《Daman's Quest》Chapter 18


After indulging in a Turkish feast of lahmacun, labneh with an assortment of flatbreads, fried eggplants and doner kebabs, Hera was feeling significantly better.

Daman paid the bill and once again held Hera's hand as they exited. For some reason he was nervous. It was already official that Hera was his soon to be duchess considering her introduction to the queen but what he was about to do now had him giddy yet frightened at the same time.

Once seated, Daman instructed Johan to drive them to Hyde park where he had his assistant, Ikbal, set up a beautiful picnic blanket for them. It was obvious that Ikbal had went overboard when both of them had arrived to the set location.

"Look at this!" Hera yelled out in excitement as she galloped forward to the blanket. It was everything she had dreamed off. A picturesque set up of sandwiches, fruits and cocktails but the main attraction was everything but the food. She didn't know why Daman had organized this, but she wasn't going to question it.

Ikbal had certainly outdone himself by organizing multiple bouquets of flowers done in vases, a mini balloon arch along with the fluffiest scatter cushions that Hera had ever seen.

"Indeed look at that." Daman whispered dryly to himself. It was cute as fuck. He wanted something small and sophisticated but looking at Hera who had kicked of her shoes and plopped down on the blanket made him feel a bit better.

Daman followed her and took a seat as well. Hera rummaged through the mini cooler box holing out a purple popsicle for Daman while she herself had already started licking on a red one.

"Your mouth is going to go all red," he said to her and laid back with his arms under his head politely declining her popsicle offer.

Hera paid him no heed and proceeded to take out some selfies and pictures of themselves and their little set-up. "Can I post these on my Instagram if you don't mind?"

"Hmm sure," Daman said distractedly as he closed his eyes enjoying the warm sun.


However, across from their blanket, near the fountain Hera had noticed a peculiar looking man who kept his eye on them. She was even more alarmed when another 2 men had appeared out of thin air and dispersed all around them.

It was only then that she noticed they were photographers seeing the logo's on the back of their shirts which was for a well known photo company.

"Daman, there are photographers keeping an eye on us," Hera had softly informed him and scooted closer.

Opening one of his eyes due the sun blaring down on him, the duke took note of Hera's worried expression. He saw how her breaths had shortened and her eyes were alert. Gone was the popsicle that she was happily sucking on and now her palms were clammy since she constantly rubbed them against her dress.

Daman looked at her with a deep curiosity in his eyes. He really was baffled at how someone so beautiful and smart as Hera saw herself the way she did. Insecurity was a dangerous thing and it was obvious that it dictated Hera's life even though it should not have.

Nevertheless the duke stood up and took a look at the 3 photographers who subtly nodded at him. They were under his payroll for today. Daman had planned out the next few steps going forward with their arrangement and this on was the most important of it all.

He could see his friend and relatives approaching from the side and a spark of motivation rushed through him when he saw Adam walking alongside his cousins.

He held out his hand signaling for Hera to take it and he helped her up. He gently pulled her in front of the picnic arrangement so that the beautiful scenery could be captured behind them.

Daman inhaled a deep breath to rid himself of his jitteriness and calm his heartbeat. This was a charade but there was some realness within this charade that he cared enough for to acknowledge.

Swiftly, Daman took a step back from Hera and while looking at her gorgeous yet confused face, he dropped down to one knee pulling out a red velvet box from his pocket.


Opening the little box, a gleaming diamond ring stood proudly. It was absolutely captivating, even more so when the sun shone on it.

"I know this might come as a shock to you, but I figured that I should make it special regardless of the... technical aspects," he said softly referring to their arrangement. "Adam and my cousins are on the right watching us."

All Hera could do was look at him agape as a flock of people began to surround them and the 3 photographers had surrounded the vicinity clicking multiple pictures.

"I'd be honoured if you would accept this ring. Please?"

Hera meekly nodded and the little crowd of people applauded at the union while Daman's cousins had hollered like teenagers. Except for Adam who looked at the duo with a hint of jealousy.

Daman slipped the ring on Hera's finger and placed a chaste kiss on her hand before standing upright. In the back of her mind, Hera now put the pieces together. This was Daman's way of introducing her to his world with the photographers undoubtedly publishing the pictures that would be broadcasted soon.

She was also glad of the fact that he had specifically chosen to not ask her to marry him at this time and instead to simply accept the ring because marriage wasn't something they had thoroughly planned with this arrangement.

"This is so sweet even though it's... fake," she whispered as Daman stepped closer to her despite the crowd watching them intensely.

All the duke could focus on was Hera's eyes that had him captured. How could a person ever be so beautiful? Was this fake? Was this real? What the hell was going on? Daman licked his lips and for a second contemplated his actions but it was a perfect excuse to kiss her.

He has been wanting to do this for so long therefore without hesitating, he placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Finally. Finally!

Daman's biggest wish just came true when Hera placed her arms around him and stood up on her toes to accommodate the height difference. It was so much more than he had imagined. Sparks of electricity flew through his body and tasting Hera's sweet plump lips made him lose himself.

He kissed her deep and sensual, nibbling on her lips until she opened up allowing him to dominate with his tongue. Both of them unknowingly moaned into the kiss enjoying every drop of their embrace.

It would have went on forever but Daman could hear his friend and family approaching so he begrudgingly pulled away. Hera's eyes fluttered open and looked around as if she was in a daze.

"Well isn't this a perfect proposal," said Adam and shook Daman's hand in a tight grip.

The duke let out a tight lipped smile in acknowledgement. Adam had been getting on his nerves lately.

"Congratulations, beautiful." Adam pulled in Hera for a small side hug as Daman's eyes followed him like a hawk. The duke wasn't stupid. He knew that Adam liked Hera but he also knew that Adam would never betray him. Their friendship was too strong for that.

"My goodness, and you didn't tell us that you were going to propose! All you said was that you're introducing us to Hera," said Daman's cousin, Zeynab as she walked alongside her husband.

Zeynab engulfed her cousin in a warm hug and then congratulated the duo. "Your grandmother approved?" she asked as wryly. Everyone in the family knew how difficult her majesty could be.

The duke nodded with a small smile. He was genuinely happy to see his 3 cousins and best mate here. "She was the first person we told."

Hera was then introduced to Zeynab's husband, Fida along with Daman's 2 other cousins, Nilay and Ali.

A round, thin piece of dough topped with minced meat, minced vegetables and herbs including onions, garlic, tomatoes, red peppers, and parsley, flavored with spices such as chili pepper, paprika, and cinnamon, then baked.

A soft Middle Eastern cheese made from strained yogurt.

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