like breath in me, I got lost in you the moment we met, then you left me and again you entered my life as Keira Peers and I fell in love with you again, I know I'm weird but I want to make you mine, will you be mine for eternity, will you make my worthless life worthy by marrying me" he speaks his eyes still teary,

"Yes" my voice cracked as emotions rushes over me nodding my head frantically I answer him,

Standing up he takes out the ring and hold my hand gently his touch is always very soft, he slides the ring in my finger "Perfect" he says,

My eyes takes in the beauty of the ring, I have never seen this big diamond in any ring, the band is also studded with diamonds encircling the big round diamond there are small diamonds around it as well, I'm sure it's very expensive it kinda makes me uneasy a bit I'm not good at handling them "Its"

"You don't like it we can change it if you want" he speaks up,

"No no its fascinating, it's perfect just it's expensive" he smirks on my words,

"It's nothing in front of you" I try to say but he hushes me with his finger on my lip,

Boom the voice startled me, I look up in sky as magnificent fireworks starts dazzle the sky, the golden, and red, and silver, and yellow it sparkles on sky, our faces lighting up in same colors,

Amazed by it a wide smile comes across my face, I love fireworks, I look up at Troy who is staring at me lovingly, he bends down planting a soft feathery kiss on my forehead as I savour the moment of our togetherness.

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