《For-Getting You》Chapter 8. Her


The week went by quickly, I was quite busy this whole week, I scheduled meetings, took phone calls, attended meetings and so on.

But I'm really enjoying my work, I love talking to Mary she comes daily to ask me out for lunch, She is really very nice whenever I talk to her it seems I know her from years, during my high school I never had any best friend then in university I met Betty, but I think now I have found another best friend in Mary.

Mary told me that she, Erik and our boss Mr.Adams know each other from high school and Erik is his childhood friend, She also told me that Mr.Adams treats her like his sister. And after hearing few other things about Mr.Adams from Mary I'm kinda confuse, as where on one hand Jack described him as Arrogant, Rude, Ruthless, heartless businessmen, on the other hand Mary told me that he is Innocent, Caring, emotional and a great guy.

Well whoever he is we'll find when he'll come back.

My flight lands, and here I'm back in my city, I came out of my flight and straight head towards my car my driver opens the door for me.

Once I get in I bring out my phone to call Erik, I came a day earlier and he have no idea that I'm here, I'm really in a bad mood today I fired five employees in morning when I was in Paris.

I don't know why but I feel something unexplainable today maybe I'm still pissed off by my encounter with that asshole Hudson.

"Hello Erik"

"Yeah Troy" finally he picked up his phone,

"How are you?"

"I'm on my way to office alright"

"What!" he said a little loudly,

"Any problem with it"

"No.. I'm mean I.. You were supposed to be coming tomorrow" he sounds puzzled,

"Work was done, and as you know we have two important meetings this week so I came, anyways ask the team to present the new model of car today I'll see it" I hung up the call, but my mind was still thinking as It had never seen Erik puzzled on my return, something is there what he is not telling me.


"Yes Miss.Ruby, I'll arrange an meeting for you Have a good day" I sighs these phone calls of girls gives me headache sometimes and specially when they are from the people Mr. Adams don't want.

I start working on my computer, I'm reading about the ongoing projects of firm, suddenly my doors open and Mary enters "Hey Mary" I greet her but she nods slyly, It looks something is bad with her "Mary are you fine?"

"Yeah.. Actually I" she pauses,

I get up from my chair and give her water, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. is wrong.. I just came to inform you that Troy is coming"

"So" this was all I manged to say as I really don't know why she is so much bothered with fact that Mr.Adams is coming, I mean he owns this company he'll come here so what's so stressing about it.

"I mean he wants to arrange an meeting for our fastest car project so I need you too take care of it" she said

"That's my job Mary off course I will manage why are you worried" I said to her smiling to cheer her up she smiles at me.

"I know you can manage it.. I know you'll manage everything.. just whatever happen don't leave" she gives my hand a squeeze, I stare at her face which have an concerned expression on it I gives her an reassuring smile.

She leaves my cabin but I was still thinking what she really meant to say "whatever" means what, what she was talking about why would I leave.

Maybe she is just nervous because our boss Mr.Adams is coming today but why this would make her nervous, she herself said he treats her like his sister and she called him an great men then why she is acting like this.

Well I'll learn soon but first I have to arrange everything for the meeting, I start to work again, I send the notice to the directors of different departments and other engineers informing them about the meeting.

I step inside my office and everyone starts to greet me with good morning but I just keep on walking keeping my head straight giving few nods to few people, I enter my cabin and Erik was already waiting me there.


"Welcome back" he hug me and looks at me, he have his old weird smile over his face which tells me he is hiding something.

"What's it?" I asked him,


"You have your stupid old smile on your face, is there something you want to tell.. If the presentation is not ready then I'm ready to fire them"

"No everything is good and presentation is ready we'll go there at 11.. And my smile is not stupid my friend but it's charming Mary always says this to me.. I have few works to do so see you later" he leaves quickly clearly to avoid me and my questions.

I sit on my chair and start to work.

It's very busy today as Mr.Adams is here, so everyone is running with work, I put my files in my desk and Jack enters,

"Hey girl, you completed it Mr. Adams wants to see it"

"Yeah it's completed" I'm confident as I know I did it in just the way he wanted.

"I hope it don't have any errors as I heard he is in a very bad mood as usual" he stressed on the word usual "I heard that he fired many employees today, trust me really don't want him to fire such beautiful girl like you" he step closer to me,

I roll my eyes at his remark whenever he flirts like this it annoys me a lot, I put the files on his chest pushing him gently"In that case you take these files to him, maybe he'll get angry if, he'll get them late" I stared at my watch it was about to be 11 "I need to go and set the meeting room" I put the file in his hand and left to the meeting room.

I really don't want to have an bad impression on my first met with my boss, Mary said that he is very nice but after listening to these things I guess he is not.

I enter the meeting room which was empty I started to put important and relevant documents on the table.

When this was done I started connecting the laptop with the screen, to see the presentation,

I turned the light off to get the better view.

I was so focused in doing my works that I didn't even noticed that someone enters in room.

Jack enters in my room with the files I asked for, I took them and tells him to leave, I don't like this guy much whenever I see him he is always staring at girls checking them out, once an employee of mine complained about his behavior, that day I warned Jack to behave himself or he knows me, from that day he is not in my good books and I have very few in my good books, I know he also hates me.

After seeing the file I was quite impressed as I wasn't expecting something like this from new assistant, whoever he or she is has worked hard on it, finally maybe I found an assistant who work the way I like.

I look at my watch it was 10:45 I get up from my chair to get in meeting, I was going a bit early as I had to talk to Erik I text him to come in meeting room.

I opened the door of room to find a girl working on the laptop, the lights were turned off, she was setting up the screen, I was not able to see her face she was so focused in her work that she didn't even noticed me, she is having some papers in her hand somehow they fell on floor she sighs and start to pick them up.

I took my steps toward her to help her, but maybe she felt my presence and she stand up turning around to see me.

The light of screen was falling on her face as I looked at her face, my mouth was left open, I was stunned, I just staring at her, she was standing right in front of me few steps far from me.

I couldn't believe my eyes how this was possible "You".

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