《The Ultimate Puppeteer, Aristia's Brother || The Abandoned Empress》Chapter 16: Wonderland


"Ahh~ The tea you brew is the best!"Allendis looks satisfied at the tea I nearly learned to make.

"Really I'm glad you like it, brother taught me how a few days ago"

Right... Allendis is a genius, and his family has been ministers for generations. Even if he's still training now, in the end he'll also become...

"What are you thinking about again?"

"Oh, it's nothing! By the way, Allendis."

"Hm? What is it?"

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I hesitated, but since I anyway managed to say it. I want to hear his answer.

"Hmm well I haven't decided yet. But I'll probably work as an Administrative Official."

"Learning the sword is quite fun, but I find that using, but I find that using my mind is more interesting." He added with a smile.

"I see" I knew it. We can only spend time with each other like this, while we're young. Once he grows up and begins attending social parties soon. We'll grow apart soon.

"Aristia, are your disappointed because I don't want to become a knight?" He teased.

"N-no! Not at all"

"Pff you are, aren't you? Am I right? You're lonely aren't you?"

"Don't tease me, Allendis"

Sir Liege was right, since when did I think about Allendis this much? I have to keep my distance from him

Ari's birthday is coming near, time really goes by quickly when you distract yourself. Hmm I wonder what I should gift to her... I lean back on my chair as I look up at the magnificent night sky, the peace and serenity reminds me of how it was like in my past selves. I never had the chance to breathe freely like this, every day is a battle between life and death that became tiresome after fighting for so long.

I decided to close my eyes with the last image being seen a certain zodiac and a picture of my old self looking at the sky after annihilating a rebel group.

'I know that this is temporary, this isn't the first time I feel at peace... Though I still wish sometimes, that I can finally be my own person...

But even I don't know myself anymore...'


Changing my mind of taking a breather, I stood up from my chair and decided to remind myself of last year's events. Where father decided to give Ari, a sword. That memory made me unconsciously laugh a little, as I can remember the faces of all those who found out and lectured father.





I was walking through the halls, a little bit more quicker than my usual pace but I can't help it. This is my first life having a sister that I know, deserves to be protected at all cost even if it means I take down the world to grovel at my feet...

With a decorated box in my hands as I navigate through the training grounds to find Ari. Upon arriving at the scene when Ari has already received her gift from father, and the all of the knight safe staring at him with dissatisfaction. I made my decision to let my presence be known, as to delay father's punishment and to shove it into his face that I'm better~

Kheiran: (⇀ ↼‶)

The knights:(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Ari:(・・ ) ?

Anastacius(in the inside) :( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Greetings everyone" I uttered as I make my way through the hoard of men that for some reason, isn't even sweating after all that training, not even a drop of sweat can be seen on their faces.

"Good morning sir Anastacius!" All of them cheered out, unknowingly making my ears nearly go deaf from their greeting.

"Father" I nodded at him as my greeting before standing in front of Ari.

"Brother, good morning!"

My dear sister, who looks lovely as always, greeted me as she clutches the sword's scabbard in delight which seems to go unnoticed by the audience. I let out a small chuckle as I bring my free hand up, lightly placing it on her hair that has the same shade as mine, patting her head.

"Here Ari, I hope that this will be to your liking"

Bringing out the decorated box from my other hand as I gesture for her to receive it. Placing down her sword gently on the ground, Aristia took her present from my grasps and looked at in what I think is awe.

"Thank you so much, brother"

Aristia ran her finger to the end of the ribbon, tugging it out of its knot. Once the silk has been removed, she showed signs of excitement as she tries to slowly lift the lid to show her my latest creation inside. It was a snow globe with little sculptures, of her and the rest of the family, at the bottom part.


A little sculpture that resembles Aristia is seen to be dancing gracefully, with Anastacius playing his guitar a few centimeters away from her. Father is also dancing a few inches away from us siblings, with mother in his arms wearing her favorite hat. The scene looked really lovely and joyful as if it was a moment stuck in time yet it never happened before.

"You should try and shake it so that you can see the magic" I advised Aristia as she studies the globe.

She took my advice and started to move the globe, up and down. In a few moments, Arista and the crowd around us watched as snow like particles start to fall gently inside the dome. It was like a winter wonderland, a fantasy like memorandum.

[Anastacius does not know what the others are thinking]

The oldest of the albino siblings watches the youngest with a soft smile as the knights around them keep eyeing the glass structure on her hands. They couldn't stop looking at it as the image inside is what it could've been in the present. The whole Monique family together and there are no problems bothering them.

'Ha take that! My gift is obviously better than yours even though I know that Arista loves the sword but anyways that's not the point right now-' (* ̄▽ ̄)b

Some took a peek at the current head of the estate, the father of the siblings had his eyes wide open with his mouth slightly agape. There are many emotions that is going around his chest at that time, sadness, sorrow of losing someone he loved dearly, regrets for not being able to save his wife,or anger at himself. Yet for some reasons, happiness is what overpowered the rest of his emotions battling inside.

He is joyful that their children are growing up so well without forgetting their dear mother, their eyes are always full of strength and charisma just like her.

'Oh Jeremiah, I wish that you could see how our two children grow more like you everyday...'





Anastacius bathes in the moonlight as he gazes through the windows, his footsteps are very light as if the gravity around him doesn't exist for how quiet it is. Passing a few servants who's in charge of the night shift, who was simping (//▽//) - I mean who had their eyes blessed for seeing the handsome man with the moon light's glow perfectly shining down on him, making him look ethereal like an angel no! A God who roams among the humans. Praise the young sir, amen. (シ_ _)シ

'I am never going to want the day shift every again'

The servants and maids agreed in their head, as they low-key eye for the handsome sir.

What was going inside the ethereal being's head they don't have any ideas. The said being, Anastacius, is now at his secret chambers with a mischievous glint in his eyes for an idea has struck him for what he shall do in the future.




Anastacius glanced at his scabbard that's hanging onto his waist as he plans to recreate history by bringing out products from the future that will make life easier, safer and profitable at the same time. Holding his knuckles under his chin, he starts to decide on what to give his dear sister.

"Should I give her something to train with? Or should I give her something to be able to eat that makes her healthier while it tastes delicious?"

He questioned though only silence answered him back. Anyone who'll see him will think that he is crazy for talking to silence but those who can hear what goes through the deep parts of his mind will deem him as a tyrant or a demon that's more than worthy of the world.

"Hm why not do both?"


Hey everyone Author-nim here!! I just wanted to ask if you guys would prefer this to be a Carsein x Anastacius?? I'm definitely up for that!

Don't worry though, our MC is definitely a switch so they can take turns on who tops when they fu- huehue (◕‿◕✿)

My writing style has changed a lot I think? But I still remember what is suppose to happen in this fan fiction though

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