《For-Getting You》Chapter 12. Passion


I picked up the paper it was quite important, I decided to deliver it to her myself, I don't want to annoy her again because she is already annoyed,

I entered the room and Miss. Little warrior was climbing ladder to put the file on upper shelf, she was talking to herself, she is so innocent,

"This is not a movie here no Prince Charming will come to help you or to your rescue from Mr. Arrogant" she sighed and again continued "here you have to work because if you won't who knows that Mr. Arrogant will turn into a dragon"

What she refers to me as Mr. Arrogant and also imagines me as a dragon she is weird,

"I won't" I said to give her a shock and it worked she was startled and scared by my voice, she slowly turn around to face me, she just look like a kid who is guilty of doing something naughty,

She looked surprised, as she turns a bit more to face me she looses her balance falls from the ladder, she was about to hit the floor but I catch her,

Her eyes were tightly closed in fear of falling, she looks adorable, her body is as light as feather, the feel of her in my arms is amazing, my heart is running,

Each and every emotion is out of my control, She slowly opened her eyes and she looked around she looks shocked that she didn't fall then her eyes start to gaze at me,

She looks so peaceful, innocent, pretty, and fragile, my Miss.Little warrior, I'm somewhat lost in her beautiful and shinning eyes, the deep brown eyes looking at me peacefully, that's what I want I want her to just look at me only me, this is not my possessiveness but this is my passion,

As I closed my eyes now her eyes reminds me of her again, Its wrong what I'm feeling about her, how I'm looking at her all this is wrong,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. I'm fine... " she replied shuttering,

"Then I hope you can stand on your own as I have many other works to do other than holding you in my arms" but my heart wants to hold you.. Just you I can miss anything for you,


What is seriously wrong with me, I put her down,

"Thank You.. you saved me"

"It's alright next time be careful" I said to her leaving her all alone,

I have been lying on my bed trying to get some sleep but it's not in my eyes, I'm not sleepy at all though today was hectic day,

Mr. Arrogant was thinking that I'm an machine he literally didn't give me second to breath,

I told Betty everything what happened today and she was singing only one song that he loves me and it's a start of our story, but I'm sure that I will not tell her anything like this again or she'll eat my ears with same topic,

Then my mind drifted to how quickly and easily he caught me, like I didn't weigh at all, the way he was looking me and the way he asked about me he was looking like Mr. Gentleman then again Mr. Arrogant came who put me back on my feet and ran away leaving me alone,

I hope he is not suffering from any kind of personality disorder,

Now I'm also scared as tomorrow I have to go to his house, when I was leaving the office Erik met me and asked me to deliver a file at his house tomorrow as Mr. Arrogant will be working from home he won't come to office, though Erik was asked to do this but he have some plans with Mary,

So I'll be going there, but why the hell should I be nervous, after all I'm his assistant and it's my job to do these works even if I have to visit him at his home, now take a deep breath Keira and have a nice sleep,

I woke up a little late today, well I don't know what I'm gonna do with my sleep, everytime I'm chasing it in night and it chases me in morning,

Because of waking up late I'm getting ready in my full speed, after getting ready I take look in mirror my light blue shirt paired with blue pleated skirt my red heels matching with red sling bag.


I'm ready and left my house quickly, I showed taxi driver the address of Mr. Arrogant, thanks to Erik for texting me that, I'm sure that his house will be very huge and extra luxurious with all the expensive stuffs and his house will be also unwelcoming just like him.

I breath heavily coming out from my swimming pool, it's annoying whenever I close my eyes I see Keira, I shrug off her thought and again start to swim across in my pool, after swimming for few more minutes I get out of it, and goes inside my house, to get ready Erik will be coming to give me the files I asked for,

Taxi stops in front of his house, his house is in one the most expensive area but it's quite far from other houses, it makes total sense he hates everyone and likes to live all alone.

I stare at the huge gate which is hiding the mansion, wait there's no watchmen here, I'm sure he must have left his job after all no one can bear him.

I slowly open the gate and enters in, my mouth dropped in awe, his mansion was stunning an total modern house, it was not like I thought it to be it was quite simple, elegant, light and airy, it was white in color and full of light.

I take my steps forward, I was about to knock but the door was already open, I opened it slowly peeping from it, but there was no-one, I get inside and the inside was more beautiful then the outside, there were no extra luxurious stuff but everything was simple the whole room was filled with light there were no dark colors expect a bit of grey, this is for the first time I have been wrong about someone, maybe he is not a rich boy but an simple guy.

The living room was spacious white shining floor a huge window brown and grey curtains dangling on it the big stylish couch sitting in front of big TV screen the chandelier above was unique and beautiful silver and white crystal balls hanging on it, his interior is modern as well the whole room or I should say the whole house is dominated with white, brown and grey color.

I looked at everything and everywhere but he was nowhere,

"Mr. Arro.... shit Keira come on mind your words, or you'll be fired, Mr. Adams!" I called him "Mr. Adams it's me Keira I'm here to give you the files you asked for" no reply maybe he is not home I should ask Erik.

I unzip my purse to find my phone, taking out the phone from it I turn around only to find him standing in front of me and very close, I was startled by him, because of which I got stumbled loosing my balance to safe myself from falling I put my hand on his shoulder ending up falling with him on couch behind him,

I landed on top of him, why I can't feel his shirt oh wait he is shirtless only with his pants on,

And I was on top of him, my hand resting on his well sculpted torso, our faces were inches apart, both of us staring into each others eyes, my heart was beating very fast, I was also able to listen to his heartbeat but they were normal, I was lost in his eyes.

I gain all my strength to get off of him, very carefully I tried to get up but I felt his hand on my back which was stopping me from getting up, his other hand was holding my arm firmly, pulling me towards him,

Wait what does he want?

He keeps pulling me into him until we were inches apart, and our lips were almost brushing each other, his eyes were not leaving me for a moment something came over me and I closed my eyes...

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