《For-Getting You》Chapter 11. Little Secret



"I hate You" listening to my words she turned pale, I know she was not expecting this, after hearing me she looked upset, and angry also,

Well the way I insulted her can make anyone angry, her big eyes were staring at me calmly but I'm sure that inside her their was an storm,

I don't like hurting anyone but sometimes it's important to save other you have to hurt them and that's what I'm doing, working with me or admiring me is not good for her and I also can't live when she is around, as I know I will harm her so it's necessary that she should hate me and I should hate her,

"Miss.Peers this is a game where you have to prove yourself can you do it?"

He insulted me that was not enough that he wants me to prove him that I'm worthy for his job,

"What won't you play?" he asks looking in my eyes, saying this he turned around to go back at his seat,

"I will" I said and he turns to look at me I'm certain he wasn't expecting it, I continue "but as it's your game then I'm sure there will no rules for you"

"What do you mean?" he puts his both hands in his pocket standing straight,

"I mean it's clear that you hate me.... then I'm sure you'll do your best to see me resigning.... you will make situations difficult for me" woah did I just said it girl from where you get the confidence for that, I said it in front of him,

I'm proud but he look rather pissed, his eyebrows are furrowed, his jawline clenched and again his eyes have darker shade because of his anger,

My braveness is now gone, he looks like he will kill me, he starts to walk in my direction slowly, I start to go backward but he is still approaching me, my back hit the door, here I'm stuck between him and the door,

He put his right hand on door, beside my face I try to move from left but his other hands comes between caging me, he bring his face closer to mine, his eyes are locked with mine, our faces are inches apart, his hot breath is fanning me,


From this close I can smell him and it's amazing he smell so fresh like a mixture spices and musk, too masculine, it seems I'm intoxicated by his scent, he bends his head slightly bringing his face close to my ear,

Oh my God my heart is beating like crazy, he is so close, my one side wants to push him away and other wants to hold him, he breathes near my ear making me shiver, my legs are wobbling, I can't take it anymore,

Why he is doing this to me?

"No one dares to talk to me like that" his voice is husky, he says this close to my ear, his words his breath gives me goosebumps, "Either I play fair or don't play at all clear" saying this he steps back, but I'm still shivering,

"I won't do anything to fire you but you, yourself will resign, it's a challenge" he arch one of his eyebrow,

"Accepted" I reply confidently, he stares at me,

"You will tell no one about it, just think its our little secret" he said in an commanding voice,

"Alright, Mr.Adams" I know he don't want to exploit his image in front of his friends, he is just so selfish he thinks of his image and respect but he thinks the other people don't have any self respect,

He goes picks up the coffee cup and goes back to his seat, I turned around to leave but he stopped me again,

"Miss.Peers this coffee of yours is cold get me another cup" he and his demanding voice,

I eat my anger and takes the cup and leave,

Once I get back in kitchen to make him another cup of coffee I put the cup on counter,

"Idiot.. rude.. arrogant.. heartless.. ruthless.. selfish.. disrespectful.." I took a deep breath well he is every bad thing, he is so cruel the way he insulted me, the way he said he hates me.. I mean I was not expecting that he'll give me flowers but a guy should know how to behave to a woman,

I wasn't expecting anything from him as I believe that no-one should keep expectation from someone they'll always deceive you, just like my ex did to me, After breaking up with him I thought that now only good persons would come in my life but again one more evil came, I think god had sent all the bad guys to me,


"Was saying coffee is cold Mr.Arrogant.. If there's anything cold then it's you, you are so cold that everything you touch will go cold" I said to myself while making another cup for him,

"What he did?"

I was startled by sudden voice I turned around and find Mary standing,

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just came to ask you for lunch, but you are too busy talking to yourself" she says smiling,

"Yeah I was just.. " I let out an sigh,

"Did Troy said something to you?" she looks concern,

His words not to tell anyone plays in my ear "no nothing it's just.. He was working and his coffee got cold so he asked me to make another cup" I explain it to her,

"He didn't said anything to you right?"

"No.. I.. gotta give him his coffee and there's a lot of work he had given me today and Jake is also not here today so I'm sorry Mary I can't come on lunch with you" I hate lying to her but I don't have any other choice,

"It's fine darling you do your work we'll go tomorrow, bye have a nice day" she hugged me,

"You too"

She leaves and I again go to him,

"Heres your coffee sir anything else" I said putting his coffee in front of him, I'm really annoyed I don't want to look at him,

"You See those files" he points at some files kept on corner table "I need you to put them in archives alright, then send a reminder to Erik about the future concept project for upcoming car Expo" he dismiss me with his fingers,

I picked up the files he told me to woah these are heavy a little, I was about to trip but I managed to keep my balance, heading straight to archive room.

She picked up those files clumsily and was about to trip, she tries to be strong but she is so fragile, I want to protect her, I want to hide her so no one will take her away from me, but it's my destiny that I have to let her go far away from me,

"Perfect" words escaped from my mouth, this is the best coffee, it's just perfect, I took another sip of it then my eyes landed on an paper lying in front of me, when she loosed a bit of her balance it must have fallen from the file,

"Miss. Little warrior what I'm gonna do to you?" I let out an little laugh and get up from my seat,

I enter in the room to put the files, the room is quite clean I was expecting it to be dusty, maybe I see too many movies "but this not a movie here no Prince Charming will come to help you or to your rescue from Mr.Arrogant" I said to myself and start to put the files I step on a ladder to put one of them on top shelf "here you have to work because if you won't who knows that Mr. Arrogant will turn into an dragon"

"I won't"

The voice came from behind me, I was startled and scared by it, to see him I tried to turn but end up falling from the ladder, I close my eyes but I didn't hit the floor,

I opened my eyes and Troy was looking at me, I landed in his arms, he caught me, I looked at him he looks just like an angel, well right now he saved me so he did an angelic work also, I tried to say something but nothing came from my mouth, he was looking at me tenderly and lovingly.

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